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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 15, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 82: THIS YEAR'S TOP RACES ACCORDING TO SALON.COM

    Some of you may have followed my various analyses and Act Blue pages covering several key states in 2006. My goal has been to not only target close races, but also to generate momentum to actually SWEEP some states, or at least come close. My personal favorites to focus on have been NY and NV, but today Salon.com is telling us what their picks are for top races of 2006. I want to use their analysis and build on it to discuss what some of our really important fights are. I leave out primaries because I do not focus on primary races in this newsletter.

    This is adapted from the Salon.com analysis with additions and comments of my own.

    1. Iowa House races: Iowa, where my father was born and where the Kunkel Sporting Goods store in Davenport, co-founded by my great-grandfather, still stands today. One of the most up-for-grabs seats in the nation is the open Repub-held seat IA-1. Then Leonard Boswell in Des Moines, who always faces a daunting reelection fight in a district that split 50-50 in the 2004 presidential race, is considered the Democratic Party's "most vulnerable incumbent." Iowa is considered one of the "purplest" of states and this year is a chance to shift it much more solidly blue. Finally add a race for Sec. of State and Elesha Gayman, a Democracy for America rising star, and you have many races well deserving of our attention. I urge you to help turn Iowa solid blue, defending one of our most vulnerable seats and targeting an open seat now held by a Repub. Help me turn my father's state blue.

    2. Missouri: this is a particularly important Senate race where stem-cell research and massive Republican corruption are two of the critical issues. I am asking you to help us defeat the corrupt Repub senator Jim (no) Talent. We have a real shot at this seat and we shouldn't squander the chance. BBC also has this race as one of the ones to watch this year and we need to make sure we win it. We also have the chance to defeat Roy Blunt (MO-7), one of the nation's absolutely most corrupt politicians. Please help defeat corrupt Halliburton Republicans in Missouri.

    3. Montana: This Senate race is a dKos favorite. We need to kick corrupt Conrad Burns' ass and since we have a kick ass candidate in Jon Tester, I think we can succeed. We can also aim to take MT-1 House seat, really turning Montana blue. Remember, 2004 waqs a turning point in Montana. Let's make 2006 a solid follow up to the Montana phenomenon of 2004. Help take Montana.

    4. New Mexico: Another one of America's purplest states, this is our chance to turn NM solid blue. The Iraq war in particular is giving us a chance to take NM-1. Thanks to the war, the Repub incumbent is in trouble big time. And Patricia Madrid, the Dem challenger, is considered one of the rising stars in politics today. NM-1 is one of our hottest races this year. Let's win this one!

    5. Ohio: I was sick of Ohio, but let's face facts. Ohio is and will continue to be one of America's battlegrounds. Corruption and election integrity are two top issues. Republican Governor Taft is one of America's most corrupt and least popular governors. Add to this some vulnerable Halliburton Republican Congressmen and some very nasty Republican corruption, and Ohio may be a wide-open opportunity for Democrats. This could be the year we turn the tide in Ohio on all levels. Targeting Jean Schmidt, Mike Oxley and Bob Ney are high priorities as well as capturing the Attorney General and Secretary of State positions. Let's win big in Ohio, defeat Republican corruption in Ohio and help reform Ohio's elections. All of that is at stake this year in Ohio.

    6. Pennsylvania's House races: Two Pennsylvania House races are considered two of our top pick up opportunities, PA-6 and PA-8. We have two great candidates running for these seats, both named Murphy. Lois Murphy is running in PA-6 and fighting Dem Patrick Murphy is running in PA-8. Both have excellent chances. Let me also take this opportunity of suggesting donating to all of the top-ten Dem pick up opportunities this year. Winning back the House probably depends on winning these 10 races.

    7. Virginia Senate: Last year Democrats won big in Virginia. In some ways the surprise wins in Montana in 2004 were followed up with surprisingly strong wins in Virginia in 2005. Let's follow it up further with a win for Jim Webb for Senate in Virginia.

    Please do your best for these races. There are some really big time chances this year and I hope we show the determination to win them.


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