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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 22, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 83: SOME OPTIMISM: Will there be any Red States left?

    Optimism does not come easily to me. I am known as a cynic and pessimist by those who know me well. But, when looking around the nation at the 2006 elections, it is hard not to have a touch of optimism spring up as the nation as a whole seems to wake up to what we have known for years: Bush and his Halliburton Republicans are about the worst thing that has ever happened to this nation.

    This year may be a golden opportunity to take on the Red States...or to realize, as Howard Dean already has realized, that no state is solidly Blue or Red but all states are in play.

    The chance actually started in Montana in 2004. There the Democrats swept through on the state level with a strong populist message. It was a great beginning showing us that even in a state as "red" as Montana, dissatisfaction with Bush is growing and any Democrat with a good message can win.

    Since then, Bush's popularity has plummeted to rock bottom, America is waking up to the depths of Republican corruption and cronyism, and Howard Dean has introduced his controversial 50 State Strategy, mostly funded by small monthly donations called "Democracy Bonds." This erosion of America's confidence in the Republican Party combined with Dean's building of State-level parties in all 50 states, no matter how "red" they seem, is giving Democrats a chance to use their populist message to win over some of America's reddest states.

    If this keeps up, will there be any red states left by the time Bush's failures and Dean's successes play out?

    Three states in particular stand out as key and surprising opportunities this year and we would be foolish to let them slip through our fingers. The Republicans will be fighting tooth and nail to prevent our winning in the Red and Dean can't do it alone. We need to help. The three states that need our help in their path from icons of Red America to populist Blue States are Montana, Wyoming and Indiana.

    Montana is furthest on its way thanks to the success of its State Party in 2004. But this is the year we need to follow up on 2004. And our standard bearer in Montana this year is one of our most kick-ass candidates, Jon Tester. Not only is he a great candidate, but he is holding his own quite nicely in both polls and fundraising. Corrupt Republican Conrad Burns is running scared as Tester's momentum, helped greatly by the blogshpere, is growing. We even have a chance to extend that momentum to other Montana races. So let's continue to turn Montana Blue!

    Then there is Wyoming...Dick Cheney's very own state. Could we ever imagine winning big in Dick Cheney's state? You bet! Wyoming seems fed up with corrupt and incompetent Republicans and Democrat Gary Trauner looks well poised to take a House seat from an incumbent Republican. Trauner is actually OUTRAISING his Republican incumbent opponent making WY-1 one of our better and more surprising pick up opportunities of the year. Add to that a Senate race, and Wyoming becomes a great battleground. Wouldn't it just make Dick Cheney's head explode to see his dear Wyoming turn Blue? Well, you can help make it happen!

    Finally, I come to a state that has one very good pick up opportunities and two other seats that are unexpectedly coming into play in a very real way. We have no less than THREE pickup opportunities for House seats in Indiana, the state that brought us Dan "even Bush is smarter than me" Quayle. IN-8 is considered one of the hottest races of the year, with law enforcement officer Brad Ellsworth fighting hard to defeat one of the Katrina 11 Republican incumbents. If we want to retake the house, IN-8 is one of the must-win races. But recently IN-2 and IN-9 have started to look promising. Protecting Social Security and developing energy independence are two of Democrat Baron Hill's key issues for winning IN-9 and it has started to strike a chord with voters. But the real surprise is IN-2 where an ad by MoveOn.org had what in marketing is considered a huge effect, shifting opinion away from the incumbent Republican and making this race competitive against all expectations. Joe Donnelly is the Democrat who is poised to defeat the corrupt and ever less popular Republican incumbent, Chocola. Count them: THREE pickup opportunities in one of the Reddest states! I should note that IN-7 is a seat held by a Democrat which the GOP are going all out to defeat. You know what that means: lies, smears and cheating. In addition to picking up three House seats in Indiana we also have one to defend. Again, YOU can make it happen!

    Democrats all too often drop the ball, letting perfect opportunities pass them by due to infighting, laziness or just plan inattentiveness. We can't let that happen this year. Three Red States that are this much in play with, collectively, at least one Senate seat (maybe two!) and at least four House seats (maybe more!) possible pickups for Dems, we have to go all out. If we win these three states, we will be on our way to winning both houses of Congress and if we do that, you and I will be dancing in the streets come November. Make it happen. As Dr. Dean would say, YOU HAVE THE POWER!


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