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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, April 03, 2009

    San Diego, CA Events and Co-ops

    Below is a list of events in San Diego...followed by a list of Food Co-ops in the San Diego area.

    And here is a great calendar of events for San Deigo, California, thanks to the San Diego County Democrats:

    East County Democratic Club meeting. Wednesday, April 15th, 7:00 to 9:00 pm (refreshments at 6:30). At the El Cajon Library at 201 E. Douglas Ave, El Cajon 92020. Info: (619) 820-5321 or visit www.ecdcweb.org.

    EarthFair 2009. April 19th. Balboa Park, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm. Details HERE.

    Naturalization Ceremony Voter Registration. Wednesday, April 22nd, from 10:10 am to noon. Volunteers are needed to help register newly naturalized citizens on Join the other volunteers at Golden Hall, Corner of 3rd and B Street. Parking at Horton Plaza. RSVP to Greg Bolan at sdvoter@gmail.com. Note: The San Diego Voter Registration team uses Google Groups to send out volunteer emails. To receive these emails click HERE, and then click on "Join This Group."

    Celebration of Liberty and Justice for All. the 2nd Annual May Day Benefit for the Employee Rights Center. Friday, May 1st, 4:30 - 7:00 pm. The ACLU and the Employee Rights Center (ERC) of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council invite the public to celebrate the historic and modern day connection between the labor and human rights movements at a party and fundraiser for the ERC on May 1. At the Handlery Hotel, Terrace Room Hotel Circle. Appetizers and No-Host Cocktails. $50 per person. Details at http://aclusandiego.org/news_item.php?article_id=000752

    29th Annual Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt Dinner. Saturday, May 2nd, VIP Reception 5:30, General Reception 6:00, Dinner and Program at 7:00 pm. At the Holiday Inn on the Bay, 1355 N. Harbor Drive. Tickets: $95 each ($100 after April 25). Purchase your tickets online here or by phone at (858) 277-3367.

    California Statewide Special Election. Tuesday, May 19th. Measures include creating a state spending cap and rainy day fund, modifying the minimum funding guarantee for schools, changing the state lottery and shifting money from mental health and child-development programs. For a list of the ballot measures click HERE.

    Naturalization Ceremony Voter Registration. Wednesday, May 20th, from 10:10 am to noon. Volunteers are needed to help register newly naturalized citizens on Join the other volunteers at Golden Hall, Corner of 3rd and B Street. Parking at Horton Plaza. RSVP to Greg Bolan at sdvoter@gmail.com. Note: The San Diego Voter Registration team uses Google Groups to send out volunteer emails. To receive these emails click HERE, and then click on "Join This Group."

    East County Democratic Club meeting. Wednesday, May 20th, 7:00 to 9:00 pm (refreshments at 6:30). At the El Cajon Library at 201 E. Douglas Ave, El Cajon 92020. Info: (619) 820-5321 or visit www.ecdcweb.org.


    Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Co-op
    4765 Voltaire St.
    San Diego, California 92107
    Phone: (619) 224-1387
    FAX: (619) 224-5089

    Ocean Beach People's Organic Food Market is a member-owned vegetarian consumer co-op that has been serving the community since 1971. Originally a worker's collective, the cooperative has grown to include 6000 feet of retail space and more than 8000 member/owners. The Co-op offers an extensive selection of organic produce, grocery, dairy, and bulk foods and herbs, as well as vitamins and homeopathics, cruelty-free bodycare, and aromatherapy products. Enjoy a full service sit-down deli featuring a delicious selection of home-style vegetarian and vegan entrees, salads, sandwiches, freshly prepared baked goods, desserts, and more! At People's, San Diego's only community owned grocery store, we specialize in products that are organic, wholesome, minimally processed, cruelty-free, and environmentally safe.

    They also have a good community events calendar.

    The UCSD Food Coop
    0323F Student Cooperative Center,
    San Diego, California 92093
    Phone: (619) 546-8339

    I used to shop at this one way, way back when I went to UCSD. It was great then!

    Since its introduction to the campus in 1978, the Food Co-op has committed itself to providing the UCSD community with a natural food alternative, as well as a resource for environmentally conscious products and information.

    The Food Co-op carries a variety of food and non-food products ranging from baked goods, juices, sandwiches, fresh organic produce, macro-biotic and ethnic foods to cruelty-free cosmetics and environmentally safe cleaning agents. Many foods are stocked in bulk to reduce the price to the customer and the waste of packaging (please bring bags when buying!). Special orders can be made at discount prices (good for items not necessarily carried in the store, as well!).

    Come in to shop, get informed, and/or volunteer as a general member of our store. For more information, call (858) 546-8339.

    I will also point out some other UCSD co-ops that I liked when I was a student there.

    The Ché Café

    The Ché Café Collective is dedicated to providing cheap, healthy vegetarian food, all-ages entertainment, and alternative education. We have All-We-Can-Eat dinners every Thursday from 5 pm to 7 pm. Entertainment at the Ché ranges from poetry readings and plays to forums, or shows of local bands.

    The Ché Café is surrounded by a grove of old eucalyptus trees and is next to the beautiful garden of the Farm Co-op. Tables and chairs inside and outside of the Ché and its close proximity to the Farm Co-op make it an inviting place to eat, study, or just hang out.

    The Ché Café is open to having people come by and help out. The Café provides a great opportunity for people to get involved in the process of cooking, running a restaurant and/or putting on events at any level they feel comfortable at. Stop by or call us at (858) 534-2311.

    (The Ché Café is located on the Revelle campus behind the Undergraduate library and down the hill from Stonehenge. We're the building with all the murals on it.) Read more about the Che Cafe Collective at its very own website: http://checafe.ucsd.edu/.

    General Store

    The General Store Co-op is a student-run store which was founded in 1980 to offer students a less expensive alternative to the high Price Center. [EDITOR'S NOTE: This is not quite right...the Price Center didn't even exist when the General Store was founded and greatly appreciated by students like myself.] As a student cooperative, we try to provide the University community with the best quality merchandise at the lowest prices. And we succeed! The General Store Co-op carries items such as selected essential school and office supplies, household and personal items, stationery and gift wrap, clothing (including UCSD logos), craft-center jewelry, and some food and snack items -- all of which range from 5-25% less than anywhere else on campus.

    Students are generally most interested in the fact that we sell textbooks, which are guaranteed to cost less than at the UCSD bookstore. We also try to carry as many used texts as possible. Also, we buy back current editions year round. Stop by to check which classes' books we're carrying.

    We encourage everyone to visit the General Store Co-op for our low prices and friendly service. Additionally, anyone is invited to come in and volunteer anytime as volunteers are the backbone of our organization. For further information or friendly help please feel free to call us at (858) 534-3932.


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