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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, September 02, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 85: FUNDRAISING

    I have from time to time plugged particular Act Blue pages I have put together to help defeat Republicans. I want to summarize how my efforts have done so far...and, of course, ask you to contribute more!

    My most successful page so far has been my New Mexico Page thanks to a single donor who contributed $1000! New Mexico has been so delicately balanced in the last two presidential elections. I want to see New Mexico reject Republican lies and corruption and turn solid blue. The biggest race in New Mexico this year is NM-1 race. According to Salon.com, the Iraq war is key to this race and the Rpub incumbent is in trouble big time. Patricia Madrid, the Dem challenger, is considered one of the rising stars in politics today. The NM-1 race is one of this year's closest House races. Please join me and our wonderful $1000 contributor and help win NM-1.

    Second most successful has been my NY State fundraising page where I have so far raised $950. Of all the states in America, NY State has the chance for the most pick ups in the House. The coat tails of Eliot Spitzer (running for Governor) and Hillary Clinton (running for Senate) could be a huge factor. Depending on who is doing the calculation, there are anywhere from two to five VERY close races where Democrats could pick up House Seats. Add to that another three or four long shots that could change overnight due to corruption allegations against the Republican incumbent. That makes NY State a huge pick up opportunity. I am of course working very hard not only for candidates in the Democratic Primary, but also for at least one Democrat running for Congress against a Republican--Steve Harrison who is running in a district near where I live. He is a long-shot, but I think this race could pick up and I hope to be a part of that. Thanks to the generous donors who have so far given $650 through my Act Blue page to help Steve Harrison defeat Vito Fossella.

    My third most successful page is particularly appropriate now around the anniversary of the Katrina disaster where American citizens were left to die by our government. My Katrina 11 page is dedicated to defeating those Republicans who have been supportive of no-bid contracts for Halliburton but opposed giving aid to Katrina victims. So far $480 have been donated to defeating these callous bastards. Some of these races are very definitely long-shots, but some are possible pick ups. Let's make their callousness towards Katrina victims a real issue and let's give the Katrina 11 a hard time.

    My fourth most successful page has been my Nevada page with $305 raised, mostly for Jack Carter's run for the Senate. Jack Carter is Jimmy Carter's son and would make a most excellent Senator. The Nevada race is pretty critical for winning back the Senate. So please give Jack some help!

    Next is my Iowa page with $275 raised. Iowa has two close house races, one good pick up chance for Democrats (IA-1) and one where we need to defend against a massive Republican effort to unseat a Democrat (IA-3) as well as a couple of other races that could become competitive. There is also an important race for Secretary of State (remember...we need to protect our elections!) and one of the best Democracy for America endorsed candidates in the country, Elesha Gayman, is running for Iowa's state legislature. So Iowa is important both nationally and in terms of electing progressives to state offices.

    Next is my Montana page with $150 raised. Montana is absolutely critical for winning the Senate and the Senate race is basically a dead-heat. If Jon Tester doesn't win this one, there is pretty much no chance the Democrats will win back the Senate.

    Next is my Ohio page with $115. We all know how important Ohio is. We have some great pick up opportunities including a Seante and Governor's spot. But those are pretty likely to go our way. What are far more important and hotly contested are some very key House races and the Ohio Sec. of State and Attorney General races. Ohio is THE key to winning the House. If we want fair elections we need to elect Jennifer Brunner as Sec. of State for Ohio and if we want the extremely corrupt Ohio Republican party to be brought to justice, we need to elect Mark Dann Attorney General. Ohio is, as expected and as usual, possibly the top battleground state of this year.

    Interestingly, the two absolutely MOST important states for winning back the House are tied with $100 raised each. BOTH really deserve far, far more attention than they have been getting. Indiana is a state where we have as many as three solid pick up chances and one race we need to defend a solid Democrat from Republican attacks. One district, IN-2, had seemed impossible to win just a few months ago but, partly thanks to efforts by MoveOn.org, has become one of the most competitive races in the country. Tied with Indiana in terms of my fundraising success is Connecticut where we also have three possible pick up chances. Two of the nations most competitive races are in CT and a third race is looking like it will BECOME competitive soon. Of course we also have a very interesting Senate race in Connecticut, don't we? I strongly urge you to help out Indiana and Connecticut because without big wins in these two states we will not retake the House.

    Next is another state that is critical for retaking the Senate: Missouri where I have raised $50. Missouri is a border state not only between the Midwest and the South, but also between Blue Democrats and Red Republicans. What is more, Missouri is home to one of the most corrupt Republican State Parties in the nation, rivalled only by the Ohio and Kentucky Republicans. Fighting Republicans in Missouri is almost by definition fighting corruption. Furthermore, if we don't win the Missouri Senate seat, we will not win back the Senate. It is a MUST win. There are also several excellent Democracy for America endorsed candidates running for state-level seats that deserve our help.

    Finally there is my Act Blue Page dedicated to ensuring fair elections and fighting corruption. This page, which has raised $50, is dedicated to winning Sec of State and Attny General positions in various states. These seldom noticed races are really critical for cleaning up our government and our elections.

    The Grand Total raised so far: $3575

    Can we make $5000?

    Pages that are important but have not yet gotten any contributions are as follows:

    Virginia where we have a CRITICAL Senate race and one close House race. I challenge my Virginia readers to catch up with my New York readers in donating to win their state!

    Rhode Island where we also have a CRITICAL Senate race.

    Arizona where we have at least two extremely close House races.

    Wyoming where we have a House race that has just started to look promising and where winning would make Dick Cheney so pissed his head just might explode.

    Wisconsin where we have one very close House race with an excellent candidate, Bryan Kennedy.

    Finally, I want to introduce my NEWEST Act Blue Page, long overdue: my New Jersey page. We have another critical Senate race in New Jersey this year, perhaps the closest in the nation. My New York readers have donated nearly $1000 to winning big in New York. I challenge my New Jersey readers to beat us here in New York by donating more than that to winning in New Jersey.


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