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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, November 04, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 94: WILL THERE BE ANY RED STATES LEFT

    Now I am never one to be overly optimistic, but I have to say that you KNOW the Republicans are hurting when they are having trouble hanging on to IDAHO.

    Yes, Idaho. Two separate polls taken in October (Mason-Dixon and RT Strategies) show the ID-1 race to be close. One shows it a statistical dead heat and the other shows it to be within 6 points. Dare we hope for Congressman Grant from Idaho?

    Furthermore, the Republican hold on the Idaho Governorship has slipped from strong retention to weak retention.

    Yes...in IDAHO.

    Meanwhile, the Wyoming House race (at large) also remains closer than anyone would have expected. THe most recent poll (Aspen) shows the Democrat within 4 points of the Republican. Congressman Trauner from Wyoming? Sounds good to me!

    Yes, in Wyoming.

    And, of course, Republicans are fighting to keep the Montana Senate seat and might lose as many as three House seats in Indiana.

    There are no more safe red states. Sure, many of these close races will still remain Republican. But they are having to fight for it!

    Idaho...Wyoming...Montana...Indiana. Sounds like a 50-state strategy might be paying off.


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