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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 09, 2009

    ARIZONA FOCUS: Blogs, Food Co-ops, Alternative Energy, Veterans for Peace, Groups and Events

    Check out the Arizona Democratic Party's Calendar to find out what events are going on in your area.


    AZNetroots: Bringing together Arizona Progressives to take back our country!

    Blog for Arizona: Progressive blogging in AZ.

    LeftyBlogs Arizona is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Arizona.


    Black Mesa Indigenous Support: Back in college I was involved in this issue. I have drifted away, but the issues remain!

    Stories of Interest:

    This story was back in January, but I missed it and it relates to an issue I have been covering: Peabody Energy's Plan to Reopen Black Mesa Coal Mine Threatens Navajo and Hopi Communities, Religious Freedom, Water Supplies, and Wildlife; Will Worsen Global Warming (Word document)

    April 16: Town Hall in Tucson for Health Care Reform

    May 2: CHILI FOR CHANGE COOK-OFF With Special Guests: Congressman Harry Mitchell and Attorney General Terry Goddard

    Congressional Oversight Panel: TARP Report Card

    Republican education cuts force AZ schools to lay off thousands...More on the same subject: Thousands of teacher layoffs beginning...Why do Republicans hate our kids?

    World's Worst Person April 8, 2009: Glenn Beck

    Sen. Kyl's Paris Hilton Amendment...continuing the Republican tradition of standing up only for the rich.

    Public support strong for Brewer tax hike

    "The Dineh Story from Big Mountain: Why We Must Not Be Relocated"

    John McCain to Hispanic voters: “You people made your choice”...Wow, Mr. Tactless strikes again. I think the Republican Party gave up on the Hispanic vote some 4 or 5 years ago.

    Robert Reich on the economy: Help American workers, mobilize for Energy independence, improve education...I've been saying this since before most people had accepted we were in a recession.

    Navajo-Hopi “Land Dispute.” What Dispute?! A Revisit to the Old Hopi Voice.

    Sen. Jon Kyl defends AIG bonuses...Don't you just love how Republicans defend fiscal irresponsibility and corruption? Kyl supports redistribution of YOUR money to AIG execs.

    Abuse at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office...which is why Arpaio is Under Investigation by DOJ. Here is video of the report:

    Wanker bankers corrupted and broke our economic system

    We are Veterans working together for peace and justice through non-violence! To this end we will work with others to:

    (a). Increase public awareness of the full cost of war.
    (b). Restrain our government from intervening, overtly or
    covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations.
    (c). End the arms race and reduce and eventually eliminate
    nuclear weapons.
    (d). Seek justice for veterans and victims of war.
    (e). Abolish war as an instrument of national policy.

    We meet every second Wednesday at 6:30PM.

    Location is: Casey Moore's Oyster House
    850 S Ash Ave.
    It is located one block south of University Drive and two blocks West of Mill Ave


    It took nearly 7 years living within a few blocks of one of the biggest food co-ops in America before Joy and I joined it. We were definitely reluctant. But, in the end the lack of good produce and the decline of our local supermarkets led to us joining. And the result is a slighly more inconvenient shopping trip each week, but much healthier, higher quality and cheaper food. I recommend joining a co-op if there is one nearby. You will save money and eat healthier. So I will list some local food co-ops in Arizona:

    Food Conspiracy Co-op
    412 N. 4th Avenue
    Tucson, Arizona 85705
    Phone: (520) 624-4821
    FAX: (520) 792-2703

    Food Conspiracy is a natural foods market, cooperatively owned by its members and open to the public. Since 1971 we have been committed to providing the highest quality natural and organic foods and products to the Tucson community. Our produce department is entirely organic, and we don’t carry any products known to contain genetically-modified organisms (GMOs). We are committed to offering certified organic products whenever we have a choice, and we have the most extensive bulk selection in town. In alignment with our commitment to environmentalism, social justice, and education, we are constantly expanding our line of local, fair trade, and independently produced items.

    I should note that I personally am not as concerned about GMOs as this co-op seems to be, but I have no doubt that overall I agree with their philosophy and that they are an excellent place to shop.

    They also have a small list of upcoming community events.

    Shop Natural Market
    350 S. Toole
    Tucson, Arizona 85701
    Phone: (520) 622-3911
    FAX: (520) 792-3258

    Their website doesn't seem to exist anymore. I can't confirm if they still exist. They are listed on City Search but with no reviews. If anyone has more info, please let me know.

    Bisbee Food Cooperative
    72 Erie Street
    Bisbee, Arizona 85603
    Phone: (520) 432-4011
    FAX: (520) 432-9014

    Magpie Natural Foods Co-op & Buying Club
    500 West Gurley Street
    Prescott, Arizona 86301
    Phone: (520) 778-5880
    FAX: (520) 776-0808


    Some stats from Repower America:

    * The state's energy efficiency programs save enough electricity to power over 9,000 homes for a whole year, save more than $11.6 million in energy costs, and prevent the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking almost 13,000 cars off the road. Although great progress, the state still has much more potential to increase its energy efficiency.

    * Some of the best solar resources in the nation fall right on Arizona. In fact, research shows that Arizona's sunshine can provide 50 times more electricity than what the entire state uses today.

    * Arizona has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that requires public utilities to generate 15% of their electricity from renewable energy resources by 2025

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Arizona, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    Arizona Biodiesel: AZ BioDiesel produces ASTM Certified B99 BioFuel from reclaimed oil at our processing plant in Gilbert, Arizona. Our goal is to reduce air pollution in Phoenix by introducing 1 million gallons of BioDiesel in 2009.

    New Extended Hours: 7AM-7PM M-F, 9AM-1PM Sat.

    FREE Delivery to most of the Phoenix Metro with orders of 250 or more gallons of biodiesel.

    Call our facility at 480-344-1480 Monday-Friday 7am-7pm, Saturday 9am-1pm

    Fuel Purchasing Options:

    Option 1: We can fuel your vehicle and/or we can fill up your fuel containers.

    Option 2: We can provide a 55 gallon barrel (small deposit required) for your fuel.

    Our Gilbert Fueling Facility Address and Map (Click here)

    All major credit cards accepted.

    Arizona Solar:

    Thousands of utility customers throughout the U.S., who were tired of the high cost of electricity have taken advantage of generous rebates and tax credits which are available for the installation of solar electric systems on their homes and businesses.

    The State of Arizona is currently offering a cash rebate 25% (up to $35,000.00) for the installation of a solar system for your home or place of business !. And unlike the old solar systems of yesteryear that only produced hot water, these new systems actually produce electricity ! Clean reliable electricity to run lights, TVs, pumps, refrigerators, computers and many other appliances, all with free energy from the Sun.

    Call Toll Free: 1-877-498-6527

    The Phoenix Alternative Energy Meetup Group

    All Alternative Energy Meetups are scheduled to meet at 1:30pm on the second Saturday of each month. We are searching for a permanent location. Event fee: $1.00 per person

    Please join us for discussions and activities on various subjects related to energy use and alternatives to our current carbon-based system.

    For more info, sign up here.

    Solar Alliance of Greater Tucson Community and Choice for a Brighter Future Sustainability in action!

    The Tucson Solar Alliance is a non-profit community coalition dedicated to helping people access solar energy and related measures more easily on a practical and cost-effective basis.

    Sustainable Tucson

    The purpose of Sustainable Tucson is to facilitate an inclusive, dynamic community-building process that ensures economic prosperity, social vibrancy, and ecological health.

    Cottonwood Alternative Energy

    Meet other local individuals interested in exploring all forms of practical alternative energies.

    Discuss ways to preserve the world's resources and protect the environment beginning in our local community!

    This group welcomes those embracing the urge to respect our planet and to actively promote community programs that seek to provide practical solutions to residential energy needs, as well as promote the adoption of variant lifestyles that enrich the local and regional biocosm.

    Here are some Groups and Events in Arizona:

    DFA of Phoenix Monthly Meeting
    Democracy for America meets the first Monday of the month at IHOP at the corner of 44th St. and Thomas Rd at 7PM
    Contact: Toby Stohl at 602.955-9050 for more information
    Website: www.dfalink.com/az-vote

    Community Gardens of Tucson: A community garden is a place where neighbors can grow flowers or vegetables together on one piece of land. The land is usually volunteered by a home owner for use as a garden space. Separate garden plots, usually measuring about 3′ x 25′, are made available to individuals and families in the neighborhood. A drip irrigation system is installed to supply water to the plants. A separate water meter is installed in the garden, and the home owner is reimbursed for all the water that is used. The cost to the gardener is currently $12.00 per month for each plot. This money pays for the water bills and the irrigation equipment. Find locations of Tucson community gardens here. To find monthly meetings, go here. And to get involved, go here.

    Arizona Democratic Veterans’ Caucus
    Jeff Latas
    1402 E. Placita Meseta Dorada
    Oro Valley 85755
    Phone: (520) 404-9133
    Email: jeff_at_latasgroup.com

    Democrats of Greater Tucson
    Marion Pickens
    80743 E. 29th Street
    Tucson, AZ 85710
    Phone : 520-296-5908
    Email : DGT_at_pimademocrats.org

    Northwest Democrats
    Marty Drozdoff
    1352 W. San Nichols Drive
    Tucson 85704
    Phone: 502 742 1019
    Email: martyrepresentsyou_at_msn.com

    Saguaro Eastside Democrats
    Sharon McCormick
    9701 E. Sunburst Dr.
    Tucson, AZ 85748
    Phone: 520-296-9395
    Email: sharonamcc_at_msn.com
    Website: http://saguaroeastsidedemocrats.org

    Southern Arizona GBLT Democrats
    Les Krambeal
    4991 N. Placita Aguilera
    Tuscon 85745
    Phone: 520-743 2046 or cell 520 548 4947
    Email: leskrambeal_at_yahoo.com

    Tanque Verde Democrats
    Henry Johnson, M.D.
    3033 N. Spirit Dancer Trail
    Tucson, AZ 85749
    Phone: 520-760-3012
    E-Mail: hjohnsonMD_at_simplybits.net
    Website: www.tanqueverdedems.org

    UofA Young Democrats
    James Jefferies
    1063 East Adams St
    Tucson 85719
    Phone: 520 490 5631
    Email: jjj4_at_email.arizona.edu

    African American Democratic Caucus of Arizona
    Harold Holmes
    15604 N 7th Dr Phoenix, AZ 85023
    Phone: 602-993-5040
    Email: harhol_at_msn.com

    Arizona Democratic Hispanic Caucus
    David Olvera
    4875 North Hummingbird Lane
    Tucson 85750
    Phone: 520 631 7626
    Email: davido_at_comcast.net

    Native American Democratic Caucus of Arizona
    Chris Clark Deschene
    P.O. Box 1854
    Chinle 86503
    Phone: 928 660 3332
    Email: clarkdeschene_at_att.net

    Jacqueline Thomas
    3040 North 2nd Street, Unit 202
    Phoenix 85012
    Phone: 602 285 0157
    Email: jackiefayeblues_at_cs.com

    Tribal Outreach Coordinator: Arista LaRusso

    National Jewish Democratic Council – Arizona Chapter
    Jerry Gettinger
    10018 E. Friess Dr.
    Scottsdale, AZ 85260
    Phone: 480-510-1320
    Email: jget_at_cox.net

    Women in Blue
    Carole Pearsall
    3466 East Charlston Ave.
    Phoenix, AZ 85032
    Phone: 602-765 9135
    Email: carole.pearsall_at_cox.net
    Website: www.arizonawomeninblue.com

    Young Democrats of Arizona
    Cole Hickman
    1732 South McKemy St.
    Tempe 85251
    Phone: 415 847 9174
    Email: President_at_ydaz.org
    Website: www.ydaz.org

    Stan Williams – Executive Director
    Phone: 602 796 2472 or 602 234 6809
    Email: stanwilliams_at_ydaz.org

    Arizona Democratic Progressive Caucus
    Sherry Bohlen, Co-Chair
    15207 E. Stardust
    Fountain Hills, 85268
    Phone: 480 529 2131
    Email: Sherry_at_OracleArchitecture.com
    Website: www.AzDPC.org

    Steve McClure, Co-Chair
    4155 E. La Cienega Drive
    Tucson, AZ 85712
    Phone: 520 806 2701
    Email: smcclureazdem@cox.net

    Arizona GBLT Democrats
    Justin Unga
    2910 N. Central Avenue
    Phoenix 85012
    Phone: 602 828 3920
    Email: junga_at_azdem.org

    Southern Arizona Stonewall Democrats Southern Arizona Stonewall Democrats is an organization for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Democrats and supporters. This group serves to inform and educate persons within the GLBT community regarding elected officials, candidates, and issues of interest to that community. They also provide information and education to elected officials, candidates, and others regarding GLBT issues.

    Maurice Grossman (323-2293)

    The last Monday of the month, 6:30pm, at varying locations.


    Monthly Meeting - District 17 Democrats - Pyle Center
    When: second Tuesday of every month, 6:30 PM
    Where: 655 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ

    District 20 Democrats Meeting
    Monthly at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month at the Ahwatukee Fire House

    For more info go here: http://ld20.maricopademocrats.org/

    District 10 Democrats Meeting
    Monthly at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday of each month at the Denny's at I17 & Dunlap

    Progressive Majority Arizona: "The progressive movement is on the march in Arizona, and Progressive Majority is proud to be part of the momentum. Across Arizona, progressives are getting elected to councils in formerly arch-conservative cities, and progressive legislators are winning in districts that have never before been represented by a Democrat. Our successes all over the state and at every level are proof positive that conservatives are on the run and the future is bright for Arizona progressives."

    Progressive Majority has leadership programs and can help progressive candidates run an efficient and successful campaign. You can sign up for email updates here.

    And for those who are interested in combining social events and politics, here are the Drinking Liberaly events in Arizona:

    Flagstaff, Arizona
    * Second Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
    * Bigfoot Bar-B-Q, 120 N Leroux St (basement of Old Town Shops)
    * Hosted by Andy Stevenson and George Castleberry, flagstaff (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Every other Thursday, 5:30-9:00 pm
    * Rosie McCaffrey's Irish Pub, 906 E Camelback Rd (9th St & Cameback on the North Side)
    * http://www.rosiemccaffreys.com/index.htm
    * Hosted by Stuart Dollar, phoenix (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * First Saturday of each month, 5:30 to 8:30
    * Epicurean Wine Bar, 7101 E Thunderbird Rd (Southwest corner of Scottsdale Rd & T'bird)
    * On T'bird at the west end of the retail area. It's tucked away and not hugely visible from the road.
    * Starting in February, we will be meeting the first Saturday of each month.
    * Please join us for a quick drink or the entire evening as we unite in promoting democracy one pint at a time! Cheers!!!
    * Hosted by Vicki Billing, Susan Fletcher and Maureen Young, scottsdale (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Tucson, Arizona
    * Every Thursday, 6:00 pm onward
    * The Shanty, 401 E 9th St (Fourth Ave. at the underpass)
    * Please visit our chapter's web site for schedules, book club info, and more: http://arizona.typepad.com/drinkingliberally
    * Hosted by Michael Bryan, Tasha Nelson and Shasta McManus, tucson (at) drinkingliberally.org


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