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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, April 03, 2009

    Republicans Attack Bush Economics

    Yes. The Republicans have attacked Bush's budget. Only they don't say that. They attacked Bush's budget but CALLED it Obama's budget.

    According to the Huffington Post, that silly little press conference held by the Republicans where they were presenting their "alternative" to the "Obama budget" was even more of a farce than it seemed. They were, in essence, presenting the same tired old Republican "ideas" that they have been pushing through Bush's administration which failed so miserably. They were contrasting their "alternative" with what they called "Obama's Budget." Yet what they were calling the projected effects of Obama's budget were actually the projected effects of Bush's last budget, projections made BEFORE Obama was even elected. So, in essence, they were presenting Bush's ideas as alternatives to Bush's ideas. Typical Republican BS.

    From the Huffington Post:

    The ominous graph gives the perception of government spending run amok, with the blue Democratic line rising precipitously over the course of the next 60 years; the red Republican line stays stable and even falls.

    There is only one problem: the numbers were projected some six months before Obama took office; eight months before he introduced a budget.

    Put together by the Republican staff of the House Budget Committee, the chart bases its lines on "out-year" numbers from the Congressional Budget Offices "Long-Term Alternative Fiscal Scenario." But an official with the CBO confirms to the Huffington Post that no such projections have been run for the Obama budget.

    "We do a ten-year budget window," said the official. "We did a projection at the end of January on the estimated cost of debt service out to 2019... [But] I'm not aware that we have done the long-term budget impacts of the President's budget. That would be a surprise to me."

    Indeed, the one analysis that the CBO conducted of the Obama budget projected costs and revenues through 2019. The publication that Ryan was referencing, his office confirmed, was one conducted on his behalf in May 2008, when the budget was George W. Bush's.

    So, once AGAIN, the Republicans held an elaborate lie to try and fool American voters. But haven't they figured out yet, Americans no longer trust them. They KNOW Republicans have been lying like crazy for 8 years, so it is no big surprise that these great "new ideas" being touted by Congressional Republicans are just one more pile of lies.

    When with the Republicans learn? Americans have REJECTED their lies. Time to try something different.


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