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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, April 03, 2009

    Orange County, CA Events

    I found this amazing round up of events in Orange County, California, thanks to Orange County Democracy for America:

    Apr 6 (1st Monday) 6:30pm, Santa Ana: Democratic Club of Central Orange County
    Guest Speaker Lindsay Hopkins Democratic Party OC 34 City Strategy
    Marie Callendar's, 1821 N. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92701 6:30 P.M. No Host Dinner 7:00 P.M. Meeting democratsofcentraloc.org

    Apr 11 (2nd Saturday) 6:30-8:30pm, Irvine: ReclaimDemocracy.org Orange County: Screening of "News War (second half of film)" refreshments at 6:00pm, meeting at 6:30pm Please join us! And if you know someone who may not be familiar with ReclaimDemocracy.org themes, please invite them come along. As always, there is no charge and free refreshments will be available. at the Irvine Ranch Water District building at 15600 Sand Canyon Ave. ReclaimDemocracyOC.org

    Apr 14 (2nd Tuesday) 7pm, San Juan Capistrano: South Orange County Democratic Club
    Gustavo Arellano, Author and Award Winning Journalist Arellano's most recent book, "Orange County, a Personal History", tells the story of his own family?s assimilation into OC American culture amid racism, mega churches, and master planned communities. We hope you will join us for what promises to be an entertaining, thoughtful, educational presentation. Buffet Dinner 6pm $20 inclusive Cash please Meeting Only 7pm $3 Members, $5 non members

    RSVP's are required for dinner OR meeting only Reservations required by Friday April 10 Contact: kenton805@ cox.net or 949-498-1372 Since all reservations are guaranteed, if you can't attend, please phone in any cancellations 24 hrs prior. socdc.org

    Apr 15 Wednesday 7pm, Laguna Woods: Laguna Woods Democratic Club (3rd Wednesday this month instead of because of Passover) Clubhouse 3, Dining Room 1 Guest speaker Debbie Cook lw-dems.org

    Apr 16 (3rd Thursday) 7pm, Anaheim: Anaheim Democratic Club at Mimi's on Euclid, just south of the 91 Freeway

    Apr 18 Saturday 9am-5pm, Irvine: UCI Earth Day * promotes a healthy environment and a peaceful, just sustainable world. * aims to increase public awareness of critical environmental issues. * will feature over 30 non-profit agencies, and an array of vendors. * will occur in conjunction with Celebrat UCI the campus' Annual Open House; the campus is estimated to receive 20,000 visitors. * will feature interactive, hands-on, educational booths and displays, eco-friendly vendors, entertainment & much more. * will host the Annual Re-Use Art Competition, consisting of recyclables &/or trash art, & the brand new "Pause for a Cause" Video Competition, a 3 minute video demonstrating the impact that tobacco has on the environment. * is collaborating with ASUCI's Wayzgoose as the whole park turns eco-friendly for the first time, using Bio-Diesel Generators & a concert style Solar Powered Stage. * will be a styrofoam free, solar powered event.
    Aldrich Park www.volunteer.uci.edu/programs/earthday/

    Apr 18 Saturday 3pm, Yorba Linda: Democratic Diva Dessert Hosted by the OCYD Women's Caucus will host a Democratic Diva Dessert at the home of Anne Thahim located at 17274 Blue Spruce Lane, Yorba Linda. Enjoy an afternoon of networking and celebration of pioneering women in Orange County. Host committee rates are Prima Donna $500; Diva $250; and Leading Lady $100. Tickets rates are $50; Young Dem/College Dem $25. You can purchase tickets at ocyd.net. Proceeds will benefit the Orange County Young Democrats Women;s Caucus.

    Apr 19 (moved from usual 2nd Sunday) 1-3pm, Fullerton: Progressive Women of North OC Meeting Monkey Business Cafe, 301 E Amerige, Fullerton progressivewinoc.org

    Apr 25 Saturday 9am-9pm, Santa Ana: Queer People of Color Conference Reclamando Nuestros Colores: Rooting Ourselves In The Community

    El Centro Cultural De Mexico 310 W. 5TH Street (2Nd Floor) Santa Ana, CA 92701
    All ages, races, genders and sexualities WELCOME! The conference will be directed and will include Latino LGBT issues that affect the latino community in Orange County. There will be several educational and informative workshops along with performances and a dance in the night to end the conference. We still need sponsors and resources so if you can help please contact me. All ages, races, genders and sexualities welcome. jgkahlo@gmail.com

    Apr 25 Saturday 10am, Irvine: Irvine Global Warming Group
    Waste Management's Irvine Recycling Center near Jamboree & Barranca 16122 Construction Circle Irvine, CA 92606
    Guided Tour with presentation at the Waste Management Recycling Center of Irvine: meetup.com/Irvine-Global-Warming-Group/calendar/9929278

    Apr 25 Saturday 4:30-8:30pm, Santa Ana: Spring Bacchanalia Benefiting The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society,
    The Africa Project, Orangewood PALS & other Bacchus supported charities
    801 N. Main St. Santa Ana, 92701 BACCHUSSOCIETY.ORG www.OC-Bacchanalia.com

    May 4 Monday 5pm, Statewide: LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE in the May 19 Special Election

    May 16 Saturday 7am-1pm, Anaheim: OC AIDS WALK Angel Stadium of Anaheim, Anaheim, CA 92806-6143 aidswalk.org/oc

    May 17 (moved from usual 2nd Sunday) 1-3pm, Fullerton: Progressive Women of North OC Meeting
    Monkey Business Cafe, 301 E Amerige, Fullerton progressivewinoc.org

    California Statewide Special Election. Tuesday, May 19th. Measures include creating a state spending cap and rainy day fund, modifying the minimum funding guarantee for schools, changing the state lottery and shifting money from mental health and child-development programs. For a list of the ballot measures click HERE.


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