PENNSYLVANIA FOCUS: Blogs, Progressive Candidates, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events
OBAMA'S PENNSYLVANIA NEWSPAPER ENDORSEMENTS: (as of Oct. 31st, according to Editor and Publisher):
Beaver County Times (K)
The Daily Item (Sunbury)
The Daily Review (Towanda)
The Delaware County Daily Times (Primos-Upper Darby)
Erie Times-News
The Express-Times (Easton)
Herald-Standard (Uniontown)
Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster)
The Mercury (Pottstown)
Observer-Reporter (Washington)
The Patriot-News (Harrisburg)
The Philadelphia Daily News
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pocono Record (Stroudsburg)
Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre)
The Times-Tribune (Scranton)
York Daily Record
Here is a candidate endorsed by the Indigenous Democratic Network (INDN List):
Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Candidate for Pennsylvania House of Representatives, House District 156
Enrolled Member of the Sac & Fox Nation
Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith, a 2006 INDN endorsed candidate, is seeking re-election in Pennsylvania’s House District 156. She is an enrolled member of the Sac & Fox Nation of Oklahoma.
Representative McIlvaine Smith will continue to fight for accessibility to healthcare and for programs that keep Pennsylvanian citizens healthy: prenatal care, primary care for children, and prescription drugs for all senior citizens. She will work to ensure adequate, affordable healthcare for everyone, which is not only fair, it’s efficient.
As a former schoolteacher and longtime advocate for the environment, Representative McIlvaine Smith values the importance of a secure, prosperous, and responsible future for the people of Pennsylvania. She will work to maintain effective state funding of public education levels and will seek ways to keep Pennsylvania’s best and brightest young people in the state who contribute to its success. Education is essential for an innovative, sustainable economy that preserves the natural beauty of Pennsylvania. As an environmental advocate, Representative McIlvaine Smith understands the importance of smart growth, renewable energies, and untainted resources for the future prosperity of the state.
In her race last cycle, she won by less than thirty votes, and her win flipped the control of the Pennsylvania State House to a Democratic majority.Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith, a 2006 INDN endorsed candidate, is seeking re-election in Pennsylvania’s House District 156.
Here are some Progressive candidates running in Pennsylvania who deserve your support (all are endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Candidate for State Representative - District 156 (Incumbent)
West Chester, East and West Goshen and two southern precincts in East Bradford

Barbara McIlvaine Smith is seeking re-election to the 156th Legislative District, Chester County. Barbara is a lifelong resident of Chester County whose family roots date back to 1683. Barbara is an enrolled member of the federally recognized Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma. In 2001, she was elected to the West Chester Borough Council and served as the vice president from 2004-2006. Barbara is a member of American Association of University Women; Sierra Club; League of Women Voters; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Organization for Women; and The National Women's Political Caucus. Barbara is the first Democrat in 30 years to hold the 156th legislative seat, and we know she can build on her historic 2006 win. (Also see above for the INDN List endorsement of Barbara)
Click here to support and learn more about Barbara.
Tom Quinn
Candidate for State Representative - District 165 (Challenger)
The Borough of Morton, almost all of Springfield and 14 of 21 precincts in Marple, 7 of 15 precincts in Radnor

Tom Quinn is running for the 165th Legislative District, Delaware County. The 165th Legislative District in Delaware County includes the municipalities of Springfield, Morton, and parts of Maple and Radnor. Tom was the Pennsylvania State Education Association Representative for Central Bucks East High School from 1998-2002 and currently teaches at Philadelphia University. Tom currently holds a Democratic Committee seat to which he was elected in 2005, and has been extremely active in the party. A playwright, Tom was commissioned by the Walnut Street Theater to research and write three civil rights-themed plays. Tom is determined to beat a conservative incumbent and help change the General Assembly to a more progressive body.
Click here to support and learn more about Tom.
Tony Payton, Jr.
Candidate for State Representative - District 179 (Incumbent)
Philadelphia neighborhoods of Frankford, Hunting Park; Parts of Olney, Feltonville and Oxford Circle

Tony Payton Jr. is running for reelection in the 179th Legislative District, representing Philadelphia County. The 179th District is one of the poorest in the state, and African Americans and Latinos make up a majority population. Since his election to the General Assembly in 2006, Tony has been at the forefront of education reform in Pennsylvania. He introduced legislation to create the Pennsylvania Youth Commission and authored the REACH scholarship initiative. The REACH Scholarship would provide free tuition and fees to students in the State University System who maintain a 3.0 grade point average and a 90 percent attendance record. In 2007, Tony received the Philadelphia Tribune Leadership Award as one of the city's most influential African-Americans. Tony will once again face opposition from the powerful City Democratic Committee, which has been determined to put a party machine-picked person in the seat since the retirement of a long-time incumbent.
Click here to support and learn more about Tony.
Babette Josephs
Candidate for State Representative - District 182 (Incumbent)
Philadelphia neighborhoods of Center City, Logan Square; Parts of Bellavista and Grays Ferry

Babette Josephs is seeking re-election to the 182nd Legislative District, Philadelphia County. She is a senior Democratic legislator and serves as the Chair of the House State Government Committee, which will oversee re-districting in 2010. Babette is dedicated to civil liberties and is responsible for a number of laws and pieces of legislation, including hate crimes protection for against crimes based on sexual orientation. Babette authored the law that guarantees confidentiality of HIV records. She also helped pass a law providing for automatic recounts in close state election races, and has been at the forefront fighting against those who seek to limit first amendment rights. Her current efforts are aimed at increasing state funding for public libraries and the arts. Babette is working to secure adequate and permanent funding for public transit, improved access to health care for low income working adults, increase the minimum wage and to end discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgendered individuals in health care, housing, and employment. Babette's primary opponent is a conservative former Republican who changed his party affiliation to run against one of the few progressive women in the Assembly. In 2006, Babette defeated him by 237 votes.
Kevin Lee
Candidate for State Representative - District 163 (Challenger)

Kevin Lee is running for the State House District 163 seat to represent Delaware County. Kevin has been a member of the Lansdowne Borough Council since 2004. In 2005, he authored and spearheaded passage of a resolution to include employees' domestic partners and domestic partners' children in the borough employee insurance plan (a first in Delaware County). Kevin has worked on environmental issues for the borough including leading a movement to reduce the borough's waste disposal amounts by revamping the town's recycling program (recycling has increased by 50% since introduction of single stream recycling). Kevin is a registered nurse and would bring a much needed healthcare perspective to the General Assembly. If elected, according to the Victory Fund, he will be the first openly-gay legislator to serve in the Pennsylvania State Assembly. Kevin is hard working, has an excellent campaign plan and is a formidable challenger.
Tom Houghton
Candidate for State Representative - District 13 (Open Seat)
Atglen, East and West Nottingham, Elk, Franklin

Tom Houghton is an attorney running for the 13th Legislative District, representing Chester County. Tom was elected to serve on the London Grove Board of Supervisors in 2001 and became chair in 2004. As chair, Tom has lowered property taxes by nearly 9%, preserved farmland, and passed an ordinance to obtain impact fees from developers to fund parkland. He also allowed for the expansion of Yeatman's Mother Earth Organic Mushrooms and Gourmet's Delight, a group that instituted industry best practices and eliminated harmful air byproducts. In 2006, Tom ran against the incumbent, now retiring, and received 47% of the vote. That year, Tom raised $200,000 for the race, which was more than any Democrat had ever raised in the district.
Click here to support and learn more about Tom.
The Pennsylvania Progressive, brining you Pennsylvania News and Politics from a...well, PROGRESSIVE view.
Progress Pittsburgh is building a broad coalition of progressives to transform the governance of our city. Decades of mismanagement by directionless leadership and regressive machine politics have put our city at the brink of collapse. We need a transformation: new vision, new blood, and a new democratic process. We are working to make this transformation happen.
Young Philly Politics: Progressive, Young, Philadelphia Politics, from Small to Big.
Keystone Politics: Politics around Pennsylvania
Some Stories of Interest:
McCain Uses Firm With Long Ties to Voter Registration Fraud
Debunking "Clean Coal"
McCain's PA Co-Chair A Convicted Felon
Rifts in race for attorney general
Altmire, Hart clash on Social Security
Post-Gazette endorses Ayanna Lee, Democratic candidate for the 44th District of the PA House.
The Poverty Disconnect
Shameful Act Passes: the for-profit credit counseling scam
Green Jobs for the Steel City
Renewable Energy is the Only Way Out of this Mess
State Contract Database is Online
Here are some Obama groups in Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Women For Obama: Statewide
Pennsylvanians for Obama: Statewide
Pittsburgh for Obama: Pittsburgh
Philadelphia for Obama: Philly
Bucks County for Obama: Bucks County area
Lehigh Valley For Barack Obama: Lehigh Valley area
Penn Staters for Obama: Penn State students and alumni
Western Pennsylvania for Obama: Western Pennsylvania
Harrisburg PA for Obama: Harrisburg
To find Obama events in Pennsylvania, click here.
Alternative Energy and Sustainable Agriculture in Pennsylvania:
Alternative Energy Resources in Pennsylvania: a short summary of alternative energy resources for Pennsylvania. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.
Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) is a nonprofit organization working to improve the economic and social prosperity of Pennsylvania food and agriculture. We work with the farmers that grow our food, the consumers that eat the food, and those concerned with the ecological well-being of our environment and natural resources.
Here are some important progressive events in Pennsylvania:
Critical Mass
Monthly at 5:30 PM on the fourth Friday
Where: Dinosaur, Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Description: Critical Mass is a celebration of bicycling as a pollution-free mode of transportation. Critical Mass is not an organization nor it is affiliated with any organization, it's an unorganized coincidence. It's a movement ... of bicycles, in the streets.
Pittsburgh Green Drinks
3rd Friday of every month
Check the website for locations & guest speakers:
Steel-City Stonewall Democrats Happy Hour
Monthly at 17:15 on the fourth Tuesday
Where: Images 965 Liberty Avenue downtown
Peace Vigil Every Saturday, 10:30 AM
Intersection of Lincoln Hgwy & Oxford Valley Roads
Business Route 1 & Oxford Valley Road at the Closed Transmission Station
Langhorne, PA
Organized by Lower Bucks for Democracy
Here are a few Democracy for America groups in Pennsylvania:
Gettysburg Area DFA Meetup: will be held at the Lutheran Theological Seminary on Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg the first Wednesday of each month. We gather at 6:30 pm to chat and enjoy refreshments. Our meeting begins at 7:00 PM at the Seminary's Valentine Hall, Room 206 -- across from the Seminary Library. There is parking both in front of Valentine Hall (off Springs Ave) and in the Seminary lot next to the Library. Contact Elaine Jones for more information:
Western PA DFA Monthly Meeting: second Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM, Rudy & Son Restaurant, 1641 Mercer - Grove City Rd
Philly for Change Meeting: first Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Find out more about the group at
Next, here are some Drinking Liberally chapters in Pennsylvania: second Thursday of each month,
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
* Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The Orchards Restaurant, 1580 Orchard Dr
* Ask for the Drinking Liberally group and you'll find us.
* Hosted by Alice Elia, chambersburg (at)
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
* Second Thursday of each month (next meeting December 13), 6:00 pm onward
* O'Rorke's Eatery & Spirits, 44 Steinwehr Avenue (second floor)
* New Location
* additional parking in National Park Service Visitor Center lot behind restaurant
* Hosted by Eileen H. Potemra, gettysburg (at)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
* Every Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
* Lancaster Brewing Company, 302 N Plum St (corner of Walnut and Plum)
* Hosted by Jeff Fulmer, Monz Wenner and Cher Rineer, lancaster (at)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Center City
* Every Tuesday, 6:00-9:00 pm
* Tangier, 1801 Lombard St (at 18th St)
* Hosted by Brendan Skwire, philadelphia (at)
Mount Airy
* Every Thursday, 6:30-9:00 pm
* Mermaid Inn, 7673 Germantown Ave
* Hosted by Adam Zion, mtairy (at)
Reading, Pennsylvania
* Second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6pm onward
* Canal Street Restaurant & Pub, 535 Canal St (a few blocks past RACC along the riverfront)
* NEW LOCATION!!! Great local beer from Legacy Brewing Co. & a large selection of wines by the glass.
* NO Thanksgiving meeting, obviously. Enjoy your holiday and all those awkward political conversations with ornery family members!
* Hosted by Kim Stahler and Dan Sauder, reading (at)
State College, Pennsylvania
* First and third Tuesday of each month, 5:30 pm onward
* Hi-Way Pizza, 428 Westerly Pky
* Hosted by Nancy Crane, statecollege (at)
West Chester, Pennsylvania
* First Thursday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
* Ryan's Pub, 124 W Gay St (On Gay St. between Church & Darlington)
* We are still on the once a month format and we have changed the venue to Ryan's. We'll be meeting up on the 2nd floor near the bar.
* Remember, no need to feed the meters in town after 5pm- save that cash for drinks!
* Hosted by Jonathan Long, Daniel Tyman and Jamie Manos, westchester (at)
York, Pennsylvania
* Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The First Capital Dispensing Company, 57 N Pershing Ave (We usually secure a large table or two in the back room.)
* Hosted by Phyllis Wise, Roland Rode and Craig Thomas, york (at)
Beaver County Times (K)
The Daily Item (Sunbury)
The Daily Review (Towanda)
The Delaware County Daily Times (Primos-Upper Darby)
Erie Times-News
The Express-Times (Easton)
Herald-Standard (Uniontown)
Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster)
The Mercury (Pottstown)
Observer-Reporter (Washington)
The Patriot-News (Harrisburg)
The Philadelphia Daily News
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pocono Record (Stroudsburg)
Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre)
The Times-Tribune (Scranton)
York Daily Record
Here is a candidate endorsed by the Indigenous Democratic Network (INDN List):
Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Candidate for Pennsylvania House of Representatives, House District 156
Enrolled Member of the Sac & Fox Nation
Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith, a 2006 INDN endorsed candidate, is seeking re-election in Pennsylvania’s House District 156. She is an enrolled member of the Sac & Fox Nation of Oklahoma.
Representative McIlvaine Smith will continue to fight for accessibility to healthcare and for programs that keep Pennsylvanian citizens healthy: prenatal care, primary care for children, and prescription drugs for all senior citizens. She will work to ensure adequate, affordable healthcare for everyone, which is not only fair, it’s efficient.
As a former schoolteacher and longtime advocate for the environment, Representative McIlvaine Smith values the importance of a secure, prosperous, and responsible future for the people of Pennsylvania. She will work to maintain effective state funding of public education levels and will seek ways to keep Pennsylvania’s best and brightest young people in the state who contribute to its success. Education is essential for an innovative, sustainable economy that preserves the natural beauty of Pennsylvania. As an environmental advocate, Representative McIlvaine Smith understands the importance of smart growth, renewable energies, and untainted resources for the future prosperity of the state.
In her race last cycle, she won by less than thirty votes, and her win flipped the control of the Pennsylvania State House to a Democratic majority.Representative Barbara McIlvaine Smith, a 2006 INDN endorsed candidate, is seeking re-election in Pennsylvania’s House District 156.
Here are some Progressive candidates running in Pennsylvania who deserve your support (all are endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Barbara McIlvaine Smith
Candidate for State Representative - District 156 (Incumbent)
West Chester, East and West Goshen and two southern precincts in East Bradford

Barbara McIlvaine Smith is seeking re-election to the 156th Legislative District, Chester County. Barbara is a lifelong resident of Chester County whose family roots date back to 1683. Barbara is an enrolled member of the federally recognized Sac and Fox Nation of Oklahoma. In 2001, she was elected to the West Chester Borough Council and served as the vice president from 2004-2006. Barbara is a member of American Association of University Women; Sierra Club; League of Women Voters; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; National Organization for Women; and The National Women's Political Caucus. Barbara is the first Democrat in 30 years to hold the 156th legislative seat, and we know she can build on her historic 2006 win. (Also see above for the INDN List endorsement of Barbara)
Click here to support and learn more about Barbara.
Tom Quinn
Candidate for State Representative - District 165 (Challenger)
The Borough of Morton, almost all of Springfield and 14 of 21 precincts in Marple, 7 of 15 precincts in Radnor

Tom Quinn is running for the 165th Legislative District, Delaware County. The 165th Legislative District in Delaware County includes the municipalities of Springfield, Morton, and parts of Maple and Radnor. Tom was the Pennsylvania State Education Association Representative for Central Bucks East High School from 1998-2002 and currently teaches at Philadelphia University. Tom currently holds a Democratic Committee seat to which he was elected in 2005, and has been extremely active in the party. A playwright, Tom was commissioned by the Walnut Street Theater to research and write three civil rights-themed plays. Tom is determined to beat a conservative incumbent and help change the General Assembly to a more progressive body.
Click here to support and learn more about Tom.
Tony Payton, Jr.
Candidate for State Representative - District 179 (Incumbent)
Philadelphia neighborhoods of Frankford, Hunting Park; Parts of Olney, Feltonville and Oxford Circle

Tony Payton Jr. is running for reelection in the 179th Legislative District, representing Philadelphia County. The 179th District is one of the poorest in the state, and African Americans and Latinos make up a majority population. Since his election to the General Assembly in 2006, Tony has been at the forefront of education reform in Pennsylvania. He introduced legislation to create the Pennsylvania Youth Commission and authored the REACH scholarship initiative. The REACH Scholarship would provide free tuition and fees to students in the State University System who maintain a 3.0 grade point average and a 90 percent attendance record. In 2007, Tony received the Philadelphia Tribune Leadership Award as one of the city's most influential African-Americans. Tony will once again face opposition from the powerful City Democratic Committee, which has been determined to put a party machine-picked person in the seat since the retirement of a long-time incumbent.
Click here to support and learn more about Tony.
Babette Josephs
Candidate for State Representative - District 182 (Incumbent)
Philadelphia neighborhoods of Center City, Logan Square; Parts of Bellavista and Grays Ferry

Babette Josephs is seeking re-election to the 182nd Legislative District, Philadelphia County. She is a senior Democratic legislator and serves as the Chair of the House State Government Committee, which will oversee re-districting in 2010. Babette is dedicated to civil liberties and is responsible for a number of laws and pieces of legislation, including hate crimes protection for against crimes based on sexual orientation. Babette authored the law that guarantees confidentiality of HIV records. She also helped pass a law providing for automatic recounts in close state election races, and has been at the forefront fighting against those who seek to limit first amendment rights. Her current efforts are aimed at increasing state funding for public libraries and the arts. Babette is working to secure adequate and permanent funding for public transit, improved access to health care for low income working adults, increase the minimum wage and to end discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgendered individuals in health care, housing, and employment. Babette's primary opponent is a conservative former Republican who changed his party affiliation to run against one of the few progressive women in the Assembly. In 2006, Babette defeated him by 237 votes.
Kevin Lee
Candidate for State Representative - District 163 (Challenger)

Kevin Lee is running for the State House District 163 seat to represent Delaware County. Kevin has been a member of the Lansdowne Borough Council since 2004. In 2005, he authored and spearheaded passage of a resolution to include employees' domestic partners and domestic partners' children in the borough employee insurance plan (a first in Delaware County). Kevin has worked on environmental issues for the borough including leading a movement to reduce the borough's waste disposal amounts by revamping the town's recycling program (recycling has increased by 50% since introduction of single stream recycling). Kevin is a registered nurse and would bring a much needed healthcare perspective to the General Assembly. If elected, according to the Victory Fund, he will be the first openly-gay legislator to serve in the Pennsylvania State Assembly. Kevin is hard working, has an excellent campaign plan and is a formidable challenger.
Tom Houghton
Candidate for State Representative - District 13 (Open Seat)
Atglen, East and West Nottingham, Elk, Franklin

Tom Houghton is an attorney running for the 13th Legislative District, representing Chester County. Tom was elected to serve on the London Grove Board of Supervisors in 2001 and became chair in 2004. As chair, Tom has lowered property taxes by nearly 9%, preserved farmland, and passed an ordinance to obtain impact fees from developers to fund parkland. He also allowed for the expansion of Yeatman's Mother Earth Organic Mushrooms and Gourmet's Delight, a group that instituted industry best practices and eliminated harmful air byproducts. In 2006, Tom ran against the incumbent, now retiring, and received 47% of the vote. That year, Tom raised $200,000 for the race, which was more than any Democrat had ever raised in the district.
Click here to support and learn more about Tom.
The Pennsylvania Progressive, brining you Pennsylvania News and Politics from a...well, PROGRESSIVE view.
Progress Pittsburgh is building a broad coalition of progressives to transform the governance of our city. Decades of mismanagement by directionless leadership and regressive machine politics have put our city at the brink of collapse. We need a transformation: new vision, new blood, and a new democratic process. We are working to make this transformation happen.
Young Philly Politics: Progressive, Young, Philadelphia Politics, from Small to Big.
Keystone Politics: Politics around Pennsylvania
Some Stories of Interest:
McCain Uses Firm With Long Ties to Voter Registration Fraud
Debunking "Clean Coal"
McCain's PA Co-Chair A Convicted Felon
Rifts in race for attorney general
Altmire, Hart clash on Social Security
Post-Gazette endorses Ayanna Lee, Democratic candidate for the 44th District of the PA House.
The Poverty Disconnect
Shameful Act Passes: the for-profit credit counseling scam
Green Jobs for the Steel City
Renewable Energy is the Only Way Out of this Mess
State Contract Database is Online
Here are some Obama groups in Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania Women For Obama: Statewide
Pennsylvanians for Obama: Statewide
Pittsburgh for Obama: Pittsburgh
Philadelphia for Obama: Philly
Bucks County for Obama: Bucks County area
Lehigh Valley For Barack Obama: Lehigh Valley area
Penn Staters for Obama: Penn State students and alumni
Western Pennsylvania for Obama: Western Pennsylvania
Harrisburg PA for Obama: Harrisburg
To find Obama events in Pennsylvania, click here.
Alternative Energy and Sustainable Agriculture in Pennsylvania:
Alternative Energy Resources in Pennsylvania: a short summary of alternative energy resources for Pennsylvania. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.
Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) is a nonprofit organization working to improve the economic and social prosperity of Pennsylvania food and agriculture. We work with the farmers that grow our food, the consumers that eat the food, and those concerned with the ecological well-being of our environment and natural resources.
Here are some important progressive events in Pennsylvania:
Critical Mass
Monthly at 5:30 PM on the fourth Friday
Where: Dinosaur, Carnegie Library, 4400 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Description: Critical Mass is a celebration of bicycling as a pollution-free mode of transportation. Critical Mass is not an organization nor it is affiliated with any organization, it's an unorganized coincidence. It's a movement ... of bicycles, in the streets.
Pittsburgh Green Drinks
3rd Friday of every month
Check the website for locations & guest speakers:
Steel-City Stonewall Democrats Happy Hour
Monthly at 17:15 on the fourth Tuesday
Where: Images 965 Liberty Avenue downtown
Peace Vigil Every Saturday, 10:30 AM
Intersection of Lincoln Hgwy & Oxford Valley Roads
Business Route 1 & Oxford Valley Road at the Closed Transmission Station
Langhorne, PA
Organized by Lower Bucks for Democracy
Here are a few Democracy for America groups in Pennsylvania:
Gettysburg Area DFA Meetup: will be held at the Lutheran Theological Seminary on Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg the first Wednesday of each month. We gather at 6:30 pm to chat and enjoy refreshments. Our meeting begins at 7:00 PM at the Seminary's Valentine Hall, Room 206 -- across from the Seminary Library. There is parking both in front of Valentine Hall (off Springs Ave) and in the Seminary lot next to the Library. Contact Elaine Jones for more information:
Western PA DFA Monthly Meeting: second Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM, Rudy & Son Restaurant, 1641 Mercer - Grove City Rd
Philly for Change Meeting: first Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Find out more about the group at
Next, here are some Drinking Liberally chapters in Pennsylvania: second Thursday of each month,
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
* Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The Orchards Restaurant, 1580 Orchard Dr
* Ask for the Drinking Liberally group and you'll find us.
* Hosted by Alice Elia, chambersburg (at)
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
* Second Thursday of each month (next meeting December 13), 6:00 pm onward
* O'Rorke's Eatery & Spirits, 44 Steinwehr Avenue (second floor)
* New Location
* additional parking in National Park Service Visitor Center lot behind restaurant
* Hosted by Eileen H. Potemra, gettysburg (at)
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
* Every Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
* Lancaster Brewing Company, 302 N Plum St (corner of Walnut and Plum)
* Hosted by Jeff Fulmer, Monz Wenner and Cher Rineer, lancaster (at)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Center City
* Every Tuesday, 6:00-9:00 pm
* Tangier, 1801 Lombard St (at 18th St)
* Hosted by Brendan Skwire, philadelphia (at)
Mount Airy
* Every Thursday, 6:30-9:00 pm
* Mermaid Inn, 7673 Germantown Ave
* Hosted by Adam Zion, mtairy (at)
Reading, Pennsylvania
* Second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6pm onward
* Canal Street Restaurant & Pub, 535 Canal St (a few blocks past RACC along the riverfront)
* NEW LOCATION!!! Great local beer from Legacy Brewing Co. & a large selection of wines by the glass.
* NO Thanksgiving meeting, obviously. Enjoy your holiday and all those awkward political conversations with ornery family members!
* Hosted by Kim Stahler and Dan Sauder, reading (at)
State College, Pennsylvania
* First and third Tuesday of each month, 5:30 pm onward
* Hi-Way Pizza, 428 Westerly Pky
* Hosted by Nancy Crane, statecollege (at)
West Chester, Pennsylvania
* First Thursday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
* Ryan's Pub, 124 W Gay St (On Gay St. between Church & Darlington)
* We are still on the once a month format and we have changed the venue to Ryan's. We'll be meeting up on the 2nd floor near the bar.
* Remember, no need to feed the meters in town after 5pm- save that cash for drinks!
* Hosted by Jonathan Long, Daniel Tyman and Jamie Manos, westchester (at)
York, Pennsylvania
* Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The First Capital Dispensing Company, 57 N Pershing Ave (We usually secure a large table or two in the back room.)
* Hosted by Phyllis Wise, Roland Rode and Craig Thomas, york (at)
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