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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 09, 2009

    WISCONSIN FOCUS: Blogs, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    Here is a Calendar of Events from the Wisconsin Democratic Party. Find out what is going on in your area.

    Blogging Wisconsin:

    LeftyBlogs Wisconsin is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Wisconsin.

    Blogging Blue covers progressive issues in Wisconsin.

    Wisconsin Energy Connection: On the blog you’ll find podcast interviews with professionals in the industry. They’ll share a lot of in-depth information with you about their company and their perspective on the sector. You’ll also find job listings for Wisconsin. These can help you keep an eye on developments with other companies, and perhaps launch a new facet in your career. If you hear of a job opening, please send me an email at greg_at_wisconsinenergyconnection.com.

    Milwaukee Rising covers local issues in Milwaukee

    Urban Milwaukee: seeks to provide a informative and open dialogue on the issues, events, and people affecting Milwaukee’s most urban neighborhoods, and to promote urbanism within the city of Milwaukee.

    Watchdog Milwaukee is another local Milwaukee blog of note

    Some Stories of Interest:

    'Don't worry, be happy; Nuclear waste ain't so bad'...I keep saying there may well be a role for nuclear energy in our future energy economy, but the more I hear pro-nuke advocates tell me not to worry about the waste, the more suspicious I get of all their claims.

    “Flip-Flop Scott” Walker

    Meet Svein Morner of the Sustainable Engineering Group

    Reflections on the Election...and more on the same subject: 2009 spring election results

    The world’s greenest city

    Milwaukee’s Economy Needs Commuter Rail

    Charlie Sykes lies about his position on bank bailout

    Ryan’s budget “solution” goes down in flames...Republicans have no new ideas, just the same failed extremism of the Bush era that led to this financial mess

    Milwaukee Alderman Ashanti Hamilton was booked into the Milwaukee County Jail and released Tuesday night on suspicion of physical abuse of a child...Yikes!

    Paul Ryan's April Fool's Joke

    Southeastern Wisconsin Business Leaders Advocate for KRM & Mass Transit in Editorial

    2010 city budget cuts of 15%-20% projected for Milwaukee

    Since when do Republicans support bigger government?

    Evers used state resources for campaign purposes?

    Alternative Energy in Wisconsin:

    Some stats from Repower America:

    * The Glacier Hills Wind Park, a 207-megawatt wind farm with the potential to power 45,000 homes, is in the approval stages. The proposed wind park would be located 45 miles northeast of Madison.

    * Governor Doyle's recent directive to purchase 92,000-megawatts of clean power from solar, wind, and landfill gas systems for government buildings will take the state halfway to meeting his goal of powering the state government with 20% renewable energy sources by 2011.

    * Wisconsin's energy efficiency programs save enough electricity to power over 40,000 homes for a whole year, save more than $36.1 million in energy costs, and prevent the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking over 52,000 cars off the road. Although great progress, the state still has much more potential to increase its energy efficiency.

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Wisconsin, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    PrairieFire BioFuels: a member-owned cooperative creating access and building infrastructure to support vegetable oil-based fuels sources and usage. Their website also lists diesel cars for sale which can use biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel is an AMERICAN fuel that helps farmers, not Saudi oil shieks.

    1894 East Washington Avenue
    Madison, WI 53704

    Co-op and non-profit: (608) 441-5454

    Shop: (608) 441-9566

    Business Office and Diesel Repair Shop hours:
    Monday - Friday 8am-5pm

    The Wisconsin Biodiesel Association (WBA) is a membership trade organization that promotes the commercial development, production, marketing, distribution, and utilization of biodiesel and other renewable biofuels.

    It is the vision of WBA that Wisconsin biodiesel producers, marketers and distributors will provide, through a network of readily accessible retail outlets, biodiesel fuel that consistently meets recognized quality standards so that all Wisconsin citizens benefit from the economic returns, improved air quality and energy independence achieved through use of renewable biodiesel fuels.

    Membership info here.

    For a list of biodiesel stations around Wisconsin, go here (PDF). Remember, ANY diesel engine can use up to B20 biodiesel, so most of these stations can fuel any diesel truck or car.

    RENEW Wisconsin is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Madison, promotes clean energy strategies for powering the state's economy in an environmentally responsible manner.

    Madison Peak Oil Group meets on the first Thursday of every month for a brown bag lunch from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the lower level conference room at 222 S. Hamilton Street.

    Renewable Energy Milwaukee: A renewable energy blog for greater Milwaukee, moderated by RENEW Wisconsin

    THE MadiSUN PROGRAM: The City of Madison was recently awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy through the Solar America Cities Program. MadiSUN’s goal is to double to number of solar electric and hot water solar installations in the city. The City of Madison, along with Madison Gas and Electric, Focus on Energy and UW Extension will be working on this project for the next two years. A major component of the grant is to provide the community with a consultant who can help interested residents and businesses install a solar system. The consultant is on board to provide technical expertise and to answer questions regarding design, permitting and rebate programs. Contact (608) 243-0586 or solar_at_cityofmadison.com

    Alternative Energy Resources in Wisconsin: a short summary of alternative energy resources for Wisconsin. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.

    Here are some Wisconsin Democracy for America Groups:

    Democracy for Wisconsin - Madison
    Meets first Wed. of each month, 7 PM, Madison, WI

    Join us in building a brighter and more progressive future for our country.

    For more information (including where) email: russwallac_at_aol.com or go here.

    DFA Northeast Wisconsin
    DFA - Northeast Wisconsin (DFA-NEW) meets the first Wednesday of each month to discuss issues, promote progressive candidates and actively work to bring democracy to the political process locally, regionally and nationally. Sign up here to get information on their meetings.

    Democracy for America-Greater Milwaukee
    Sign up here for information on this group.

    Democracy for SE Wisconsin
    Join this Yahoo Group to get information on this group.

    Democracy for Stevens Point:
    A group of progressive, concerned citizens in the Stevens Point, WI area who are interested in political change as described in Democracy for America, and organization originally begun by Governor Howard Dean.

    Join this Yahoo Group for more info on this group.

    Here are some other Wisconsin Groups and Events:

    Progressive Majority Wisconsin: Over the years, Wisconsin has proved to be the ultimate swing state. It is a battleground state that must be protected as a progressive stronghold because of its history as a "laboratory of reform," which has historically tested new public policies and set examples for the nation.

    Wisconsin is a state with progressive urban areas and politically diverse rural areas. Progressive Majority's state-based approach to candidate recruitment and development is well-suited to adapting to unique political environments such as this.

    Progressive Majority Wisconsin believes values-centered campaigns are winning campaigns. That's how Progressive Majority succeeded in flipping control of the state senate in 2006. Kathleen Vinehout won because she thinks everyone deserves affordable health care. Jim Sullivan took a suburban Milwaukee district on the strength of his commitment to good public schools. John Lehman wants a government that cares about people instead of corporations - Racine agrees. Pat Kreitlow knows that people want and deserve a healthy environment. And Kim Hixson squeaked out a win, by focusing on the hopes of local voters. We will continue nurturing local candidates to build a deeply-rooted progressive coalition in the state. In addition, Wisconsin staff will focus on incumbent protection efforts for progressive candidates that will face tough re-election bids in 2008.

    Click here to visit the Progressive Majority Wisconsin website for more information

    Ozaukee First Friday Forum
    First Friday Forums - public affairs breakfast forums co-sponsored by MATC-Mequon, UW-Extension and the Ozaukee County Board.

    Held on the first Friday of every other month from 730am to 900 am at MATC-Mequon. $5 registration fee per session.
    Additional information: Sandra Webster 262-238-2205/ websters@matc.edu

    Milwaukee County Democratic Club:
    We meet on the fourth Monday of most months, 7 PM in the Hall of Fame Room of the Pettit National Ice Center at Wisconsin State Fair Park. We look forward to seeing you there!

    Petitt National Ice Center
    500 S. 84th St
    Milwaukee, WI, 53214

    For the bicycilists in Madison, here's Critical Mass Madison:

    Critical Mass is a movement (not an organization) that advocates for better transportation alternatives. Meets 5:30 PM, the last Friday of Every Month, no matter the weather. Gather where West Washington meets Capitol Square. Where the ride goes after that is decided by whoever shows up.

    And for those who like to combine social events with politics, here are the Drinking Liberally Groups in Wisconsin:

    Fitchburg, Wisconsin
    * Second Thursday of each month, 5:30-7:00 pm
    * Kelly's Grill, 2685 Research Park Dr
    * Hosted by Alice Jenson and John Mosman, fitchburg (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Sister Bay, Wisconsin
    * Every Tuesday, 7:00 pm onward
    * Shipwrecked Restaurant & Brewery, 7791 Egg Harbor Rd (Hwy 42), Egg Harbor (village center on Hwy 42)
    * ALERT! We are currently on seasonal hiatus with our next gathering in May of 2008.
    * Hosted by Dick Kaiser, sisterbay (at) drinkingliberally.org


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