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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 30, 2009

    Orange County, CA Events

    I found this amazing round up of events in Orange County, California, thanks to Orange County Democracy for America:

    May 4 Monday 5pm, Statewide: LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE in the May 19 Special Election

    May 8 Friday 8:30-10am, Buena Park: Orange County Labor Federation 3rd Annual Building Fund Cinco de Mayo Celebration Breakfast UFCW 324, 8530 Stanton Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620 oclabor.org/images/docs/BUILDING_FUND_FINAL_1.psf.pdf

    May 12 Tuesday 6:30-7:45pm, Newport Beach: Orange County for Darfur - Planning Meeting 2424 SE Bristol Street, Suite 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
    OCFD seeks to increase awareness among local residents about the continued suffering in Darfur and the surrounding region and to get our elected officials and others in positions of influence to take more action in order to halt the genocide. Come to our planning meeting to find out how you can make a difference. For more information, visit ocfordarfur.org.

    May 14 Thursday 6-8:45pm, Irvine: League of Conservation Voters 10th Anniversary Awards Dinner University Club at UCI
    We will be recognizing and honoring those who helped Save the Trestles as well as our special Lifetime Achievement Award. Our event is always fun, inspirational, has great food and drinks, and is a great time to meet and greet fellow environmentalists. oclcv.org

    May 16 Saturday 7am-1pm, Anaheim: OC AIDS WALK Angel Stadium of Anaheim, Anaheim, CA 92806-6143 aidswalk.org/oc

    May 17 (moved from usual 2nd Sunday) 1-3pm, Fullerton: Progressive Women of North OC Meeting
    Monkey Business Cafe, 301 E Amerige, Fullerton progressivewinoc.org

    California Statewide Special Election. Tuesday, May 19th. Measures include creating a state spending cap and rainy day fund, modifying the minimum funding guarantee for schools, changing the state lottery and shifting money from mental health and child-development programs. For a list of the ballot measures click HERE.

    May 26 Tuesday 6:30-7:45pm, Newport Beach: Orange County for Darfur - Planning Meeting 2424 SE Bristol Street, Suite 300, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
    OCFD seeks to increase awareness among local residents about the continued suffering in Darfur and the surrounding region and to get our elected officials and others in positions of influence to take more action in order to halt the genocide. Come to our planning meeting to find out how you can make a difference. For more information, visit ocfordarfur.org.

    May 31 Sunday 1pm, Orange: Tias Arms 8th Annual Celebration for the Children of South Africa tiasarms.org Join us for an African barbecue (braaivleis) and South African wines. Entertainment will include live music and other activities. Silent and live auction to include items from around the world.
    Chapman University Campus, One University Drive, Orange , CA
    Colorful or global attire encouraged More details to follow on the admission price.

    Jun 5 (1st Friday) 6:30-9pm, Orange: Friday Night Film Series - The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo wmm.com/filmcatalog/pages/c709.shtml Winner of the Sundance Special Jury Prize in Documentary, this extraordinary film, shot in the war zones of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), shatters the silence that surrounds the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war. Tens of thousands of women and girls have been systematically kidnapped, raped, mutilated and tortured by soldiers from both foreign militias and the Congolese army.
    The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange present films that raise awareness and encourage conversation about the dynamic, ever-changing, systemic and critical needs of our world. Through a variety of titles and topics, attendees explore what it means to live a life in relationship with each other, our neighbors and the whole community of life. The evening includes refreshments, dialogue and possible opportunities for action.
    6:30 - 7:00 Gathering and Refreshments 7:00 - 8:00 Film Showing 8:00 - 9:00 Discussion
    Mother Louis Room 480 S. Batavia St., Orange, CA 92868-3998 714-633-8121x7716 Justice@csjorange.org sistersofstjosephorange.org/calendar.php?ID=82

    Jun 6 Saturday 9am, Huntington Beach: UNIFEM WalkJoin UNIFEM for a fun 5-mile walk along Huntington Beach to take a stand against violence against women for UNIFEM's United Nations Development Fund for Women. Meet at Huntington State Beach Park. $10 donation. Contact stephaniepa@socal.rr.com for further details.

    Jun 24 Wednesday 7pm, Newport Beach: Green Lecture: An Inconvenient Truth Enivronmental Nature Center, 1601 16th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663
    isit the ENC to learn more about the planetary emergency of global warming and what YOU can do about it. Join LA County Teacher of the Year John Zavalney for a live presentation of the slideshow that's changing America's mind. After being trained by Mr. Al Gore and his staff, John is on a mission to get the word out about the dangers of global warming and offer suggestions on how we can help solve this crisis. John has won several prestigious educational awards including: The Disney American Teacher Award, The Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, the Presidents Council on Environmental Quality Professional Development Award and LA County teacher of the Year. Call 949-645-8489 to RSVP. meetup.com/goinggreenorangecounty/calendar/10090250


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