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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 71: HEARTLAND FOCUS

    Action Alert from the Iowa Democratic Party:

    There are two major items that come straight from the Iowa Democratic Party. Participation is critical!

    Rally for Iowa's Priorities

    George W. Bush and Jim Nussle, the co-authors of the largest deficits in American history will be appearing together at a $10,000 per person fundraiser at the Iowa Events Center on Tuesday, April 11th.

    We want to let the president know that his priorities, and Jim Nussle's priorities, are misplaced, and out of touch with Iowa Values. Please join your fellow Iowans for a rally to let George Bush and Jim Nussle know that trying to reduce the federal deficit on the backs of working Americans while providing massive tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans is unacceptable.

    WHERE: Nollen Plaza--3rd Avenue and Locust Avenue in Downtown Des Moines (across from the Des Moines Civic Center). Convenient parking is located in the municipal ramp at between 3rd Avenue and 4th Street.

    WHEN: Tuesday, April 11, 4:00 p.m.

    PLEASE RSVP TO: Brad Frevert at 515-244-7292 or bfrevert@iowademocrats.org

    Please protest him for me! His incompetance and refusal to recognize the danger of al Qaeda led to the death of my friend and nearly 3000 of my fellow New Yorkers. Show him that America does not appreciate his corruption, his incompetance and his arrogance.

    And let's not forget to hit the Republicans in every district in Iowa:

    The Filing Date is Next Week: Don't Forget Your Democratic Party Tax Check-off!

    It's that time of year…we're all thinking about our income taxes whether we want to or not. The best part of filing your Iowa tax return is knowing that you can support the Iowa Democratic Party in this critical election year--at no additional cost to you--simply by marking an "x" on your form!

    When you fill out the standard Iowa 1040 Long Form, make sure to check the contribution boxes for yourself AND your spouse to the Democratic Party in Step 11 of the form. Checking the contribution boxes will direct $1.50 from you and $1.50 from your spouse to the Iowa Democratic Party. Best of all, your tax check-off contribution does not increase the amount of taxes you owe or decrease your refund! If you are filing an Iowa Form 1040A (short form), the Political Check-off can be found immediately above the signature on the left side of the form.

    Monies received from tax check-off are a critical portion of the Iowa Democratic Party's budget for overhead and operational expenses. Please take a moment to make sure you check the boxes for you and your spouse. It's a painless way to help ensure that Iowa Democrats will have the resources we need to hold the governorship, pick up Congressional seats, and take back the Iowa House and Senate this year.

    And for those who are interested, here is a preview of the as yet unannounced Sweep Iowa Act Blue page dedicated to defeating the Republicans in every district of Iowa. Donations now will make a huge difference by November.


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