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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 09, 2009

    WASHINGTON FOCUS: Blogs, Camp Wellstone, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    Upcoming events in Seattle:

    Camp Wellstone Seattle
    April 24 (Friday), 3:00pm--9:00pm
    Sponsored by
    Wellstone Action

    Wellstone Action's flagship progressive training for grassroots activists, campaign workers, and future candidates is coming to Seattle, April 24-26!
    full description & details:

    This 2.5 day training, running from 3-9pm Friday, 9am-6pm Saturday, and 9am-3:30pm Sunday, combines lectures from highly experienced trainers, stimulating exercises, and interactive simulations. We're counting on you to organize around issues that matter, help build campaigns for the future, and elect progressive candidates to office.

    Camp Wellstone is divided into three tracks:

    Citizen activist track. For people interested in citizen lobbying, issue advocacy, and community organizing, this track provides skills in how to win on issues.
    Campaign track. This track focuses on how to be an effective staff or volunteer member of a winning progressive campaign.
    Candidate track. This is for people who have made the decision to run for office.

    The cost of Camp Wellstone is based on a sliding scale based on ability to pay. We are committed to keeping this training accessible to all. If you are able to cover the full cost of your participation in this training, please do so as this will help us continue to train progressives across the country; otherwise, you choose the option that works best for you. Rates are as follows: $200 (full cost), $100 (50% of training cost), or $50 (25% of training cost). This fee covers our book, Politics the Wellstone Way (activist track) or Winning Your Election the Wellstone Way (campaign and candidate tracks), materials, and three meals during the weekend. We are not able to guarantee space at the Camp unless payment is received two weeks prior to the start date.

    This camp will be held in Seattle, and the location will be announced to registered participants. Participants are responsible for their own accommodations.

    To register: http://www.wellstone.org/training-calendar/camp-wellstone-seattle

    Website for more info:
    Contact Person:
    Jen Haut
    Contact Email:
    Contact Ph. Number:

    Building a Labor Movement With Change We Can Believe In
    May 20 (Wednesday), 5pm
    Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 1st Ave.
    Sponsored by
    Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies

    A discussion with Bill Fletcher, Jr., co-author of "Solidarity Divivded" (UC Press, 2008), co-founder of the Center for Labor Renewal, a columnist, and a long-time activist.
    full description & details:

    Co-author of "Solidarity Divivded" (UC Press, 2008), Bill Fletcher, Jr. is co-founder of the Center for Labor Renewal, a columnist, and a long-time activist. He served as President of TransAmerica Forum and was formerly the Education Director and later Assistant to the President of the AFL-CIO.

    Candid, incisive and accessible, "Solidarity Divided" is a critical examination of labor's current crisis and a plan for a bold new way forward into the 21st century.

    Sponsored by the MLK King County Labor Council, National AFGE and AFGE 3937, and the UW Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies.

    Website for more info:
    Contact Person:
    Andrew Hedden
    Contact Email:
    Contact Ph. Number:

    Blogging Washington State:


    LeftyBlogs Washington is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Washington.

    Horse's Ass: Strange name, but an excellent blogging team

    Upper Left: A Democrat - without prefix, without suffix, without apology

    SeattleActivism.org is a new website and project that provides information on upcoming events, actions, and meetings as well as links to organizations and resources in the Seattle area related to progressive activist issues. We encourage groups, organizations, and activists to post information about Seattle-area events and actions relevant to progressive social issues, such as peace, environment, human rights, social justice, poverty and development, globalization, labor, etc. We have created an easy-to-use and open system for posting information about events to the site, and we also highlight and feature special or major events.

    Stories of Interest:

    Long term problems, short term solutions

    1 Percent Income Tax Proposed for Washington Millionaires: SB 6147...Isn't it about time millionaires start paying their share?

    And still more troubled banks

    Wealth vs Democracy

    More corporate threats...Hmmm, I think I will avoid using FedEx if they want to be anti-union. There are other options.

    whatever happened to a.i.g. freezing executive bonuses...AIG, Bank of America, Citibank...all of them have been taking our tax money and misusing it. Remember that when you choose which financial institutions to patronize.

    How the Banksters and the Feds ripped off transit

    Why does Bobby Jindal hate Washington state? I guess Republicans don't realize that Hawaii and many of the Western States in America actually have volcanoes. Perhaps they don't remember Mt. St. Helens. Would Louisiana's Jindal like it if someone from Washington State proposed eliminating tracking of hurricanes?

    Alternative Energy in Washington:

    Some statistics from Repower America:

    * Two wind power farms in Washington - Hopkins Ridge and Wild Horse - produce enough renewable energy to meet the needs of approximately 100,000 homes

    * Washington's energy efficiency programs save enough electricity to power almost 50,000 homes for a whole year, save more than $43 million in energy costs, and prevent the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking over 48,000 cars off the road. Although great progress, the state still has much more potential to increase its energy efficiency.

    * Washington has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that requires all public utilities to generate 15% of their electricity from renewable energy resources by 2020.

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Washington State, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    Here are a biodiesel cooperatives in Washington State. If you drive a diesel car or truck, check it out.

    Tacoma Biodiesel
    Tacoma, WA

    Biodiesel is an alternative to petroleum diesel made from vegetable oil that can be used in any diesel engine. Now this clean, renewable, domestically-produced fuel is available right here in Tacoma, and you can be a part of it! The Tacoma Biodiesel Cooperative is a grassroots group of Tacoma-area citizens who have chosen to support this alternative fuel through advocacy and use in our personal vehicles.

    Check out their website. And to find places to buy biodiesel for use in your car, truck or home heating, go here.

    And here are Propel Fuel Stations around Washington State that offer biofuels: (I came across them through their carbon offset program)

    * Seattle, South Lake Union Flagship
    609 Westlake Avenue North
    Seattle, Washington 98109

    * Bellevue/Factoria
    3204 129th Pl SE
    Bellevue, Washington 98005

    * Seattle, Ballard Neighborhood
    4420 Leary Way NW
    Seattle, Washington 98107

    * Kenmore
    8002 NE Bothell Way
    Kenmore, Washington 98028

    * West Seattle
    3500 SW Barton Street
    Seattle, Washington 98136

    * Mount Vernon
    2120 East College Way
    Mount Vernon, Washington 98273

    Here are some other alternative energy resources in Washington State:

    Our Wind Co-op is a unique cooperative of small-scale wind turbines on farms, ranches and public and private facilities across the Northwest. Through this collaborative effort, 10-kW turbines were installed at numerous rural sites serviced by publicly-owned utilities. To find out more or ask about participation, Contact:

    Northwest SEED
    1402 Third Ave #901
    Seattle, WA 98101
    (206) 328-2441

    Climate Solutions
    219 Legion Way SW #201
    Olympia, WA 98501
    (360) 352-1763

    Alternative Energy Resources in Washington: a short summary of alternative energy resources for Washington. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.

    Seattle Advocates of Renewable Energy: a group of interested citizens who want to learn more about Renewable Energy and Sustainability. Our goal is to foster discussion, networking, and action on these important issues. We meet on the fourth Thursday of every month from 7 to 9 pm at the First Seattle Presbyterian Church.

    Seattle Peak Oil Awareness (www.seattleoil.com) has been active for 2 1/2 years (it actually started out life as a Meetup.com group)!

    Seattle Peak Oil Awareness is a local citizens action network offering information and practical ideas for living in a time of reduced energy availability. Working in small, focused groups we advocate healthy, sustainable living choices for all interested residents in the Puget Sound region. Read more here.


    Progressive Majority Washington State: "Progressive Majority is not giving conservatives a chance to regroup. We haven't let up on recruiting and electing progressives since we opened our doors in Washington State in 2004. In 2008, Progressive Majority elected 10 progressives to local and state offices. Through their successful campaigns, our candidates are proving that progressive values are American values."

    Progressive Majority has leadership programs and can help progressive candidates run an efficient and successful campaign. You can sign up for email updates here.

    Equal Rights Washington (ERW) is a statewide political advocacy organization for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community of Washington State. ERW works to end discrimination against LGBT people throughout the state. Find out what you can do here.

    Progressive Change for Washington: is a growing coalition comprising progressives from across the political spectrum throughout Washington State. We are pooling our energies to promote progressive thought and action throughout the State of Washington.

    And for those who want to mix social and political fun, here are Drinking Liberally groups in Washington:

    Second and Fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Horseshoe Cafe, Ranch Room, 113 E Holly St
    Hosted by Dave Willingham

    Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Mick Kelly's Irish Pub, 435 SW 152nd St
    Hosted by Cherisse Luxa | Joe Fitzgibbon

    First and Third Monday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Urban Onion in Downtown Olympia -- In the Bar, 116 Legion Way SE (In the Bar--enter on Legion)
    Hosted by Bruce Lund | Barry Piercy

    Every Tuesday of each month, 8:00 pm
    Montlake Ale House, 2307 24th Ave E
    Hosted by Nicholas Beaudrot | Chris Mitchell

    Seattle Eastside
    First and Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Angelo's Restaurant, 1830 130th Ave NE
    Hosted by Norman Furlong | Doug Hightower | Rich Erwin

    Newport Hills
    First Monday of each month, 7:30 pm
    Mustard Seed Grill and Pub, 5608 119th Ave SE
    Hosted by Robert Sargent

    Third Monday of each month, 7:00 pm
    El Serape Restaurant, 2503 Olympic Hwy N
    Hosted by Mike Mosbarger | Drew Noble

    Every Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Working Class Heroes Bar & Grill, 1914 North Monroe Street - (509) 327-0448
    Hosted by Andrew Brewer

    Every Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    Hub Restaurant, 203 Tacoma Ave S (in the bar area)
    Hosted by Melissa Thompson | Traci Kelly

    Every Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    O'Callahans - Shilo Inn, 50 Comstock Richland Washington
    Hosted by Jim McCabe | Kendall Miller


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