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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, April 16, 2009

    Clean Wisconsin

    This comes from Clean Wisconsin:

    Clean Wisconsin Petition:

    Support the Uniform Wind Siting Standards Bill that will create jobs, reduce costs and lead to a cleaner, more energy independent future for Wisconsin.

    Here is their suggested letter to your legislators:

    Dear Legislator,

    I am writing to encourage you to support the Uniform Wind Siting Standards Bill, LRB #1048 that will authorize the Public Service Commission to create statewide standards for siting and permitting wind energy developments. This legislation is vital to rejuvenating Wisconsin's ailing economy and promoting energy independence.

    Wisconsin's traditionally strong manufacturing base is ideally suited to manufacture components for renewable energy systems like wind turbines. Companies like Tower Tech in Manitowoc demonstrate the ability of the wind industry to create hundreds of jobs for Wisconsinites, yet the full potential of this industry has not been realized as bureaucratic road blocks hold back the development of wind farms in Wisconsin.

    The current system for permitting new wind farm developments has failed. A patchwork of confusing and overly-restrictive local regulations have effectively shut Wisconsin's door to the wind industry, an industry which promises to bring millions of dollars of investments and thousands of sustainable jobs with it.

    In addition to jobs manufacturing components for wind turbines, the construction and maintenance of wind farms also creates many jobs. The wind industry could put Wisconsinites to work building access roads, shipping components, managing electronics, running construction equipment and erecting the towers that will provide clean, safe and affordable renewable energy for our homes and businesses.

    This overdue legislation will authorize the Public Service Commission to convene a stakeholder committee that will recommend statewide standards to regulate and oversee the wind industry in Wisconsin.

    Wind power provides many benefits to the state of Wisconsin including:

    * Creating jobs in the manufacturing, construction, operation and maintenance of wind farms.
    * Providing steady income to farmers and rural landowners who are paid to host wind mills.
    * Supplying clean, safe and affordable renewable energy that can power our homes, buildings and businesses
    * Keeps money in the state, by reducing the amount of money we spend importing coal and oil from other states.

    Please support the Uniform Wind Siting Standards Bill LRB #1048 that will create jobs, reduce costs and lead to a cleaner, more energy independent future for Wisconsin.

    You can sign their petition here. And go one step further and join Clean Wisconsin to help work for a better energy future for America.


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