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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 09, 2009

    VIRGINIA FOCUS: Blogs, Energy and Agriculture, Food Co-ops, Veterans for Peace, Groups and Events


    LeftyBlogs Virginia is the place to find out what's happening in the progressive blogosphere across Virginia.

    The Virginia Public Access Project is a non profit group that demonstrates how technology can improve public understanding of money's role in Virginia politics. This is one of the best resources to use to find out who takes money from whom in Virginia politics.

    The Virginia Organizing Project is a statewide, multi-issue citizens' organization committed to challenging injustice by empowering people in local communities to address issues that affect the quality of their lives.

    Virginia Poverty Law Center (VPLC) is a not-for-profit organization concentrating in the areas of law that affect low-income families.

    The Richmond Democrat

    The Virginia Young Democrats blog has links to local Young Democrat groups and college clubs, and has information of interest to young voters in Virginia. This is Virginia's political future!

    Virginia Coalition for Open Government: formed to promote expanded access to government records, meetings and other proceedings at the state and local level. Our efforts are focused solely on local/state information access. While we do some lobbying (within limits imposed by IRS rules), our primary work is educational. The Coalition was formed in 1996, after a year-long organizing effort. Our 23-member board of directors represents the state's access activists and friends of open government, including Virginia's librarians, genealogists, broadcasters, newspapers and the public at large. Also check out their blog for recent news.

    Ox Road South: Chap Peterson's website

    Some stories of interest:

    The Party of No Strikes Again...Why can't Republicans come up with any ideas other than saying "no no no no no..?"

    And more on Republicans saying "No we can't": Republicans against energy efficiency

    This was from a month ago, but I think it is worth reading: Why I’m supporting Brian Moran: He’s been there. I think it is a reasonable analysis of the race. I lean towards Moran, though respect the other candidates and mainly just want the Dems to win. I also appreciate how Moran has focused on supporting life-saving stem cell research. And for more info, here is a comparison among the three Dem candidates from Lee District Democrats....and an analysis of who's ahead: Brian Moran Leads in Primary, Strongest in General Election

    And the Republican opposition to these fine Democrats: The real Bob McDonnell...and more on McDonnell: Voter Suppression - McDonnell's plan for Virginia? Typical anti-democracy Republican.

    Republican Strategy: Divide Virginia

    Keith Olbermann takes on Eric Cantor's bullying...and on a related note: Here's some hard truth about Eric Cantor

    400 Chesapeake Residents Sue Dominion for $1 Billion over Coal Fly Ash Dump...Remember, there is NO SUCH THING AS CLEAN COAL

    Western Virginia Democratic Initiative

    State of the Race for Gov

    Where in the World is Eric Cantor?

    Frederick, a fool for all seasons?

    Brian Moran's Plan: Investments in Small Business, Job Creation

    More @#$! from AIG...I am personally starting to boycott Bank of America, AIG and Citibank. I am switching to TD Bank, US Bank and USAA where I can.

    Taking back the House of Delegates

    Veterans For Peace: DC, Maryland & Virginia Chapter

    Veterans For Peace is a national organization founded in 1985. It is structured around a national office in Saint Louis, MO and comprised of members across the country organized in chapters or as at-large members. There is an annual convention each year attended by our members, families and supporters from across the nation.

    We, having dutifully served our nation, do hereby affirm our greater responsibility to serve the cause of world peace. To this end we will work, with others to:

    1. Increase public awareness of the full costs of war.

    2. Restrain our government from intervening, overtly or covertly, in the internal affairs of other nations.

    3. End the arms race and to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons.

    4. Seek justice for veterans and victims of war.

    5. Abolish war as an instrument of national policy.

    Go here to become a member.

    To find out more, contact: vfpdc_at_vfpdc.org


    It took nearly 7 years living within a few blocks of one of the biggest food co-ops in America before Joy and I joined it. We were definitely reluctant. But, in the end the lack of good produce and the decline of our local supermarkets led to us joining. And the result is a slighly more inconvenient shopping trip each week, but much healthier, higher quality and cheaper food. I recommend joining a co-op if there is one nearby. You will save money and eat healthier. So I will list some local food co-ops in Virginia:

    Eats Natural Foods Co-op
    708 North Main Street in Blacksburg (new location)
    Phone: (540) 552-2279

    (email doesn't work? If anyone has any info on this co-op, let me know)

    Crozet Natural Foods
    PO Box 634
    Crozet, Virginia 22932
    Phone: (434) 823-5583

    Healthy Foods Co-op
    110 W Washington Street
    Lexington, Virginia 24450
    Phone: (540) 463-6954
    FAX: (540) 463-7213

    (email doesn't work?)

    We are a community-based cooperative, dedicated to offering products, services and leadership which reflects our membership's commitment to healthy living, nutritional awareness and environmental responsibility.

    Healthy Foods Market is a cooperative business, meaning that we are owned and democratically controlled by our members. We are proud of our experienced and knowledgeable staff that can assist you with your regular purchases, as well as with special inquires and needs.

    They also have a cafe, something I wish my local food co-op would do.

    Fare Share Cooperative
    2132 W. Main Street
    Richmond, Virginia 23220
    Phone: (804) 355-5919

    Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op
    1319 Grandin Road SW
    Roanoke, Virginia 24015
    Phone: (540) 343-5652
    FAX: (540) 343-5711

    Incorporated in 1975, Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op– or the Co-op as it is more commonly known – provides our community with nutritious food choices and earth-friendly products. Operating from cooperative principles, we support sustainable environmental practices, local organic farmers, local businesses, and our community.

    We are the largest cooperatively owned natural foods grocery store in Virginia, and though we're member owned, ownership is not required to shop. Our products are many, our selection diverse, and our promise unwavering – that you will find quality items for sale in our store with no artificial colorants, preservatives, or additives.

    In addition to providing families with high-quality organic and natural products, the Co-op supports local efforts to preserve the integrity and health of our natural resources and community.

    Valley Market
    PO Box 23
    Staunton, Virginia 24402-0023

    Valley Market is a food co-op currently forming in Staunton, VA. It is our vision to open a cooperatively run, retail grocery store-front in the Staunton area.

    Valley Market is a community-owned and democratically run business. We are an excited group of volunteers who are interested in making a difference in the health and well being of our community. Though we are in the development stages, our vision is to open a retail natural food co-op emphasizing locally grown and produced food and products.

    We are presently in the planning, organizing and fundraising stages of our development.

    This gives you a chance to be in on the beginning of a tradition. To get involved, go here.

    Alternative Energy and Sustainable Agriculture in Virginia:

    Some stats from Repower America:

    * The recently passed Virginia Energy Plan will aim to reduce Virginia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent by 2025 through energy efficiency education and investment in state renewable energy projects.

    * A 39-megawatt wind farm recently gained approval in Highland County and is expected to power 15,000 homes with clean energy

    * Virginia's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) enourages public utilities to generate 12% of their electricity sales from renewable energy sources by 2022.

    Alternative energy and YOUR energy bill: YOU can be part of the solution for America by signing up to purchase your energy through a Green Power Provider. My wife and I have been doing this in NYC for years. All our energy usage is provided through wind energy generation on American farms. So we use clean energy AND help American farmers. It costs us three cents per kilowatt-hour more per month, but we feel great about it. Although our actual energy may come from anywhere, we are paying to purchase wind energy for the energy grid. Each state has different programs available, usually through yuor existing energy provider right on your existing energy bill. To find such options in Virginia, go here and pick your energy provider from the list. If you need help, you can email me and tell me who you get your bill from (don't give me any other info!) and I can tell you who to contact to go green through that energy provider. Or you can do the same thing using Renewable Energy Certificates through an organization that works with utility companies, though in this case it is a separate bill. One off the cheapest (.4-1 cent per kilowatt-hour), but still e-Green certified, ways to do this is through Good Energy. Or, for about half a cent per kilowatt-hour you can purchase renewable energy certificates through Carbonfund.org. ANY of these ways you do it, you are helping the environment, helping America, and helping cut carbon emissions.

    Algae Key to Greenhouse Gases Solution? This is a topic I have been skeptical of, but have recently read up more on the topic and feel it is well worth looking into. This article comes from the Roanoke Democracy for America website.

    Living Green DC/MD/VA:
    LIVING GREEN DC/MD/VA works to send a message to the community and influence small changes in everyday actions that can have a big impact on our world. As a group we look for ways to make small changes in the way we live, enjoying the support and friendship of other like-minded people. This meetup can only grow if lots of members become Assistant Organizers and provide fun and creative ways to socialize, learn, spread the word, volunteer, network, do fun things. Suggestions are seeing films with environmental themes, dining where organic and locally purchased produce is promoted, visiting farmers markets and socializing afterwards, volunteering for Earth Day activities, meeting in cafes to discuss books and articles, etc.. Whether it's a movie screening or eating a meal with freinds at an environmentally friendly restaurant, you are sure to make an impact, so join the group and volunteer. Go here for more information.

    Alternative Energy Resources in Virginia: a short summary of alternative energy resources for Virginia. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.

    Virginia Sustainable Agriculture Organizations and Publications: Whether you're a beginning farmer, or an experienced agricultural producer interested in transitioning to more sustainable practices, you may want to start by learning more about the principles of sustainable agriculture and some of the "systems" approaches associated with it.

    Northern Virginia Environment Meetup: Promoting alternative energy: Freedom's Renewable Energy Everyday/where/one. Sign up here to find out when and where they meet.

    Now some other groups and events:

    Arlington Democrats Meetup Group
    Meet other local Dems! Sponsored by the Arlington Democratic Committee, about 60 attendees meet to discuss local/national politics, listen to guest speakers and receive news on getting involved. Email jamesemcb_at_yahoo.com to join the ACDC listserv or sign up at www.arlingtonyoungdems.org.

    Monthly Charlottesville Democratic Breakfast
    This gathering takes place on the third Saturday of each month at 9:30a.m. and is usually held at the JABA building on Hillsdale Drive. Pay what you can.

    Virginia Beach Democratic Committee Monthly Meeting
    Held the First Wednesday of every month, 7 PM, at the Virginia Beach Central Library.

    Monthly Interfaith Pray for Peace Gathering
    Final Thursday of evern month, 7:15pm

    Location: Sojourners UCC Church, 1017 Elliott Ave, Charlottesville
    Sponser: Interfaith Cooperation Circle of Central Virginia-URI; Gesher Center; Unity Church

    On the final Thursday of every month, the Interfaith Pray for Peace Gathering welcomes people of all faiths, backgrounds, and beliefs to an inspired and inspiring flow of prayers, meditations and songs for peace.

    Contact Name: Heena Reiter
    Contact email: gesher_at_mindspring.com
    Contact Phone: 434-970-7836

    Equality Loudoun has been working since 2003 to make Loudoun County, Virginia a welcoming place for all its residents - gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and straight.

    Vienna Hispanic Democrats:
    Meet with local Hispanic Democrats. To learn more, join here.

    Fauquier Democrats Monthly Meeting
    Third Tuesday of Each Month, 7:30 pm
    Warren Green Building
    10 Hotel Street
    Old Town, Warrenton

    Blue Mondays With the Stafford County Democrats
    Every Monday evening at 5 PM
    King Street Blues Restaurant
    Casual get-together of like minded Democratic Activist
    For more info contact: jac_at_j2power.com

    Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, Virginia Chapter: Keeping America Free, Secular and Jeffersonian. Church-state separation stands as one of the foundations of our nation. Because of it, Americans enjoy unparalleled religious liberty and nurture one of the most vital religious communities in the world. Separation guarantees the freedom to worship or not to worship as you choose. Northern Virginia Chapter and Southern Virginia Chapter.

    Democracy for Virginia:
    Here are the local Democracy for America chapters in Virginia. Click on the link for more info:

    * Arlington for Democracy (may be dormant...you can go here to contact the organizers and get more up to date info)

    * Roanoke DFA

    * Tidewater for Democracy

    * Virginia Grassroots Coalition (may be dormant...you can contact them here for more info: info@vagrassroots.org)

    Drinking Liberally:
    For the more social and fun-oriented (and booze oriented), there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the Virginia Drinking Liberally Chapters:

    Alexandria/Springfield, Virginia
    * Second Thursday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
    * King Street Blues, 5810 Kingstowne Center Drive, Alexandria (Corner of Kingstowne Blvd and Van Dorn Street)
    * Hosted by Brian Murray and Mike Sizemore, alexandria (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Arlington, Virginia
    * Every Thursday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    * Capitol City Brewing Company, 2700 S Quincy St
    * We're usually in the back room at Cap City; check with the host station if you don't see us there!
    * "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world" - Margaret Mead
    * Hosted by David Swim, Quinn Jones, Michelle Elliott and Bev Wright, arlington (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Charlottesville, Virginia
    * Every Thursday, 6:00 pm onward
    * South Street Brewery, 106 W South St
    * Hosted by Chris Dumler and Clare Wuerker, charlottesville (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Lorton, Virginia
    * First and third Friday of each month, 6pm to 8 or 9
    * Glory Days Grill, 9459 Lorton Market St
    * First hour of the gathering is part of happy hour
    * Hosted by Alan Salisbury and Chris Ambrose, lorton (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Norfolk, Virginia
    * Third Thursday of each month, 5:00-7:00 pm
    * The New Belmont, 2117 Colonial Ave (upstairs at the bar)
    * Hosted by Tom Mitchell and Vivian Paige, norfolk (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Richmond, Virginia
    * Every other Wednesday, 7:00 pm onward
    * Chiocca's Downstairs, 425 N Belmont Ave (Museum District - corner of Kensington & Belmont)
    * Come join us for brews & news!
    * Hosted by Morgan Bailey and John Manall, richmond (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    * First Friday of each month, 7:00 PM
    * Studio For The Healing Arts, 1611 Colley Ave # D, Norfolk, VA, Norfolk (One block from the Naro theater)
    * Zeitgeist the Movie, DVD Door Prize
    * http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Virginia9-11Truth/ http://vbdems.org
    * One block from the Naro theater in Ghent
    * Hosted by Chris Jaramillo and Eileen Levandoski, vabeach (at) drinkingliberally.org


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