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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 30, 2009

    ILLINOIS FOCUS: Blogs, Food Co-ops, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    Blogging Illinois:

    Prairie State Blue: Open Source Politics.

    LeftyBlogs Illinois is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Illinois.

    The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

    Equality Illinois: The Mission of Equality Illinois is to secure, protect and defend equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Illinois.

    Illinois Democratic Network: Independent grassroots organization of progressives, liberals and moderates promoting an activist democratic agenda in the state of Illinois.

    Some Stories of Interest:

    Employee Free Choice Act Forums

    Closed coal mine sprouts wind turbine

    Verified Voting asks for help halting vote

    Medical Marijuana bills advance: MN, IL, RI, PA, NY

    Quinn to Speak May 6th at Illinois Manufacturers' Assn.

    Shut Down Blackwater (Xe) In Illinois Conference...personally I think a company that bilks the taxpayers and electrocutes our troops should be punished. Bush awarded them no bid contracts year after year, but to me that was treasonous given the fact that their negligence killed American soldiers.

    Sen Durbin, Illinois Congressional Delegation Seek To Revive IL Rail Car Manufacturing

    IL Progressives - If I run against Aaron Schock, I'll need your help!

    Did Cassano And AIG Commit Fraud?

    Reform Illinois:

    The Illinois Campaign for Political Reform is a non-partisan public interest group that conducts research and advocates reforms to promote public participation in government, address the role of money in politics and encourage integrity, accountability, and transparency in government.

    Here are a bunch of issues briefings they have written

    They have a Sunshine Database showing contribution and expenditure data for politicians through August 31, 2008.

    Alternative Energy in Illinois:

    Some statistics from Repower America:

    * Illinois ranks 8th in existing wind capactity at 744-megawatts, and has 5,500-megawatts of planned wind power in development.

    * In 2006, the state produced nearly 600,000-megawatt hours of electricity from biomass - that's enough to power almost 65,000 homes per year!

    * Illinois has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS) that requires all public utilities to generate 25% of their electricity from renewable energy resources by 2025, with at least 18.75% from wind by 2013.

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Illinois, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    BIODIESEL: Biodiesel is clean, AMERICAN fuel that could be fueling many of our trains, trucks and diesel cars, as well as being used for heating fuel. All that while supporting American farmers, not Saudi oil shieks.

    Here is a list of Biodiesel stations in Illinois. All diesel cars, trucks and furnaces can take at least up to B20 biodiesel. So almost all of these stations can be used to fuel ANY diesel vehicle.

    Illinois Solar Energy Association: The ISEA was founded in 1975 and incorporated in the State of Illinois in 1979. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization supported by our members and volunteers. The ISEA is the Illinois chapter of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES). Go here for their events calendar. Find out about upcoming workshops here.

    The Chicago Green Home Meetup Group

    Meet other local people who are interested in making their homes environmentally friendly. As developers, designers, and brokers of Green Homes, we are a great resource to learn more about what you can do today to become more sustainable and green! Sign up to find out more about meetings.

    Chicago Sustainable Development & New Urbanism Meetup Group
    Meet other local people who are interested in Sustainable Development and New Urbanism.

    Let's define what we mean by "sustainable," "energy-efficient," "green," etc. and then work toward making it happen here in Chicago! What are the building blocks of "sustainability?" What are the most important issues that need to be addressed? What issues are important to you when you look at your home, your neighborhood and your city? What actions can we take to effect true change that benefits everyone? We hope to answer these questions through conversations with local experts and other community members.

    Let's work toward having more energy-efficient, healthy and "sustainable" options when looking for a new home. Let's create neighborhoods that are of human scale, cohesive and prepared for the future. Let's restore our urban fabric and communities!

    Sign up to find out about meetings


    It took nearly 7 years living within a few blocks of one of the biggest food co-ops in America before Joy and I joined it. We were definitely reluctant. But, in the end the lack of good produce and the decline of our local supermarkets led to us joining. And the result is a slighly more inconvenient shopping trip each week, but much healthier, higher quality and cheaper food. I recommend joining a co-op if there is one nearby. You will save money and eat healthier. So I will list some local food co-ops in Illinois:

    Neighborhood Co-op Grocery
    1815 W. Main Street
    Carbondale, Illinois 62901
    Phone: (618) 529-3533
    FAX: (618) 529-0172

    The foundation of our co-op is rooted in this community. In 1980, we began as a network of neighborhood buying clubs. We used a 3/4-ton flatbed truck to drive to Madison, Wisconsin to pick up the groceries directly from the distributor. The trip was long and ended with delivering the orders to various people, who would then act as distributors for their neighbors.

    In 1985 we became an actual store front, taking the place of Mr. Naturals, which was the privately owned natural foods store in the area at the time, located at 102 East Jackson.

    ...in 2005, we were bursting at the seams yet again! We began making plans to move to a new 12,000 square foot space in Murdale Shopping Center. We spent the next several months raising money from our ownership ($345,000) and securing financing to help fund the 1.5 million dollar store. In this new dream store, we were able to become a full-service grocery and cafe, operate a teaching kitchen for cooking classes and events and we continue to specialize in products that are organic, locally produced or fairly traded.

    They also have a list of events, classes, and a calendar.

    Common Ground Food Co-op
    610 E. Springfield
    Champaign, Illinois 61820
    Phone: (217) 352-3347
    FAX: (217) 352-2214

    Common Ground Food Co-op is a cooperatively owned grocery store that promotes local and organic production, fosters conscious consumerism, and builds community.

    Though we are community-owned, membership is not required to shop in the store!

    Common Ground Food Co-op carries a wide variety of groceries, produce, and health and beauty products.

    Duck Soup Co-op
    129 E. Hillcrest Drive
    DeKalb, Illinois 60115
    Phone: (815) 756-7044

    Incorporated in 1974 as a not-for-profit entity, Duck Soup was originally a member only, pre-order buying club. As the Coop grew, we were able to operate as a storefront outlet where purchases could be made from stock inventory. In 1990, the membership voted to open the store to the public as well as members.

    In addition to making natural foods available to the DeKalb Community, Duck Soup is a democratically managed business, where all members have the opportunity to take an active role in selecting product lines, setting pricing structures, and contributing to operational decisions. Duck Soup was designed to operate in the interest of consumers. There is no stock or private financial interest in the business. All of our current inventory, equipment and assets have been provided by member work contributions, equity and fee contributions, and surplus income generated from sales.

    They also have a great calendar of events.

    West Central Illinois Food Cooperative
    P.O. Box 677
    Galesburg, Illinois 61402

    West Central Illinois Food Cooperative is a not for profit natural foods Co-op located in Galesburg, Illinois serving people in Knox and Warren County. We are affiliated with United Natural Foods. United Natural Foods has a warehouse in Iowa City.

    We are a small food coop with about 20 to 30 families at any one time. Our monthly orders average about
    $2,000 - $3, 000. We have been operating as a Co-op since 1982. We do not have any one that earns a salary. All of our work is performed by members who work the different jobs as part of their monthy obligation. Working Members pay a 1% mark up from the wholesale price in the Catalog. We have nonworking members. They pay a 10% mark up. Please explore the various links on our site for additional information about the Co-op and United Natural Foods. You can also get additional information at United Natural Foods Buying Clubs site at www.unitedbuyingclubs.com

    South Suburban Food Co-op
    21750 Main Street
    Matteson, Illinois 60433
    Phone: (708) 747-2256

    Everyone is welcome to visit the SSFC during normal business hours. Don't forget to visit our Resale shop. We have guest passes available in order for you to make a purchase, however only one per household per year will be accepted. Ownership/Membership is required for additional opportunities to buy products including local, organic, wheat free, vegan, gluten free, and other health-conscience merchandise. If you too like the atmosphere and want to live a "greener" lifestyle, stop by.

    Straddle Creek Food Co-op
    112 Market Street - West
    Mt. Carroll, Illinois 61053
    Phone: (815) 244-2667

    And here is a HOUSING CO-OP in Chicago:

    Stone Soup Ashland
    4637 N. Ashland
    Chicago, Illinois 60614

    Stone Soup is a housing cooperative, founded in 1997, with three houses in Chicago's Uptown and McKinley Park neighborhoods. We are a diverse community of 35 people, who are committed to living with joy and justice in everything we do. So take a look around the site. Come by for a potluck. We'd love to meet you!

    Here are some Democracy for America meetups:

    Hanover Township Democrats & Independents: Empower the grassroots by training and supporting citizens and leaders dedicated to electing fiscally and socially responsible candidates to all levels of office. We have been registered with the Illinois State Board of Elections since March 2006. Sign up here for more info.

    DFA-Evanston North Shore: This website serves our DFA-Evanston and North Shore community. Our meetings are usually on the first Monday of each month at the Celtic Knot, 626 Church St, Evanston 60201. Show up or sign up for more info.

    Northside DFA: Northside DFA is a diverse group of dedicated volunteers working to elect socially progressive, fiscally responsible, and ethically committed Democrats to office at all levels of government. We are active in many local races and focus our energies on working for progressive candidates.

    We meet the first Thursday of every month, and we organize weekly volunteer activities supporting our adopted candidates. Sign up for one of our events and get involved!

    49th Ward DFA: Voters, residents, and friends with an interest in 49th Ward politics. Sign up here for more info.

    Oak Park DFA Meeting: Sign up here for more info.

    Chicago South Side DFA: Sign up here for more info.

    Downstate Democrats for Change: Sign up here for more info.

    Greater Lincoln Park DFA: This chapter serves the Lincoln Park community of Chicago, IL. We're requesting a $20/year membership to cover the expenses of the organization and its activities. Sign up here for more info.

    Naperville/Aurora DFA: There are something like 400 DFA members just in Naperville and Aurora! This group hopes to bring those of us living in the Naperville/Aurora area together for some good old fashioned political activism! Sign up here for more info.

    Democracy for the 14th District: Sign up here for more info.

    Here are some other Groups and Events in Illinois:

    Illinois Recycling Association is the only collective voice for recycling on critical waste management issues facing this state. We represent your interests at the state level. For a more complete idea of what the Illinois Recycling Association does, check out our Mission Statement and Goals on our Mission Page. Go here to see upcoming events.

    Stonewall Democrats Illinois: email for more info: StonewallDemsIL_at_gmail.com

    The Illinois Tenth Congressional District Democrats is a volunteer group that has formed to help elect Democrats at all levels of government within Illinois' Tenth Congressional District. The district includes portions of both Cook and Lake Counties stretching from Wilmette on the south through Waukegan and from Lake Michigan west through parts of Arlington Heights and Palatine. Check here for upcoming events. You can also email them for more info: info_at_tenthdems.org

    Chicago Center for Inquiry: Center For Inquiry/Chicago is a not-for-profit organization that nurtures and inter-connects Chicagoland's growing community of secular humanists and free inquirers. We are dedicated to inquiring into and striving to improve all aspects of the human condition. Go here to see their calendar of events.

    Here are some Drinking Liberally groups in Illinois:

    Chicago, Illinois
    * Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
    * Sheffield's, 3258 N Sheffield Ave (In the back room)
    * Hosted by Greg Sasso and Jon Mclennand, chicago (at) drinkingliberally.org

    DeKalb, Illinois
    * Every other Tuesday, 8:30 pm onward
    * O'Leary's Irish Pub, 260 E Lincoln Hwy (On the Corner of 3rd and Lincoln Hwy)
    * Parking is available on 3rd St. in the public lot across the tracks.
    * Hosted by Kevin Malone, dekalb (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Evanston, Illinois
    * Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm onward
    * The Celtic Knot, 626 Church St (Half block east of Orrington)
    * For the upcoming holiday season we're not planning on meeting the week of Thanksgiving or during the month of December
    * Hosted by Mark Foisy, Rich Heath and Adelaide Rowe, evanston (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Moline, Illinois
    * First and third Friday of each month, 8:00pm onward
    * Jack's Place, 425 15th St
    * Stop on down and bring a friend!
    * Hosted by Amy Holcomb and Rachel Griffiths, moline (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Naperville, Illinois
    * 2nd Sunday and 4th Tuesday of every month
    * Quigley's Irish Pub, 43 E Jefferson Ave
    * Hosted by Rich Wawronowicz and Tom Mikesell, naperville (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Peoria, Illinois
    * Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward
    * Kelleher's Irish Pub, 619 SW Water St
    * Hosted by Bill Poorman, peoria (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Springfield, Illinois
    * Every Thursday, 6:30 pm onward
    * Brewhaus, 617 E Washington St (Between 6th & 7th)
    * We also meet for Drinking Coffee Liberally the 1st & 3rd Saturday mornings of the month at Trout Lilly Cafe
    * Hosted by Vera Mount, springfieldil (at) drinkingliberally.org


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