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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, September 25, 2010

    Manhattan, NY Focus

    Some Local NYC News:

    Michael Bloomberg is not the richest man in New York City...seems the Teabaggers are bankrolled by the richest man in NYC.

    Indictment Over Bloomberg Campaign Funds

    Budget war between Manhattan DA Cy Vance and Mayor Bloomberg heats up

    Republican Anti-Semitism: Carl Paladino/Dean Skelos Edition

    Working Families Party Documents Subpoenaed

    Indicted campaign aide John Haggerty points finger at Mayor

    New York State Progressive Bloggers' Joint Statement Regarding Park51 / Cordoba House

    Mosques and Korans and the Constitution, Oh My!

    NYC Blogs:

    SoHo Politics: A resident's perspective on local politics in downtown Manhattan.

    City Hall News provides the substantive analysis of policy and politics often missing in other coverage.

    Second Ave. Sagas is the home for all news MTA on the Internet.

    Washington Square Park Blog updates on Washington Sq Pk and other NYC issues while advocating for reclaiming our city and our public spaces.

    GRASSROOTS NYC: This is an organization founded by fellow Daily Gotham blogger and DFNYC activist Dan Jacoby.

    GrassrootsNYC was created to provide a new method for generating real government reform in New York City. Instead of the old-fashioned method of fighting for reform (and usually not getting much done), GrassrootsNYC aims to leverage the power of tens of thousands of reform-minded New Yorkers to force our government to work for us - the way our Founding Fathers intended government to work.

    This is a real chance for you to get involved in reforming our political system from the bottom up. To find out more, visit GrassrootsNYC's website and sign up for updates.


    We’re here to welcome you to the New York City political scene. Whether you were a first-time voter in the last presidential election or you consider yourself a political guru, MYD’s purpose is to welcome, inspire, educate, and activate the youth of New York City.

    Meet MYD: Manhattan Young Democrats from Shannon Manning on Vimeo.

    Join the Manhattan Young Democrats and get involved–it’s the next step.

    Some Living Liberally groups in Manhattan: Progressive Action Through Social Interaction

    Reading Liberally NYC Classics
    "Saving Democracy One Book at a Time"
    A Liberal Book Club at a cool bar
    Third Monday of each month, 6:30 pm
    Stone Creek
    140 east 27th st in the backroom
    New York, NY, 10016

    Eating Liberally Manhattan
    Food and Good Politics Mix
    Eating Liberally meets every month -- with food, guest speakers, films, discussions -- though not on a consistent night
    Location: The Tank, 354 W. 45th Street (between 8th and 9th.)
    For more info: Contact the chapter leaders

    The Original Drinking Liberally
    "Promoting Democracy on Pint at a Time"
    * When? Every Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm
    * Where? Rudy's Bar & Grill, 627 9th Ave (between 44th and 45th)

    Drinking Liberally Steps Out
    * When? Third Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm
    * Where? XES Lounge, 157 West 24th St (Between 6th and 7th Avenue)

    Greenwich Village Drinking Liberally
    * When? First Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm
    * Where? Le Poisson Rouge, 158 Bleecker Street (between Thompson and Sullivan)

    Washington Heights Drinking Liberally
    * When? Last Sunday of each month, 6:30 pm
    * Where? Coogan's, 4015 Broadway (at 168th Street)

    Democracy for America Groups in Manhattan: Organizing the Left one Neighborhood at a Time.

    These Meet the First Wednesday of every month.

    Upper West Side - 7:00 pm, The Parlour (back room) - 250 West 86th Street (btwn B'way and West End Ave.), with hosts Bernadette Evangelist and Sally Swisher.

    West Village - 7:00pm, Kettle of Fish, 59 Christopher St. (near 7th Ave.) with host Tracey Keij-Denton.


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