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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, September 02, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 85: NEW JERSEY GROUPS AND EVENTS

    Join Special Guest Senator Robert Menendez at the Democrats 2000 Fall Bowling Classic.

    Saturday, September 16th, 5:30pm
    Mid-State Lanes
    Route 18 North
    East Brunswick, NJ

    Admission: $40.00

    To become a team leader, or to RSVP to the event, email democrats2000@aol.com today!

    An Evening with President Clinton
    State Theater
    New Brunswick, NJ 07733
    Tickets on sale now via ticketmaster.com. Contact Jaime Roberts at 917-421-5103 or jaimeroberts@livenation.com for more information.

    Bally's Resort and Casino
    Atlantic City, NJ 08401
    Campaign training for young Democrats ages 18 to 25. For more information please email NextGeneration06@njdems.org or call 609 392 3367 ext. 41.

    8th Annual Van Drew Family Pig Roast
    237 Dennisville Rd.
    South Seaville, NJ 08246
    Please join Assemblyman Jeff Van Drew and Assemblyman Nelson Albano for the 8th Annual Van Drew Pig Roast at their home. Enjoy free food and drink! Rain or Shine!

    Time: 4:30pm-7:30pm

    Middle Township Senior Center
    Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
    The Cape May County Federation of Democratic Women is pleased to present our campaign contibutions to the Democratic candidates for US Senate, US Congress, Freeholder, and local offices. Join us for this festive and exciting evening.
    Contact 609-624-7626 or amastro3@yahoo.com

    Rahway Dems Annual Barbeque
    Rahway River Park, St Georges Avenue
    Rahway, NJ 07065
    Join the Rahway Democratic Clubs Annual Barbeque, Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 12 Noon!!!!

    Rahway River Park
    St Georges Avenue
    Rahway, NJ 07065

    RSVP by Friday Sept 8, 2006

    Bob Bresenhan, Jr.
    Director of Public Relations
    Rahway Democratic Club

    Sussex County Dem Party Bi-Monthly Public Meeting
    Hampton Diner, Rte 206 North
    Hampton, NJ 07860
    Bi-monthly public meeting. Open to all that's interested in joining the NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY's effort to provide Sussex county what most other Americans have - - a real choice in their elctions. Contact: Howard Burrell, 1800-946-7232; hburrell@sussexdems.com.

    Fundraiser Honoring Steve Barry
    905 Route 9 North
    Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
    Join us as we honor Steve Barry, our candidate for Middle Township Committee!

    Location: Stone Harbor Golf Club
    Time: 5:30pm-7:30pm
    Date: September 19, 2006
    Ticket Price: $500
    For more information, please call: 609-729-1333 ext. 117

    Democracy for America Meetups: DFA is one of the best hopes we have of retaking America. I strongly urge you to get involved with your local group. New Jersey for Democracy Meetups take place on the first Wednesday of every month @ 7pm. There are many meetups around the state: North, Central and South Jersey.

    Common Cause: Common Cause is a major force in Progressive Politics. It was founded in 1970 (by a Republican, mind you!) to counter the influence of special interests in Washington. Today they work on many of the same issues I am trying to highlight. Check out the NJ Common Cause website.

    Here is how you can find your local Dem clubs. Go to HERE and click on your county.

    Drinking Liberally: An informal, inclusive weekly Democratic drinking club. Raise your spirits while you raise your glass, and share ideas while you share a pitcher. Drinking Liberally gives like-minded, left-leaning individuals a place to talk politics. You don't need to be a policy expert and this isn't a book club - just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it's not taboo to talk politics. Find your local drinking liberally group or start your own with a few buddies: (and thanks to the people in NJ who keep me updated on the changes...I appreciate it!)

    New Brunswick, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month, 7:00 PM @ Doll's Place, 101 Paterson St. New Brunswick, NJ

    Hoboken, New Jersey, Fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:00-10:00 pm, Mulligan's, 159 1st Street (between Bloomfield and Garden), Hosted by Leigh Wolinsky, David Alpert and Morgan Baden, hoboken (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Princeton, Princeton, First Thursday Each Month 7:00 PM @ Sotto Ristorante and Lounge (formerly the Annex) 128 1/2 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ. princeton@drinkingliberally.org or http://princeton.drinkingliberally.org/

    Montclair Every other Wednesday, 6:30 pm onward, Egan & Sons, 118 Walnut St. Hosted by Jon Hershberg, montclair (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Morristown, Third Thursday of each month (next meeting April 20), 7:00 pm onward; The Famished Frog, 18 Washington St. Hosted by Jim Long, Tracy Kurland, Rob Gregory and Dave Cochran, morristown (at) drinkingliberally.org

    RUNNING FOR CHANGE: For those who prefer running to biking, you can join RUNNING FOR CHANGE: Building a progressive America through organized runs and other grassroots activities.


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