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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 30, 2009

    Silicon Valley Area, CA Events and Food Co-ops

    I want to cover some events, Democratic Clubs (below the events) and Co-ops (below the clubs) in the greater Silicon Valley area. Mountain View is one place where I have the most readers, so I want to meet the needs of people in that area. If you have any ideas or things you want included here, please let me know.

    First here are some events (from the Silicon Valley Democracy for America calendar and the Santa Clara County Democrats calendar):

    Democracy For America May 6 get-together
    Event Date: May 6, 2009
    Event Time: 7:00 PM PDT (10:00 PM EDT)
    Venue Name: TBD
    State: CA


    Place TBD but probably a member's home in Palo Alto or Los Altos. One of our goal task forces will present the main topic.

    Linked to groups: Silicon Valley DFA, brought to you by Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley

    RSVP here.

    Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee
    05/07/2009 7:00pm
    County Building Cafeteria, 70 W Hedding St., Central San Jose

    The Santa Clara County Democratic Central Committee meets on the first Thursday of the month to coordinate local Democratic Party activities. 408-445-9500. The agenda will be posted at sccdp.org/sccdcc.php 10 days before the meeting.

    California Statewide Special Election. Tuesday, May 19th. Measures include creating a state spending cap and rainy day fund, modifying the minimum funding guarantee for schools, changing the state lottery and shifting money from mental health and child-development programs. For a list of the ballot measures click HERE.

    SILICON VALLEY DEMOCRATIC CLUBS: This list comes from the Santa Clara County Democratic Club website:

    Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley. The Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley is an alliance in Silicon Valley, California dedicated to the issues brought forth by Gov. Howard Dean, M.D., his cause and his message of progressive, positive change. dfasv.org, www.dfalink.com/siliconvalley, Co-Chairs; Spandan Chakrabarti, Alice Smith. Contact deanclub_at_sccdp.org

    Obama Democratic Club of Silicon Valley. A club of volunteers from the 2008 Barack Obama campaign and local arm of Organizing for America. Members of this club will continue to promote Obama's policies and priorities. Peter Allen, President, obama_at_sccdp.org. sites.google.com/site/obamadcsv/

    Silicon Valley Asian Pacific American Democratic Club. SVAPADC was founded in 1996 to foster member participation at all levels of the Democratic Party. Our goals are to unify and empower the Asian Pacific American (APA) communities; ensure fair representation of the APA's interests; and educate and promote political participation. Contact Buu Thai at apa_at_sccdp.org. The club's homepage is svapadc.org.

    Silicon Valley Democratic Club. Formerly known as the Moorpark Democratic, the Silicon Valley Democratic club prides itself in developing a growing and diverse community with an organized and unifying voice in the political arena. The Club provides a forum for its members to focus, discuss, prioritize positions and promote important issues to our diverse community. Working together, our members help to elect Democratic candidates in local, state, and national elections. Clarence Madrilejos, moorpark_at_sccdp.org. www.moorparkdems.org

    Silicon Valley Latino Democratic Forum. A venue for local Latinos to become active in the Democratic Party. Javier Gonzalez, svldf_at_sccdp.org.

    Silicon Valley LGBT Democratic Club. Dedicated to providing a grassroots channel for the political participation of like-minded lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered Democrats. President: David Parker, lgbt_at_sccdp.org. Visit the club on the web at http://www.lgbtdems.org.

    Silicon Valley Young Democrats. SVYD serves Democrats under 36 years old from throughout the Silicon Valley. We provide networking, social, and personal growth opportunities for young people dedicated to progressive ideals. President: Julie Lind, svyd_at_sccdp.org. Visit the club's website at svyd.org.

    SILICON VALLEY AREA FOOD CO-OPS: These are the only ones I could find near Silicon Valley, though they are all somewhat peripheral

    Kresge Food Co-op
    600 Kresge CT, Kresge College UCSC
    Santa Cruz, California 95064
    Phone: (831) 426-1506

    The Kresge Food Coop is a student-run cooperative health food store located at Kresge College on the University of California, Santa Cruz campus. We currently consist of twelve Core Collective Members who own the coop and are responsible for its daily operations and for any number of working members. This page has been created in order to better serve our community. Through this page you can email the coop, learn about our Core Collective Members, sign up to be a working member, make suggestions, check sales, read and reread our newsletter, and browse our links to other coops and health food stores.

    The Cooperative Grocery (The CoG)
    1450 67th Street
    Emeryville, California 95616
    Phone: (510) 868-2883
    FAX: (510) 868-2893

    The Cooperative Grocery—The CoG—is a non-profit, working members cooperative that offers high-quality groceries at an affordable price to individuals and families in our community.

    Members of The CoG work 2 1/2 hours every 4 weeks, performing jobs like stocking shelves, building orders and providing member services. By providing much of the labor for the store, our members keep our operating costs to a minimum. We then pass the savings onto our members in the form of lower prices. Our model is based on the successful Park Slope Food Co-Op in Brooklyn, NY, which serves 13,000 members.

    To further control costs and grow our co-op in a responsible manner, we launched the CoG as an online store that is served from a warehouse located in Emeryville, with easy access to communities in Berkeley and Oakland. Our long term plan is to build a retail business as finances allow.

    Bolinas Peoples Store
    P. O. Box 808
    Bolinas, California 94924
    Phone: (415) 868-1433
    FAX: (415) 868-1219

    Rainbow Grocery Co-op
    1745 Folsom
    San Francisco, California 94103
    Phone: (415) 863-0620
    FAX: (415) 863-8955

    We have been in San Francisco's Mission District since 1975. We strive to offer resources, education and a forum for informational exchange for many local communities and organizations.

    Rainbow Grocery is open every day from 9AM to 9PM

    We are located in San Francisco's Mission District at 1745 Folsom Street. Our cross street is 13th Street (also known as Duboce), which runs directly under the central freeway. Use the map below for directions by car. Click here for Public Transit directions. Click here for bicycling directions.

    Other Avenues Community Food Store
    3930 Judah Street
    San Francisco, California 94122
    Phone: (415) 661-7475
    FAX: (415) 661-0835


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