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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, April 03, 2009

    Houston/Harris County, TX. Events

    This comes from the Harris County Democratic Party: (selected events, they have more on their website)

    Houston Black American Democrats
    Date: Thursday April 9, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Thursday.
    Location: Location: Judge Zinetta Burney's, Pct. 7, Position 2 Courtroom, 5300 Griggs Road, Houston Texas 77021
    Contact: Gabriel Hadnot 713-697-6732.

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Pary
    Date: Friday April 10, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location:HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha@hcdp.org for more information.

    Houston Stonewall Young Democrats Meeting
    Date: Monday April 13, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Monday.
    Location: Hollywood Vietnamese & Chinese Restaurant, 2409 Montrose
    Contact Kris Banks at 281-797-1507 or email hsyd.officers@houstonstonewallyd.org for further information.

    Harris County Democratic Party Brown Bag Lunch
    Date: Tuesday April 14, 2009
    Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
    Location: HCDP Headquarters, 1445 North Loop West, #110 (exit Ella Blvd.)
    The Brown Bag Lunch is a monthly event of the Harris County Democratic Party, held at our offices, 1445 North Loop West (exit Ella Blvd.) Come meet Fellow Democrats. You bring your lunch, we provide the soft drinks.

    Houston Area Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting
    Date: Tuesday April 14, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
    Location: HCDP Headquarters, 1445 North Loop West (east of IEBW Bldg.), Suite 110 , Houston 77098
    Election of Officers for 2009. Contact www.houstonstonewall@gmail.org or call 713-449-5767 for further information. Website: www.houstonstonsewall.org

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Pary
    Date: Friday April 17, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location:HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha@hcdp.org for more information.

    Neighborhood Democrats (League City) Meeting
    Date: Monday April 20, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the third Monday.
    Location: Java Express, 1026 E. Main, League City
    In preparation for the next election cycle, we'll be setting aside our regular monthly meeting to brainstorm ideas for the next 18 months. Also, Tim Tibai will have yard signs available for his L.C. City Council race. Come early and enjoy a sandwich and soup-we need to support Java Express for letting us hold our meetings there for free. For more information about the Neighborhood Democrats Contact Jim & Sylvia Krzmarzick, www.neighborhooddemocrats.org or 281-557-2505

    Southeast Precinct Judges Council
    Date: Tuesday April 21, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the third Tuesday.
    Location: Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, 4605 Wilmington Street @ Cullen
    Street: Wilmington at Cullen
    Southeast Precinct Judges Council meeting. For further information contact: Willie Belle Boone, 713/733-5825, wbboone_at_swbell.net

    Bay Area Association of Democratic Women (BAAD Women)
    Date: Thursday April 23, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the fourth Thursday.
    Location: 5002 Nasa Pkwy Seabrook, TX 77586 Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park (Bldg with Blue Roof)
    BAAD Women meet on the 4th Thursday of Every month at 6:30pm at the Bay Area Commmunity Center in Clear Lake Park. The community center is the building with the blue roof. Contact Diane Rhorer, President at 281-488-5046.

    Harris County Young Democrats Happy Hour
    Date: Friday April 24, 2009
    Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Friday.
    Location: Ernie's on Banks, 1010 Banks St. @ Montrose, Houston, TX
    Come and meet fellow Young Democrats at our monthly Happy Hour Social. Be sure to bring a friend, or two, or three even! For more info, please contact Conrad at hcyd.webmaster@gmail.com.

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Pary
    Date: Friday April 24, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location:HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha@hcdp.org for more information.

    Harris County Young Democrats General Meeting
    Date: Tuesday April 28, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Tuesday.
    Location: Bohemeos, 708 Telephone Rd., Houston TX 77023
    A group of young progressives (ages 14-40) from all walks of life who are unified in dedication to social justice. We meet monthly to discuss political issues and elections, as well as to volunteer for local campaigns and fundraise for local charities.

    Texas Democratic Women of Fort Bend County Meeting
    Date: Wednesday April 29, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Wednesday.
    Location: First Colony Branch Library, 2121 Austin Parkway, Sugarland, TX
    We meet the last Wednesday of each month. For more information e-mail Monica Garcia: TDWFB@aol.com.

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Pary
    Date: Friday May 1, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location:HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha@hcdp.org for more information.

    Braeswood Democrats Monthly Meeting and Potluck
    Date: Sunday May 3, 2009
    Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the first Sunday.
    Location: 4046 Drummond`
    6 PM--Potluck Supper, 7 PM Meeting/ Program
    For more information contact Bert Anson 713-667-5250, bertanson_at_yahoo.com or Norma Eiman, 713-665-4357, normaeiman_at_aol.com

    Democracy for Houston
    Date: Wednesday May 6, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
    Location: HCDP HQ, 1445 North Loop West, Ste. 110, Houston, TX
    6:30 pm social; 7:00 pm meeting at 1445 N Loop West, Ste. 110, Houston, Texas 77008.

    For more info contact Phillip McNutt at mgrnutt_at_yahoo.com.

    Houston Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus
    Date: Wednesday May 6, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the first Wednesday.
    Location: Havens Center, 1827 W. Alabama (near Woodhead)
    Street: Houston Gay and Lesbian Political Caucus
    City/State/Zip: POB 66664, Houston Tx 77266-6664
    Phone: 713 521 1000
    Monthly club meeting.

    Please note the new location for the monthly meetings is Havens Center, located near Alabama & Woodhead, 713-528-6665
    Visit our web site: www.hglbtpc.org

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Party
    Date: Friday May 8, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location: HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha@hcdp.org for more information.

    Special Election for City Council District H
    Date: Saturday May 9, 2009
    Time: All Day
    Type: Appointment (Public)
    Special Election to fill City Council District H vacancy caused by Hon. Adrian Garica's election as sheriff will be held on Saturday,May 9th. For more details go to www.harrisvotes.com.

    Houston Stonewall Young Democrats Meeting
    Date: Monday May 11, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Monday.
    Location: Hollywood Vietnamese & Chinese Restaurant, 2409 Montrose
    Contact Kris Banks at 281-797-1507 or email hsyd.officers_at_houstonstonewallyd.org for further information.

    Harris County Democratic Party Brown Bag Lunch
    Date: Tuesday May 12, 2009
    Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
    Location: HCDP Headquarters, 1445 North Loop West, #110 (exit Ella Blvd.)
    The Brown Bag Lunch is a monthly event of the Harris County Democratic Party, held at our offices, 1445 North Loop West (exit Ella Blvd.) Come meet Fellow Democrats. You bring your lunch, we provide the soft drinks.

    Houston Area Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting
    Date: Tuesday May 12, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
    Location: HCDP Headquarters, 1445 North Loop West (east of IEBW Bldg.), Suite 110 , Houston 77098
    Election of Officers for 2009. Contact www.houstonstonewall_at_gmail.org or call 713-449-5767 for further information. Website: www.houstonstonsewall.org

    Houston Black American Democrats
    Date: Thursday May 14, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Thursday.
    Location: Location: Judge Zinetta Burney's, Pct. 7, Position 2 Courtroom, 5300 Griggs Road, Houston Texas 77021
    Contact: Gabriel Hadnot 713-697-6732.

    Tejano Democrats Monthly Meeting
    Date: Thursday May 14, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the second Thursday.
    Location: HCDP HQs, 1445 North Loop West, Ste 110
    Harris County Tejano Democrats meet every month on 2nd Thursday at 7pm. For more information, contact Sandra Puente(chair)email:HCTD01_at_aol.com 713-864-4700. City Council District H special election endorsement.

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Party
    Date: Friday May 15, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location: HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha_at_hcdp.org for more information.

    Neighborhood Democrats Meeting
    Date: Monday May 18, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the third Monday.
    Location: Java Express, 1026 E. Main, League City
    In preparation for the next election cycle, we'll be setting aside our regular monthly meeting to brainstorm ideas for the next 18 months. Also, Tim Tibai will have yard signs available for his L.C. City Council race. Come early and enjoy a sandwich and soup-we need to support Java Express for letting us hold our meetings there for free. For more information about the Neighborhood Democrats Contact Jim & Sylvia Krzmarzick, www.neighborhooddemocrats.org or 281-557-2505

    River Oaks Area Democratic (ROAD) Women Monthly Meeting
    Date: Tuesday May 19, 2009
    Time: 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the third Tuesday.
    Location: St. Stephens Church, West Alabama at Woodhead, Houston, Texas
    Join the legendary River Oaks Area Democratic (R.O.A.D.) Women at their monthly meeting every third Tuesday at St. Stephens Church, located at West Alabama and Woodhead. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. Contact roadway@roadwomen.com for more information.

    Southeast Precinct Judges Council
    Date: Tuesday May 19, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the third Tuesday.
    Location: Sunnyside Multi-Service Center, 4605 Wilmington Street @ Cullen
    Street: Wilmington at Cullen
    Southeast Precinct Judges Council meeting. For further information contact: Willie Belle Boone, 713/733-5825, wbboone_at_swbell.net

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Party
    Date: Friday May 22, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location: HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha_at_hcdp.org for more information.

    Harris County Young Democrats General Meeting
    Date: Tuesday May 26, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Tuesday.
    Location: Bohemeos, 708 Telephone Rd., Houston TX 77023
    A group of young progressives (ages 14-40) from all walks of life who are unified in dedication to social justice. We meet monthly to discuss political issues and elections, as well as to volunteer for local campaigns and fundraise for local charities.

    Texas Democratic Women of Fort Bend County Meeting
    Date: Wednesday May 27, 2009
    Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Wednesday.
    Location: First Colony Branch Library, 2121 Austin Parkway, Sugarland, TX
    We meet the last Wednesday of each month. For more information e-mail Monica Garcia: TDWFB_at_aol.com.

    Bay Area Association of Democratic Women (BAAD Women)
    Date: Thursday May 28, 2009
    Time: 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
    Repeat: This event repeats every month on the last Thursday.
    Location: 5002 Nasa Pkwy Seabrook, TX 77586 Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park (Bldg with Blue Roof)
    BAAD Women meet on the 4th Thursday of Every month at 6:30pm at the Bay Area Commmunity Center in Clear Lake Park. The community center is the building with the blue roof. Contact Diane Rhorer, President at 281-488-5046.

    TGIF Coffee Break at Harris County Democratic Party
    Date: Friday May 29, 2009
    Time: 9:30 am - 11:00 am
    Repeat: This event repeats every week.
    Location: HCDP HQ 1445 N Loop W, ste 110, Houston 77008
    Stop by for coffee and conversation at the HCDP office on Friday from 9:30 to 11 am. Email martha_at_hcdp.org for more information.


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