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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 09, 2009

    IOWA FOCUS: Blogs, Food Co-ops, Alternative Energy, Sustainable Agriculture, Groups and Events


    Bleeding Heartland is a community blog for Democrats and progressives in the state of Iowa. I find this a very good source of Iowa news.

    Blog for Iowa is a progressive source of information in Iowa.

    Iowa Independent

    Progressive Populist: The Independent Journal from the Heartland

    LeftyBlogs Iowa is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Iowa.

    Iowa Liberal

    Some Stories of Interest:

    Iowa House Speaker rejects attempt to bring constitutional amendment for vote

    Great Day for Iowa!

    Collective bargaining bill re-emerges

    Tell us if you get robocalled about gay marriage in Iowa

    Dems Ideas Are What's Winning

    Recession 101 in a Right-to-Work State: Business Alone Cannot Save Iowa

    Health Care Reform Update: Rural Health Care and Primary Care Physician Shortage in Iowa

    BIG NEWS: And further evidence of what I have been saying for years: Iowa is among the most progressive states in the Union. Iowa Supreme Court strikes down Defense of Marriage Act...and on the same subject: Early reaction from Iowa Democrats to the Varnum v Brien ruling...and: Braley: ‘Remember we are all neighbors’

    Bring Rail Service to Iowa. An Action Alert.

    Bogus Threat Of Rationed Health Care...I have discussed before how the American healthcare system is the most expensive but only gives mediocre care. The system doesn't work and we have to change it!

    Obama's budget splits Iowa delegation on party lines

    SF 432 Update: Fighting To Keep Manure Out Of Iowa's Water Supply

    Republican Steve King, tax cheat: Yet ANOTHER Republican with no regard for the law

    Howard Dean: Public Option Or No Health Care Reform Bill

    Iowa City Announces Housing Program for Eligible Low and Moderate Income Families

    Iowa Residents, Businesses Can Save $690 Million Through Greater Energy Efficiency

    And, looking at the problems with coal for energy continue to mount: Toxic coal ash dumps face few regulations in Iowa


    It took nearly 7 years living within a few blocks of one of the biggest food co-ops in America before Joy and I joined it. We were definitely reluctant. But, in the end the lack of good produce and the decline of our local supermarkets led to us joining. And the result is a slighly more inconvenient shopping trip each week, but much healthier, higher quality and cheaper food. I recommend joining a co-op if there is one nearby. You will save money and eat healthier. So I will list some local food co-ops in Iowa:

    Wheatsfield Cooperative Grocery
    413 Douglas Avenue
    Ames, Iowa 50010
    Phone: (515) 232-4094
    FAX: (515) 233-0040

    Our mission is to serve our members, employees, and the Central Iowa community by offering the highest quality local, natural and certified organic foods, related products and services in ways that best promote the health of the individual, the community, and the earth while honoring the cooperative tradition.

    New Pioneer Bakehouse and New Pioneer Co-op
    498 1st Avenue
    Coralville, Iowa 52241
    Phone: (319) 358-5513
    FAX: (319) 358-5514

    22 South Van Buren Street
    Iowa City, Iowa 52240
    Phone: (319) 338-9441
    FAX: (319) 338-0635

    New Pioneer is a member-owned grocery specializing in natural foods, local foods, and other healthy products for your active lifestyle. Come to the Co-op to hang out with your friends and get to know your neighbors, to learn more about your food from our friendly, expert staff, and to pick up hard-to-find gourmet items.

    Explore New Pi to find the area’s best locally-grown produce, artisanal cheeses and breads, hand-selected wines, and mouthwatering cakes and pastries, just for starters. Everyone is welcome to shop the Co-op and become a part of our shared vision of a cleaner, healthier world. Eat smart and have fun doing it when you shop your Co-op!

    They have an extensive list of classes events as well.

    Alternative Energy and Sustainable Agriculture:

    Some figures from Repower America:

    # Iowa surpassed California in 2008 to become the No.2 state for wind power with its 2,790-megawatts of wind power generation. Combined, these wind developments produce enough electricity to power over 720,000 average homes!

    # The state's energy efficiency programs save enough electricity to power over 30,000 homes for a whole year, save more than $30 million in energy costs, and prevent the greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to taking over 47,000 cars off the road. Although great progress, the state still has much more potential to increase its energy efficiency.

    # Iowa has one of the fastest growing wind industries, up 198% from the state's mere 936-megawatts in 2006.

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Iowa, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    Iowa State University - 2009: Third National Conference on Facilitating Sustainable Agriculture Education

    July 15-17 | Ames, Iowa

    In planning stages. More info will be posted here, or email the organizers for more info.

    The Leopold Center is a research and education center with statewide programs to develop sustainable agricultural practices that are both profitable and conserve natural resources. It was established under the Groundwater Protection Act of 1987 with a three-fold mission:

    *to conduct research into the negative impacts of agricultural practices;
    *to assist in developing alternative practices; and
    *to work with ISU Extension to inform the public of Leopold Center findings.

    In 2002, a vision statement was adopted: The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture explores and cultivates alternatives that secure healthier people and landscapes in Iowa and the nation.

    Sustainable Farming Connection: Where farmers find and share information

    Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) is a nonprofit scientific and educational organization -- founded in 1943 -- that serves as an advocate for conservation professionals and for science-based conservation practice, programs, and policy. SWCS has over 5,000 members around the world. They include researchers, administrators, planners, policymakers, technical advisors, teachers, students, farmers, and ranchers. Our members come from nearly every academic discipline and many different public, private, and nonprofit institutions

    Peace Vigils:

    Weekly Anti-War Vigil at Nollen Plaza
    Every Thursday
    11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
    Nollen Plaza, 3rd and Locust Des Moines, IA
    Contact: Wendy Vasquez
    Please join us for this weekly witness against the war.
    For more information, contact Wendy Vasquez at 515-771-8656.

    Women for Peace Knitters
    Supporting the peaceful arts of knitting and crocheting. This group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday, 9:30-11:30 am at Prairiewoods, 120 E Boyson Rd, Hiawatha. (Group also meets fourth Tuesdays each month at Marion Public Library, 7-8:30 pm., Marion.) For more information call 377-3252.

    And for those who are focused on combining fun and politics, here are the local Drinking Liberally groups in Iowa:

    Ames, Iowa
    * Every Friday, 5:00 pm onward
    * Legends American Grill, 200 Stanton Ave, 7th Floor (in Campustown)
    * The group will meet in the large accessible party room left of the elevators unless it is booked by a larger group. We will then be in the Sky Box. Ask a waiter for our location.
    * Hosted by Jan Bauer and Brent Wynja, ames (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Des Moines
    * Every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. onward
    * The Lift, 222 4th St (between Court Ave and Walnut)
    * Hosted by Amanda Mittlestadt, Tricia Kell, Cassie Samspon and Matt Jesson, desmoines (at) drinkingliberally.org

    West Des Moines
    * Third Friday of each month, 5:00-7:00 pm
    * Tonic, 5535 George M Mills Civic Pky (within West Glen Towncenter)
    * Hosted by Cassie Sampson, Mikael Brown and Jenny Irlmeier, wdsm (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Eating Liberally
    * Second Monday of each month, 6:00-7:30 pm
    * Continental Wine Bar, 428 E Locust St
    * Hosted by Marcus Walsh and Tricia Kell, desmoines (at) eatingliberally.org

    Iowa City, Iowa
    * Every Thursday, 8:00 pm onward
    * The Mill Restaurant, 120 E Burlington StBlg


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