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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 22, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 83: VIRGINIA FOCUS

    The Virginia Democratic Party is gearing up for another kick-ass year. I am asking you to be a part of to the best of your ability.

    There are ten things you can do TODAY to Help Democrats Across Virginia

    The purpose of the Democratic Party of Virginia is to help Democratic candidates get elected to public office. Helping to achieve that goal for any office might mean conducting voter registration drives, hosting outreach receptions, staffing the polls, setting up phone banks, fundraising, and supporting your candidates.

    1. Get involved with a campaign

    There's always a campaign that needs help from people like you—in Virginia, every year is a campaign year. (See above!) Contact the Democratic Party of Virginia today to find out which campaigns need help. betsy@vademocrats.org.

    2. Join the party

    Democrats across Virginia are energized and engaged in grassroots activism. Don't miss out on your chance to make a difference. Contact your City/County Committee Chair. Find out how to get involved in local politics. Bring friends. Make suggestions. Help improve the activism at the local level through direct participation in Democratic events.

    3. Help spread the message...

    ...that the Democratic Party of Virginia is the party of fiscal responsibility, preserving our commitment to our world-class public schools and institutions of higher learning, working to create new jobs and opportunities for all Virginians. You can spread the message by writing a letter to the editor, through e-mail discussion groups, and by calling in to radio talk shows. Write a Letter to the Editor by contacting state newspapers.

    4. Join the Demo Memo e-mail list
    ...for news, action alerts and event information from the Democratic Party of Virginia.

    5. Send us local articles...
    ...about the party or campaigns that appear in your local paper so we can get an idea of what is happening in your community. (Send electronic clips to ruthanne@vademocrats.org.)

    7. Register to vote
    If you have not registered already, it is very simple to do in Virginia. More about that here.

    8. Write...
    ...to your Senators and Members of Congress. They need to hear from you.

    9. Talk to your friends, neighbors, co-workers. Encourage Democratic Voters to Become Members! For more information on how to recruit members to strengthen the Democratic Party of Virginia, Contact your local committee chair.

    10. Contribute...
    ...to the Democratic Party of Virginia.


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