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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 30, 2009

    Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey

    Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey

    We are a unique collaboration among the stakeholders in our food system. Our members include farmers, consumers, retailers, processors, educators and researchers. NOFA-NJ serves the NJ/PA region as a catalyst in the development of a sustainable organic agricultural system; educates diverse audiences about the significance and meaning of organic practices for food and the environment, and helps organic and progressive conventional farmers build and maintain sustainable operations.

    From the earliest days, NOFA-NJ has published a newsletter, the Organic News. It was soon joined by other educational publications, including our "Eating Good Guides." From 1991 through 1997, NOFA held an annual Organic Country Fair on the grounds of the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed, sharing the bounty and goodwill of the harvest season with like-minded neighbors. Other projects undertaken in the nineties included an organic tomato cooperative, two book publishing ventures (Organic Market Guide and Eating Fresh from the Organic Garden State), an apprenticeship program and the first all-organic farmers market in New Jersey. Ongoing projects and events include an annual winter educational meeting for farmers and

    At the request of organic farmers, NOFA-NJ instituted an organic certification program for farms in 1990. Since 1994, NOFA-NJ has also offered independent, third-party certification services to organic handlers and processors. As the only organic certifier headquartered in New Jersey, NOFA-NJ works closely with the New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) to ensure that locally-based certification services remain available to organic producers in New Jersey and the NJDA has provided both technical and financial support for NOFA's certification activities. In October 2001, NOFA-NJ applied to the USDA National Organic Program for accreditation as an organic certification agency, and will be certifying to the uniform federal standards starting in 2002.

    Today, certification remains the single most visible NOFA program. Yet NOFA-NJ also offers a range of educational, technical support, and information services to both organic and progressive conventional farmers; reaches out to public opinion makers, policymakers and the general public; participates in numerous research projects; and organizes community building activities. Through member services, outreach, education, and advocacy, NOFA is working to see that we become "An Organic Garden State."

    Current Projects and Programs

    Organic Certification Program:
    # USDA Accredited, third-party certification services for farmers and processors

    Outreach Program:
    # NOFA-NJ exhibits at agricultural & environmental events
    # Quarterly newsletter, Organic News and quarterly newspaper, The Natural Farmer (interstate project with other NOFA chapters)
    # Speaking engagements, Op-ed pieces, press relations
    # Summer Sunday Organic Farm Tours for general public
    # Garden to Table conference for gardeners and consumers
    # www.nofanj.org

    Farmer Education Program:
    # Annual winter educational conference (last Saturday in January)
    # Twilight educational meetings for organic & sustainable farmers
    # Information and referral to resources in sustainable and organic agriculture
    # Mini-grant program for farmer-initiated education activities
    # Grower-to-Grower newsletter
    # Agricultural incubator and farmer mentoring program (developmental)
    # Exploring the Small Farm Dream program
    # Walkill Watershed Rotational Grazing/IPM Project
    # Precision Agriculture/mobile computer technology for organic producers

    Research Activities:
    # Southern program coordinator, Northeast Organic Network, USDA/IFAFS project
    # The Greenhouse Project, w/Cook College, NESARE
    # Land Tenure Project/Farm Incubator Feasibility Study, w/Intervale Foundation, EPA Region I
    # Regenerating Small Family Farms, w/Rodale Institute, USDA/IFAFS

    Advocacy Program
    # NRCS State Technical Committee, including AMA and EQIP subcommittees
    # Cook College/NJAES Board of Managers Statewide Advisory Committee
    # Animal Agriculture Alliance
    # NJ Agricultural Convention delegate
    # Campaign for Sustainable Agriculture, NESAWG, Mid-Atlantic Coalition for Farms and Food

    Community & Leadership Development
    # NJ Women in Agriculture (sponsor)
    # Scholarships for organic participants in NJ Agricultural Leadership Development Program
    # Annual Community Barn Dance

    For more info visit their website or contact them:

    Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey
    334 River Rd.
    Hillsborough, NJ 08844
    email: nofainfo@nofanj.org
    phone: 908-371-1111
    fax: 908-371-1441


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