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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 08, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 81: MANHATTAN GROUPS AND EVENTS

    Fundraiser for Brian Keeler, Democratic Candidate for
    NY's 41st Senate District

    BLOGRAISER: In addition, we will have live-blogging and a
    contribution page to receive contributions concurrent with this
    event for those who cannot make it to NYC. This will allow for a
    maximum event total for maximum media impact.

    DATE: Monday, July 10th
    TIME: 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
    LOCATION: Prey NYC - 4 West 22nd Street

    LIVE-BLOGGING: All bloggers are invited to live-blog the event.
    So, if you have the necessary equipment, Prey has wireless

    RSVP: None required. Just show up - and bring your friends!

    DONATIONS: Will be taken at the door. The amount is up to
    you, but I ask that you give till it feels good... REAL good:) And
    remember, this election is no cakewalk -- as NYBri faces stiff
    competition against an incumbent Republican. These battles
    cost money to run effectively and that is where we can make
    the difference in this race!

    CONTACT: Tom Ball (redtornado@rcn.com ) if you have any

    Target PA - Sack Santorum and Help Lois Murphy Cell Phone Bank: Start:
    Sun, 07/16/2006 - 3:00pm; ACT NOW will host a cell phone bank from the Sheep Meadow in Central Park.

    We'll be making Voter ID and Education calls using high quality campaign lists. Lois Murphy’s race to unseat vulnerable GOP Rep. Jim Gerlach is considered one of the most competitive in the country and is a must-win for Dems. In addition to talking to voters about Lois, we’ll be ensuring high turnout for the top of the ticket and helping to send Rick Santorum off of the government payrolls (and hopefully into a minimum wage job still paying, as he recently ensured, $5.15/hour).

    This event will be repeated on Sunday, July 23. More info and RSVP at: www.actnowny.org

    ACT NOW Sack Santorum/Help Lois Murphy PA Road Trip: Start:
    Sat, 07/29/2006 - 9:00am; It’s time to hit the ground again in this perennial battleground state. As in 2004, the outcome of races in PA will have an outsized national impact – and we’re going to be in the thick of it! Help Sack Santorum and win a House seat for Lois Murphy in the 6th Congressional District. Meet Lois in person and see why she’s a great bet to pick up one of the 15 House seats we need on Election Day. Then, we’ll go out and spread the word in a full afternoon of door-to-door canvassing.

    More info and RSVP at: www.actnowny.org

    HOUSE PARTY FOR STEVE HARRISON: Help Defeat Vito Fossella. Rose & Joe McAllister will be hosting a house party in Staten Island. Please call campaign headquarters at (718) 836-0790 for more details or to RSVP. Ask for Brian.
    Date: Saturday, July 15, 2006
    Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm

    CRITCAL MASS BICYCLE MOVEMENT! Critical Mass is a bicyclist movement (NOT an organized group!) that holds weekly protests all over the world to protest pollution. Rides are the last Friday of every month starting in Union Sq. Park North, 7PM! At a DFNYC meeting attended by Norm Seigel, Norm used Critical Mass as an example of the kind of activism that NYC needs most and the way Bloomberg is trying to squelch our rights and our voices. Critical Mass deserves our help. According to Bloomberg, my inclusion of this in my newsletter is probably illegal. Well, I refuse to let Bloomberg tell me what I can and cannot write in my Newsletter.

    And see their worldwide calendar for Bike Workshops and other locations.

    There is more you can do to support Critical Mass. This comes from a reader in Manhattan:

    To help keep people involved in Critical Mass, people who might be sacred off because of renewed aggressiveness by the police, I have started a pledge drive that sponsors arrestees. This is a great way for people to stay involved in Critical Mass, stay on top of the issue, and use the NYPD and Bloomberg's tactics to work for us not against us. I am pledging $2 per arrestee, and the money will go to the Legal Aid Society. Pledges are made on the honor system. The more bicyclists the cops arrest the more money for defending civil rights is raised.

    Democracy for America Meetings: CLICK HERE!

    To help Dmeocracy for NYC petition to get candidates on the ballot, please go here.

    DRINKING LIBERALLY: An informal, inclusive weekly Democratic drinking club. Raise your spirits while you raise your glass, and share ideas while you share a pitcher. Drinking Liberally gives like-minded, left-leaning individuals a place to talk politics. You don't need to be a policy expert and this isn't a book club - just come and learn from peers, trade jokes, vent frustration and hang out in an environment where it's not taboo to talk politics. Here are our local Manhattan groups:

    Upper East Side Last Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward, Doc Watson's, 1490 2nd Avenue (at 77th). In the backyard, weather permitting. Hosted by Matthew Bachiochi, ues (at) drinkingliberally.org

    In Manhattan: Thursday, 7:30 pm onward, Rudy's, 627 9th Avenue (between 44th & 45th Streets). Hosted by Justin Krebs and Matthew O'Neill, nyc (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Bar Hopping Manhattan: Second Tuesday of each month, 6:00-9:00 pm
    A monthly Democratic drinking club at different gay bars around Manhattan. Join the mailing list to receive updates of future venues. Hosted by Dirk McCall, outnyc (at) drinkingliberally.org

    East Village: Last Wednesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward, Grassroots Tavern, 20 Saint Mark's Place (between 2nd and 3rd). Hosted by Quinn Raymond, Elena Morin and Abby Cook-Mack, eastvillage (at) drinkingliberally.org

    For those who prefer running to drinking, you can join RUNNING FOR CHANGE: Building a progressive America through organized runs and other grassroots activities.

    To find your nearest Manhattan Democratic club, please CLICK HERE.


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