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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, June 09, 2007

    Progressive Democrat Issue 125: THOUGHTS

    This week I want to draw your attention to three diaries in a series on Daily Kos that may be one of the most important strategies for progressives in 2008. The first part of the series covers something that I am not really discussing in this newsletter, though locally I am certainly involved in: Democratic primaries. I do not agree with all that is said in this first diary, but I do think it is important to dicuss and I KNOW that many of my readers will be interested. My main comment on focusing on Democratic Primaries is to remember that a Congressional rep must reflect his or her district. There are some conservative Democrats who prefectly represent the voters in their district and I don't feel I have the right to tell another district they should change their minds on who they support. On the other hand, there are Congressional reps who do NOT represent their districts well and remain in office largely due to the support of big money interests. THOSE are the districts that people might want to look into if they are interested in challenging incumbent Democrats. But again, that is not a topic I generally discuss in this newsletter.

    The second diary in the series in many ways is the absolutely MOST CRITICAL strategy for progressive Democrats because it is defending those members of the House, particularly the freshmen we just helped elect, whose voting record, particularly on the war, are excellent and who will have a tough re-election in 2008. If we don't defend these progressive all-stars, the progressive movement is not worth much. I think our primary (but not ONLY) goal for 2008 is to defend the Democrats covered in this second diary. The defense of these districts is, in many ways, a major test of the skill, strategic sense and relevance of the progressive movement. I cannot overstate the importance of defending these seats and I cannot overstate the importance of early money. If these strongly anti-war, strongly progressive, Rove-targeted Democrats succeed in raising scads of money right after their excellent votes against the war, it sends a clear message that opposition to the war will mean political success. In honor of the Rove-targeted, anti-war, progressive Democratic all-stars, I introduce this Act Blue site. I really want to say that THIS ACT BLUE SITE needs to be a priority for the progressive movement because if we fail in defending these candidates, our relavence will be minimal. And NOW is the time because of the message it sends regarding the vote on withdrawing our troops. Please give!

    The final diary in the series is the offense to the last one's defense. It covers the Republican incumbents who are MOST vulnerable in 2008. In 2006 I generally ignored defense in favor of offense. Right now I really want to emphasize defense of our best new Democrats, as I say above. But I certainly don't want to ignore offense. This diary covers the top pick up chances of 2008. I have made this Act Blue site focusing on the hottest of the hottest pick up chances, mostly in swing districts of swing states. If you prefer offense to defense, please donate here. If you prefer defense to offense, please donate above. Or donate to both if you want to REALLY kick Republican ass.

    Here is this week's once again abbreviated newsletter:




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