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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, March 19, 2010

    Pennsylvania Focus: Lois Herr for Congress

    Here is an upcoming event where you can meet Lois Herr:

    Lois Herr is running against Republican Pitts, who teamed up with Stupak to try and tack an anti-abortion amendment to healthcare reform. Lois Herr has been endorsed by NOW and Feminist Majority.

    Join Gloria Steinem as we raise our glasses to Lois Herr, candidate for Congress:
    Saturday March 27, 2010

    At the home of Bob and Ellen Groff
    174 River Drive
    Lancaster, PA 17603
    (click for directions)

    Reservations are required. Reserve your place now online by clicking here:


    Ticket Prices: $75 and $150. VIP Ticket holders will receive a special memento of the event.

    Questions? Please email rsvp@herr2010.com or call (717) 689-3155

    Here is Lois Herr's statement on her candidacy:

    Since 1993, I have worked for Elizabethtown College in a variety of positions—teacher, senior-level administrator, and Scholar-in-Residence, and published two books.

    Now is clearly a time when serious people are needed in Congress. An enormous amount of work must be done to clean up the financial and military disasters of the Bush era, to put the country on a path toward widely-shared prosperity, to extend health care to all Americans, to address our energy future and global warming and to rebuild our stature in the world.

    The Republicans in Congress have no new ideas at all. We tried their old ideas. They proved catastrophic for our people, our economy and our country.

    Lois with candidate Barack Obama
    in Buchanan Park in 2008

    But even with expanded majorities in Congress, we seem to have a hard time pressing through a truly progressive agenda. I have a simple prescription: elect more real-world progressives to Congress – people who know how to solve problems.

    Here is my agenda for Congress:

    * Affordable health care for every American – no exceptions
    * Government and private investment in alternative energy and conservation – to protect the environment and create jobs
    * Bread and butter issues - fair trade, fair taxes, real financial regulation and the right for workers to organize
    * A prompt and responsible end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as part of restoring America’s moral standing in the world

    I’m running against one of the worst Republicans in the Congress: Joe Pitts. He supported every single disastrous and wrong policy during Bush, and he wishes we could go back to them now. He is an absolutely consistent opponent of the Obama Administration, and is the long-time chair of the Republican Values Action Team, which coordinates policy with the religious Right.

    Pitts is in his 38th year as a career politician, spending 24 years in the PA House before being elected to the US House, where he has been notably ineffective.

    I offer experience solving problems, not creating them, and I will make PA’s 16th District relevant in Congress again. I will work for you.

    This is our opportunity to defeat an extreme right-wing incumbent. Our district deserves better – to be represented by someone with mainstream values we all share.

    With your help, we will beat Joe Pitts this time. We have to.

    Please join me by investing your time, money and energy to make this happen


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