A little while back Pat Robertson once again showed the blind intolerance of the right wing fanatics by calling Islam a "demonic religion" that was inherantly violent. You can read more about Pat Robertson's attack on one of the world's major religions here.
More recently, in March, the right wing fanatics are taking on yet more religions in their Christian Crusade for hatred. On Bill O'Reilly's hate-mongering show, Albert Mohler, he president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show.
Here is what Mohler had to say:
So, Hinduism and Buddhism (or at least Zen) are satanic. You can read/hear this interview on Media Matters.
And remember that Bill O'Reilly is the guy who told a caller to "go to Israel" if he didn't like publicly funded Christmas displays because America is a "Christian nation."
This might be a good time to remind people of my previous suggestions for pressuring O'Reilly advertisers to stop sponsoring his hate-filled rants.
Finally, I would like to add, that the other major world religion that fanatical right wing Christians--and our mainstream media--are intolerant towards is...Christianity itself. Any version of Christianity that advocates tolerance is apparantly unacceptable in today's America. For those who missed it from my last newsletter (it was in my National Edition), here is the most recent censorship of the United Church of Christ's message of tolerance for everyone: (repeat from last issue)
America’s media is more than willing to air advertising and opinions of right wing extremist Christians like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. But they are unwilling to air ads from the United Church of Christ that advocate tolerance. Why is intolerance considered acceptable but tolerance is not? This action comes from the United Church of Christ:
More recently, in March, the right wing fanatics are taking on yet more religions in their Christian Crusade for hatred. On Bill O'Reilly's hate-mongering show, Albert Mohler, he president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and host of the daily Christian radio show.
Here is what Mohler had to say:
O'REILLY: So you think Islam is a demonic religion?
MOHLER: Well, I would have to say as a Christian that I believe any belief system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of satanic power.
So, Hinduism and Buddhism (or at least Zen) are satanic. You can read/hear this interview on Media Matters.
And remember that Bill O'Reilly is the guy who told a caller to "go to Israel" if he didn't like publicly funded Christmas displays because America is a "Christian nation."
This might be a good time to remind people of my previous suggestions for pressuring O'Reilly advertisers to stop sponsoring his hate-filled rants.
Finally, I would like to add, that the other major world religion that fanatical right wing Christians--and our mainstream media--are intolerant towards is...Christianity itself. Any version of Christianity that advocates tolerance is apparantly unacceptable in today's America. For those who missed it from my last newsletter (it was in my National Edition), here is the most recent censorship of the United Church of Christ's message of tolerance for everyone: (repeat from last issue)
America’s media is more than willing to air advertising and opinions of right wing extremist Christians like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. But they are unwilling to air ads from the United Church of Christ that advocate tolerance. Why is intolerance considered acceptable but tolerance is not? This action comes from the United Church of Christ:
It has been a while since we’ve sent you a message about our Accessible Airwaves Campaign. But, the television networks still think that the United Church of Christ’s message of inclusion is so controversial that they won't even take our money to run a paid advertisement about it.
Just today, we released a new television commercial, which has already been rejected by ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and the WB.
We now know that it’s not just the about the commercials. Ask yourself this question: When was the last time you saw a mainline progressive religious leader on a news program?
A recent study completed by Media Matters concludes what we have long known to be true: the networks favor the Religious Right.
In this particular study, an analysis of guests on Sunday Morning talk shows revealed a pronounced bias in the percentage of conservative pundits versus progressives. In fact, the report shows that the networks frequently allow these shows to be used to attacks progressives and their ideas.
Why do James Dobson, Franklin Graham, Al Moehler, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell warrant seemingly endless coverage when ministries of the United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, among others, rarely receive a single mention?
Networks can't play favorites. Mainline religious communities like the UCC have a right to be heard along with everyone else. Demand equal access to the air waves. Send a message to the Networks today.
The Rev. Robert Chase
Director of Communication
United Church of Christ
PS - To view the new ad or to keep up to date with the campaign please visit our Blog.
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