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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, April 03, 2009

    BRONX, NY: Green Collar Jobs, Food Co-ops, City Council Candidate

    April 25th: Get Green: South Bronx Earth Fest
    Join Sustainable South Bronx at St. Mary's Park on St. Ann's Avenue and 146th Street from noon to 4:00 p.m. to celebrate Earth Day. This intergenerational event will not only celebrate our environment, but also the community we live in. Other expected organizations include Bronx Chamber of Commerce, Bronx River Alliance, Bronx YMCA, CityMatters, Council on the Environment of NYC, Materials for the Arts, Nos Quedamos, NYC Parks Department, and Waste Management of NY.

    Training a New Generation of Green Collar Workers

    Celebrating Over 100 Graduates and
    5 years of Success

    BEST & Introducing BEST for Buildings

    The Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training (BEST) program is one of the nation's first and most successful green-collar job training & placement systems. Students graduate with several certifications, job readiness preparation, and a powerful environmental justice perspective on all of the important work they are qualified to do. Nearly all of the students were on some form of public assistance, and about half have prison records. This 14-16-week program is free to qualified applicants. We work with our graduates to help them find the right job, and we track their progress for 3 years in case they need help finding their place in this growing and rewarding job market. Now in its 5th year of operation, over 80% are employed and 15% have gone on to higher education.

    Due to the ever increasing demands in the burgeoning green-collar economy and its successful track record of pathways out of poverty, SSBx is proud to announce its new 10 to 13 week pilot job training program in basic building construction, energy retrofits, and home energy audits - BEST for Buildings! Accepting applications NOW!

    HOW TO APPLY- We are currently accepting applications for both BEST training programs now! Download application!

    Hands-On Training:

    River BankRestoration
    Green Roof Installation
    Green Roof Maintenance
    Ecological Restoration
    Wetland Restoration
    Stream Bank Stabilization
    Landscape 101
    Plants, trees, shrubs, identification
    Water and Soil Quality Testing
    Wildlife Identification
    Brownfield Remediation
    Hazardous Waste Cleanup
    Asbestos Abatement
    Power Tool Safety & Operation

    First Aid and CPR
    NYC Tree Pruner
    Entry Level Tree Climbing
    40 Hour Hazardous Waste Cleanup
    10 Hour OSHA
    Herbicide/Pesticide Applicator

    New York Botanical Garden Classes:
    Intro to Horticulture
    Intro to Ecology
    Chainsaw safety and usage
    Preparation for Pesticide Applicator Certification Examination
    Intro to Wetland Restoration

    OSHA 10 Hour Safety for Construction
    Lead Awareness
    Asbestos Handling


    It took nearly 7 years living within a few blocks of one of the biggest food co-ops in America before Joy and I joined it. We were definitely reluctant. But, in the end the lack of good produce and the decline of our local supermarkets led to us joining. And the result is a slighly more inconvenient shopping trip each week, but much healthier, higher quality and cheaper food. I recommend joining a co-op if there is one nearby. You will save money and eat healthier. So I will try to highlight some co-ops in the coming week.

    Here is a food co-op in the South Bronx:

    The South Bronx Food Cooperative (SBxFC) is a green shopping alternative to the profit-oriented commercial food markets found in the Bronx. Founded and operated by committed residents, the SBxFC is dedicated to making a difference in the community by working together to provide healthy and affordable food to all who want it.

    The South Bronx Food cooperative carries a wide variety of products, including local, organic and conventionally grown produce; pasture-raised, grass-fed and free-range meats and poultry; bulk grains, sugars, spices and pastas; fair-trade coffees and chocolate; environmentally safe cleaning supplies, and much more. All of this plus a selection of standard supermarket items makes the SBxFC a one-stop shopping destination. Sales are brisk at the SBxFC and inventory is replenished often ensuring that the products we sell are as fresh as possible..

    As a member of the SBxFC you share ownership of the coop with fellow members. Members have a voice in the decision-making process and participate in directing the organization's future. Equally important, as a shopper you will know where your food choices come from. By becoming a member you and your family not only have access to fresh foods at reasonable prices, you will learn about our local farmers, organizations and vendors.

    In addition to providing green/local products and democratic operations (common at most cooperatives), the SBxFC provides various health and nutrition services including workshops, cooking classes and education seminars. Our community education programs are designed and administered by local medical professionals and nutrition specialist. The goal of the SBxFC is to correct the various health disparities faced by Bronxites including diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure.

    They seem to even have an online shopping option (members only).


    11:00 am – 8pm, Thursday – Monday
    CLOSED Tuesday & Wednesday
    (Additional hours and days of operation will be added in the very near future)


    3103 Third Avenue
    Bronx NY 10451
    (The corner of 158th St)


    Here is a City Council Candidate I am considering supporting in the Bronx

    Jerome Rice: 12th City Council District (The Bronx)

    Here is a statement from Jerome:

    Hello, My name is Jerome Rice, I am running to be your next City Councilman for District 12. I am a family man and resident, that attends church in the Bronx, where I serve as both Trustee and Co-chair to Public Safety. I have a Master Degree in Business Administration from Monroe College. I have served 22 years in the New York Army National Guard, before retiring with the rank of First Sergeant. I have a total of 21 years in the NYC Department of Correction, holding the rank of Captain. I have spent the last 13 years in a Civil Rights organization known as 100 Blacks In Law Enforcement Who Care, where I serve as its Director.

    I fought against: Wrongful Police Shooting & Policies such as Stop & Frisk, Operation Lucky Bag, Disparate Treatment against Blacks & Hispanic being arrested for lower crime, Privatizing and Re-Zoing of Harlem. Both your Civil Rights and the Bronx are not for sale.

    I have been fighting and will continue to fight for those who can't.

    Here are some of the concerns, I will address:
    Affordable Homes: Why are we allowing homes to be built in our community, that we can't afford? Homes ranging from $350,000-$400,000 and the average income is only $40,000 - $60,000 a year. Lets make homes affordable. Also I will increase inspections and penalties on Landlord that refuse to provide you a comfortable living envirnoment.

    Education: I have both created and facilitated informative survival workshops on issues affecting our community such as:
    What to do, when stopped by the police
    What to do, when you go to court "Because its Just-Us"
    Gangs "Our community domestic terrorist'
    Disaster awareness "Are you ready" and
    Hunting Season "No where to run, No where to hide"

    Our Youth should learn in a comfortable learning envirnoment, by ensuring that each school has enough School Safety Officers to patrol our school ground. I will also ensure that each school has Up-To-Date programs to prepare our youth for the REAL WORLD.

    Economic Development: Bring in New Business and support existing business. Open more centers for both our senior citizens and youth.

    Public Safety- I will call for increase in Police Patrol, in areas that are seriously impacted with crime. I will introduce new programs to educate our youth and senior citizens on issues regarding crime and health.


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