CALIFORNIA FOCUS: Blogs, Progressive Candidates, Alternative Energy, Peace Events and Groups and Events
OBAMA'S CALIFORNIA NEWSPAPER ENDORSEMENTS (as of Oct. 31st, according to Editor and Publisher):
The Argus (Fremont)
Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek)
Daily Breeze (Torrance) (B)
The Daily Democrat (Woodland)
Daily News (Los Angeles)
The Daily Review (Hayward)
The Fresno Bee
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario)
La Opinion (Los Angeles)
Los Angeles Times
Marin Independent-Journal
Merced Sun-Star
The Modesto Bee
The Monterey County Herald
The Oakland Tribune
Pasadena Star-News
The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa)
Press-Telegram (Long Beach)
The Reporter (Vacaville)
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
San Mateo Daily Journal
Tahoe Daily Tribune
The Record (Stockton)
The Sacramento Bee
San Bernardino County Sun
San Francisco Chronicle
San Jose Mercury News
San Mateo County Times
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Tri-Valley Herald (Pleasanton)
First off, I think NO ON PROPOSITION 8 is a must. This Hate Proposition is just plain wrong. Let's stop trying to legislate some kind of separate-but-equal marriage policy. To quote from a Daily Kos blog:
Here is what Apple Computer says right on their website (I am more of a PC person, but here Apple is kick ass):
More No on Prop 8 endorsements:
CA Prop 8: Sacramento Bee Newspaper Endorses No on Prop 8...also California Psychological Association Encourages Members to Vote No on 8....also, The Desert Sun Newspaper Endorses No on 8
Your a Good Man Charlie Brown! Charlie Brown for CA-4
Lt. Col. Charlie Brown is running for the CA-4 Congressional seat. Brown has a distinguished service record:
Charlie Brown has been endorsed by:
Veterans Press, Veterans Vision, Chico Enterprise-Record/Oroville Mercury-Register, Chico News & Review, Esquire Magazine, Modoc Record, Sacramento Bee, Alliance for Retired Americans, International Association of Firefighters, Local 522, 4409 and 3809, National Farmers Union (NATFARM), Roseville Firefighters Union Local 1592, General Wesley Clark, PAC, and many others.
Here is a candidate endorsed by the Indigenous Democratic Network (INDN List):
Commissioner Todd Gloria
Candidate for San Diego City Council
Enrolled Member of Tlight-Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Congratulations, Todd! Todd won his June 3, 2008 primary with 40.56% of the votes. He will be on the general election ballot on November 4. INDN's List is proud of Todd's success!
Commissioner Todd Gloria is running for San Diego City Council. He brings a wealth of experience in housing policy to the campaign trail. Todd was appointed to the Board of Commissioners in 2005. Since 2001, he has been the district director and housing advisor for U.S. Congresswoman Susan A. Davis. Todd has worked with the Congresswoman to support federal funding for affordable housing programs, expand local military family housing, and improve the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs home loan program. Before joining Congresswoman Davis, Todd worked in the County of San Diego's Health and Human Services Agency.
In addition to his dedication to housing concerns, Todd is dedicated to his community. He has served on the County of San Diego's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant allocation team and helped establish the Sunburst Apartments, a 24-unit affordable housing complex for young people in East Village, San Diego. Todd has received several awards for his service. He was named a 1999 Harry S. Truman Scholar and one of San Diego's "Top 40 Under Forty" by San Diego Metropolitan Magazine in 2005.
Here is a list of Progressive candidates running in California worth your support (all endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Marty Block
Candidate for State Assembly - District 78 (Open Seat)
San Diego County

Marty Block is a candidate for the 78th Assembly District. He is currently elected to the San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees, and previously served on the San Diego Board of Education. The 78th is currently held by a conservative, but she is term-limited out of office. This district has grown more Democratic over the years and is one of the best opportunities for a progressive victory this year. Marty would provide a strong platform for progressive issues in San Diego.
Click here to support and learn more about Marty.
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Candidate for Los Angeles County Supervisor - District 2 (Challenger)

California Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas is running for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 2nd District, in the highest priority race for progressives in Los Angeles County. Mark is running against a formidable candidate, former chief of police and current Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks. Although elected by a majority African American district, Parks has a conservative voting record when it comes to investing in communities. If Parks wins, Los Angeles County will be controlled by a conservative majority at a time when county hospitals and emergency services in communities of color are facing closure. Mark has been a staunch supporter of progressive issues such as the establishment of school health centers, consumer protection, community reinvestment, jobs and workforce development.
Click here to support and learn more about Mark.
Bob Blumenfield
Candidate for State Assembly - District 40 (Open Seat)
Los Angeles, Northridge, Van Nuys

Bob is running for the California Assembly, 40th District. For the past seven years Bob has been the District Director to Congressman Howard Berman. Bob is Chair of the Valley Anti-Defamation League, Vice Chair of the California Trust for Public Schools and a former board member of the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters. Bob is a strong proponent of progressive issues in such key areas as education, healthcare, the environment and economic justice. Bob has two formidable primary opponents who are conservative Democrats: Stuart Waldman is the former Chief of Staff to the current Assembly member, and Laurette Healey is a former Deputy State Controller. Bob has received the endorsement of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressmembers Howard Berman and Henry Waxman, California State Speaker Fabian Nunez, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Click here to support and learn more about Bob.
Richard Barrera
Candidate for San Diego Board of Education - Subdistrict D (Challenger)

Richard Barrera is a candidate for the San Diego School District in Nominating Subdistrict D. Richard is Latino and a union organizer with SEIU Local 399. Richard faces a difficult race in the general election against conservative incumbent Luis Acle, a former Reagan administration official who has openly expressed interest in higher office. A Barrera victory would create both a working progressive majority and a Democratic supermajority.
Click here to support and learn more about Richard.
Sherri Lightner
Candidate for San Diego City Council - District 1 (Open Seat)

Sherri Lightner is running for the 1st City Council District in San Diego. A community volunteer and leader, Sherri has served as president of both the La Jolla Town Council and the La Jolla Shores Association. An engineer by training, she is a recognized expert on land development law. Because of term limits, the 1st will be an open seat. Sherri represents an opportunity to elect a progressive woman to a historically moderate to conservative seat, allowing for a potential progressive majority.
Click here to support and learn more about Sherri.
Stephen Whitburn
Candidate for San Diego City Council - District 3 (Open Seat)

Stephen Whitburn is an openly gay candidate running for the open 3rd City Council District in San Diego. This seat is safely Democratic, but Stephen's election could mean the difference between a Democratic majority and a true progressive majority. In particular, he will fight for progressive values on housing issues, especially for renter's rights and against development that is forcing longtime residents (many elderly and people of color) out of what had been affordable housing. As a community activist, he has worked very closely with labor, walking picket lines and working to pass a living wage ordinance. Stephen is also a former union member with the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
Click here to support and learn more about Stephen.
John Lee Evans
Candidate for San Diego Board of Education - Subdistrict A (Challenger)

John Lee Evans is a clinical psychologist and long-time progressive activist on education and social justice issues. He is running against an incumbent Republican, Mitz Lee. If elected, John will provide a strong progressive voice on the school board for local control and improved opportunity for children in low-income and immigrant communities. A win would create a progressive majority and a Democratic super majority.
Click here to support and learn more about John.
BLOGGING CALIFORNIA: Here are some blogs covering California Politics
Calitics is an open source news organization for California.
The California Progress Report is published by Frank D. Russo, a longtime observer of and participant in California politics.
The Liberal OC covers politics in Orange County.
Some articles of note:
Don't Be Fooled by Bogus Renewable Energy Measures--Props 7 and 10 Would Harm Clean Energy, Slow Fight Against Global Warming
Green efforts boost economy. I've been saying this for YEARS. And boy our economy could use some boosting!
We Need To Get Debra Bowen's Back - Again. Seriously, we really have to fight back hard against voter suppression and election fraud. Now and ALWAYS
Global Warming Reducing California's Water Supply
California’s Senators and Members of Congress Lead Nation in Perfect Scores in 2008 Environmental Scorecard from the League of Conservation Voters. Yes, there really IS a difference between Democrats and Republicans!
CA-04: Tom McClintock was endorsed by KKK in 2003
CA Prop 8: Sacramento Bee Newspaper Endorses No on Prop 8...also California Psychological Association Encourages Members to Vote No on 8....also, The Desert Sun Newspaper Endorses No on 8
Meet the New Dirty Trick, Prop 11.
CA Proposition 1A: High-Speed Rail...also SF Chronicle: Yes on 1A
CA Proposition 4: Parental Notification for Minors' Abortions
Better Know the Ballot: CA Prop. 5 (Rehab for Nonviolent Drug Offenders). This strikes me as similar to a very successful program the Brooklyn District Attorney has set up in Brooklyn.
California Already Spends More Than 4 Times More Per Prisoner Than Per Public School Student—Prop 9 Would Make That Worse
Alternative Energy in California:
Here are some Biodiesel Cooperatives in California. If you have a diesel truck or car, joining one of these co-ops can help you drive more green.
The Berkeley Biodiesel Collecctive
Berkeley, CA
email: Or check out their website.
The Biofuels Research Cooperative
Sebastopol, CA
Here are other alternative energy resources for Califorina:
Alternative Energy Resources in California: a short summary of alternative energy resources for California. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.
San Francisco Community Power pilots innovative programs that improve our neighborhoods' environmental and economic conditions. We help small businesses and low-income families lower their expenses and reduce their ecological footprint. Our work provides policy makers with demonstrative ways to solve complex resource allocation issues.
Here are some local political meetings in California:
Desert Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting
Palm Springs' Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club Monthly Meeting
Pride in Our Country
- Pride in Our Family
- - Pride in Our Party
The second SATURDAY of each month, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Desert Pride Center
611 South Palm Canyon
Palm Springs
San Ramon Valley Democrats Meetings
We are a group of dedicated Democrats living in the San Ramon Valley who have come together to support and promote the progressive social and political principles that always have been fundamental to the Democratic Party. The San Ramon Valley is comprised of Alamo, Blackhawk, Diablo, Danville, San Ramon, and southern Walnut Creek, and members of our club come from each of those communities. We meet once a month for an educational program at Mudd's Restaurant in San Ramon, alternating between lunch on the second Tuesday, and appetizers (no-host bar) on the evening of the fourth Thursday (6:30 PM). We register people to vote, walk precincts to arouse voters, raise money for candidates, and enjoy the opportunity to socialize with people of common interests. Go here for more info.
Our meetings are lively and our programs are focused on issues of concern to Democrats, locally, statewide, and nationally. Our speakers are chosen for their astute insight into the problems before us as citizens and as voters. We socialize before and after the formal meetings, and enter into animated discussions about the topic of the day. In the process we become fast friends.
Mudds Restaurant
$22 per person (meal included)
Democrats of North Orange County
Bill Daly, President
Bruce Sandercock, Vice-President
P. O. Box 6597
Fullerton, CA 92834
Monthly meeting: First Thursday, Sizzler Restaurant,
1401 N. Harbor, Fullerton; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting
Santa Clara County (San Jose) Democratic Party Meetup
We meet at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Dem Party Office, 2102 Almaden Road, Suite 114, San Jose, 95125. Feel free to bring snacks to share.
Brought to you by the Santa Clara County Democratic Party ( Please join us to learn ways to help elect Democrats in Santa Clara County and beyond.
~~Together, America Can Do Better!~~
On Almaden ROAD (not Expwy), between Curtner and Canoas Garden. It's OK to park in the big lot, despite posted warnings.
Internet directions usually suggest taking Almaden Expressway, which is sometimes backed up. A lower stress route is to take Bird Avenue west from 280 and follow it all the way until it dead-ends at Malone. Left on Malone, Right on Almaden Road and 2102 is on the first corner on your left.
We meet in Suite 114, first door on your left as you enter the glass doors marked Main Entrance.
Peace Vigils in Tri-Valley Area:
(Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton)
Grandparents for Peace Weekly Vigil - Fridays from 3:30 to 4:30 in front of Rite-Aid Corner of Tice Valley Blvd and Rossmoor Parkway on the way to Rossmoor.
Weekly Vigil at Oakland Federal Building Tuesdays at Noon, 1301 Clay Street (2 blocks west of 12th St. BART station). This vigil began in the Spring of 1998, when Madeline Albright tried to gain support for a war against Iraq. The focus has changed over time, and is now calling for an end to the Iraq War and the occupation.
Martinez Peace Vigil - Sundays from 5:00 to 5:30 PM in front of Martinez City Hall. For iinfo: Barbara (925) 372-4152
MONTHLY DEMONSTRATION: Seniors Against War Seal Beach
Last Saturday of every month from 10 to Noon
Contact: email: to2runners @
Details: Senior Patriots Against the War in Seal Beach
End the war-Bring the troops back home-Take care of them when they do come home.
Senior Patriots Against the War is tightly focused on the above agenda only. We ask that other demonstrators joining us not bring signs regarding other causes which may dilute our message.
Protest at Seal Beach Blvd
At the entrance to Leisure World right next to Boeing plant and not too far from the Naval Weapons Stations, Seal Beach exit off the 405. Parking is at the Seal Beach Market. People need to bring their own signs.
For more info: Tom Pontac at:
or Jackie Bunnell at
It's hard for most people to imagine a world at peace. We are a very small group of people who believe that this is indeed possible and that peace will happen once enough people believe that it can. So we stand at the pier every Sunday night with a sign that says: "Visualize World Peace. It's up to you". We also believe in non-violence both physically and in our thoughts. We will discuss peace and non-violence with anyone who is rational and smile quietly at those who aren't. We hold this vigil in a spirit of dignity and respect for all as we try to build bridges with those who don't share our philosophy.
Please bring a candle or just help us hold up our banner (no signs please; we have our banner!)
California for Democracy:
Here are some local Democracy for America groups (click on the link for more info)
DFA Marin
Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
Democratic Club of Coarsegold
DFA - Central Coast
DFA-CFD of Fresno & Madera Counties
DFA-CFD of Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties
Democracy for Monterey County
DFA-Orange County
East Bay for Democracy
Sacramento for Democracy
San Diego for Democracy
(San Fernando) Valley Grassroots for Democracy
San Francisco for Democracy
San Mateo County Democracy for America
Santa Barbara Progressive Coalition
Sonoma County DFA
Drinking Liberally:
For those who like a more social, and beer focused, environment, there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the Drinking Liberally groups in California:
San Jose
* Second Thursday of each month, 6:30 and on
* Trials Pub in downtown San Jose, 265 N 1st St (main cross streets: W St James and W Julian)
* September is our first meeting with our new host! I'm looking for a co-host, so let me know if you are interested
* Hosted by Mia White, sanjose (at)
Downtown Los Angeles
* Third Wednesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
* The Edison, 108 West 2nd St
* We'll be in the area past the bar, known as the "Generator Lounge" (the entrance to the bar is through the alley off of 2nd street)
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Cecilia Cabello, Becca Doten, Roxi Reeves and Jim Kennedy, downtownla (at)
* Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 PM
* Molly Malone's Irish Pub, 575 South Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles 90036 (near corner of 6th avenue)
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Jim Kennedy and Mary Jack, la (at)
* Every Tuesday, 7:30-10:00 pm
* Madeleine's Wine Bistro, 1030 E Green St (between Wilson and Catalina)
* We'll start out in the wine bar, then move out to the front patio.
* Hosted by Asa Hopkins, pasadena (at)
San Fernando Valley
* First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The White Harte Pub, 22456 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills (Two blocks west of Shoup Ave.)
* Hosted by Andy Beaton and Jon Hytowitz, sfv (at)
* Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
* Cock and Bull Pub, 2947 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Mary Jack, Robert Coyner, Gisele Perez, Jeremy Bloom, Tami Reiss, Marc Saltzberg and Jim Kennedy, westsidela (at)
Monterey, California
* First Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward
* Ol' Factory Cafe, 1725 Contra Costa St (In Sand City, off of Del Monte Blvd)
* Please note that The Ol' Factory Cafe currently only takes cash and local checks.
* Hosted by Annie Ho, monterey (at)
Santa Ana
* Every Thursday, 8:30 pm onward
* Memphis Bar, 201 N Broadway (Artists Village)
* Hosted by Mike Lawson, orangecounty (at)
Rancho Santa Margarita
* Every Thursday, 7:00 pm onward
* Canyon Fireside Grille, 22312 El Paseo
* Hosted by Gary Kephart, rsm (at)
Huntington Beach
* First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Oggi's Pizza & Brewing Co. - Out Back On The Patio, 19461 Main St
* Next Meeting will be on Thursday November 15th
* Hosted by Scott McKown and Louise Stewardson, huntingtonbeach (at)
Sacramento, California
* Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* BJs Restaurant and Brewery, 3531 N Freeway Blvd (Natomas)
* Come check out our new venue and meet some new people!
* Hosted by Leslie Simmons, sacramento (at)
San Diego, California
* Every other Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
* Nunu's Cocktail Lounge, 3537 5th Ave (Between Brookes and Ivy Ln)
* We will also be meeting periodically at Firehouse in Pacific Beach for special editions of Drinking Liberally. 722 Grand Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109
* Hosted by Jesse Rubin and Jason Miller, sandiego (at)
San Francisco
* Every Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm
* Nickie's, 466 Haight Street (between Fillmore & Webster) (Look for our red, white and blue striped bottle!)
* Hosted by Susan Harrison, sf (at)
* Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
* Luka's Taproom & Lounge, 2221 Broadway
* Join us for the Eating Liberally Oakland Brunch at Luka's
* Hosted by Cyril Allen and Philip Combs, oakland (at)
* First and third Monday of each month, 5:00-6:30 pm
* Compadre's, 505 Lincoln Ave
* Hosted by Mick Winter and Lauren Coodley, napa (at)
San Luis Obispo, California
* First and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The Graduate, 990 Industrial Way
* Hosted by Lorrie Toles and Sergio Monge, slo (at)
Santa Barbara, California
* Every Wednesday, 8 pm - 10 pm
* Elsie's Bar, 117 W de la Guerra St (behind Paseo Nuveo Mall)
* Elsie's is 21+ and cash only
* Hosted by Daryl Chrisman and Bart Woolery, santabarbara (at)
Santa Clarita, California
* Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Mulligans, 25848 Tournament Rd (Near Cal Arts)
* Hosted by Michael Cruz, Bill Bailey and Minerva Williams, santaclarita (at)
Santa Cruz, California
* First Tuesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
* Cafe Pergolesi, 418 Cedar St (In the orange room to the right and back)
* Hosted by Brandon Smith and Natalie Rojas, santacruz (at)
Stockton, California
* Third Friday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Stockton Grand Hotel, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd (Front of Bar)
* Grand Hotel tel. 209-957-9090
* Joel's Cell: 209-351-3397
* Hosted by Joel Carignan, stockton (at)
Ventura, California
* Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:00 pm
* JJ Brewsky's, now and forever, 2344 Ventura Blvd, Camarillo (in the heart of Old Town Camarillo)
* Join us every second and fourth Wednesdays at 8:00 PM for a pint and some politics!
* Heather, Marie, Mark and Brian
* Hosted by Heather Schmidt, Marie Davis, Mark Eggertsen and Brian Mack, ventura (at)
The Argus (Fremont)
Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek)
Daily Breeze (Torrance) (B)
The Daily Democrat (Woodland)
Daily News (Los Angeles)
The Daily Review (Hayward)
The Fresno Bee
Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario)
La Opinion (Los Angeles)
Los Angeles Times
Marin Independent-Journal
Merced Sun-Star
The Modesto Bee
The Monterey County Herald
The Oakland Tribune
Pasadena Star-News
The Press Democrat (Santa Rosa)
Press-Telegram (Long Beach)
The Reporter (Vacaville)
San Gabriel Valley Tribune
San Mateo Daily Journal
Tahoe Daily Tribune
The Record (Stockton)
The Sacramento Bee
San Bernardino County Sun
San Francisco Chronicle
San Jose Mercury News
San Mateo County Times
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Tri-Valley Herald (Pleasanton)
First off, I think NO ON PROPOSITION 8 is a must. This Hate Proposition is just plain wrong. Let's stop trying to legislate some kind of separate-but-equal marriage policy. To quote from a Daily Kos blog:
Proposition 8 is an unapologetic attempt by religious extremists to deny civil rights to a minority group incapable of independently defending itself against encroachments on its freedom.
Here is what Apple Computer says right on their website (I am more of a PC person, but here Apple is kick ass):
No on Prop 8
Apple is publicly opposing Proposition 8 and making a donation of $100,000 to the No on 8 campaign. Apple was among the first California companies to offer equal rights and benefits to our employees’ same-sex partners, and we strongly believe that a person’s fundamental rights — including the right to marry — should not be affected by their sexual orientation. Apple views this as a civil rights issue, rather than just a political issue, and is therefore speaking out publicly against Proposition 8.
More No on Prop 8 endorsements:
CA Prop 8: Sacramento Bee Newspaper Endorses No on Prop 8...also California Psychological Association Encourages Members to Vote No on 8....also, The Desert Sun Newspaper Endorses No on 8
Your a Good Man Charlie Brown! Charlie Brown for CA-4
Lt. Col. Charlie Brown is running for the CA-4 Congressional seat. Brown has a distinguished service record:
After graduating in 1972, he began a distinguished 26-year Air Force career during which he was involved in every U.S. military conflict from Vietnam to Desert Storm.
As a rescue helicopter pilot based in Thailand at the end of the Vietnam War, Charlie participated in the evacuations of Saigon, Phnom Penh, and the infamous Mayaguez Incident—for which he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. In Vietnam, he saw the human cost of faulty equipment and bad intelligence up close. It’s a lesson he’s never forgotten.
After the war, Charlie transitioned to fixed wing aircraft and working with intelligence collection assets. He piloted reconnaissance missions in support of combat operations in Grenada, Panama, Lebanon, and Libya, and flew Cold War related missions around the world. After the first Gulf War, Charlie served two rotations in Saudi Arabia, where he coordinated surveillance flights over Iraq’s “No Fly Zones.”
Charlie Brown has been endorsed by:
Veterans Press, Veterans Vision, Chico Enterprise-Record/Oroville Mercury-Register, Chico News & Review, Esquire Magazine, Modoc Record, Sacramento Bee, Alliance for Retired Americans, International Association of Firefighters, Local 522, 4409 and 3809, National Farmers Union (NATFARM), Roseville Firefighters Union Local 1592, General Wesley Clark, PAC, and many others.
Here is a candidate endorsed by the Indigenous Democratic Network (INDN List):
Commissioner Todd Gloria
Candidate for San Diego City Council
Enrolled Member of Tlight-Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska
Congratulations, Todd! Todd won his June 3, 2008 primary with 40.56% of the votes. He will be on the general election ballot on November 4. INDN's List is proud of Todd's success!
Commissioner Todd Gloria is running for San Diego City Council. He brings a wealth of experience in housing policy to the campaign trail. Todd was appointed to the Board of Commissioners in 2005. Since 2001, he has been the district director and housing advisor for U.S. Congresswoman Susan A. Davis. Todd has worked with the Congresswoman to support federal funding for affordable housing programs, expand local military family housing, and improve the U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs home loan program. Before joining Congresswoman Davis, Todd worked in the County of San Diego's Health and Human Services Agency.
In addition to his dedication to housing concerns, Todd is dedicated to his community. He has served on the County of San Diego's Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant allocation team and helped establish the Sunburst Apartments, a 24-unit affordable housing complex for young people in East Village, San Diego. Todd has received several awards for his service. He was named a 1999 Harry S. Truman Scholar and one of San Diego's "Top 40 Under Forty" by San Diego Metropolitan Magazine in 2005.
Here is a list of Progressive candidates running in California worth your support (all endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Marty Block
Candidate for State Assembly - District 78 (Open Seat)
San Diego County

Marty Block is a candidate for the 78th Assembly District. He is currently elected to the San Diego Community College District Board of Trustees, and previously served on the San Diego Board of Education. The 78th is currently held by a conservative, but she is term-limited out of office. This district has grown more Democratic over the years and is one of the best opportunities for a progressive victory this year. Marty would provide a strong platform for progressive issues in San Diego.
Click here to support and learn more about Marty.
Mark Ridley-Thomas
Candidate for Los Angeles County Supervisor - District 2 (Challenger)

California Senator Mark Ridley-Thomas is running for the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 2nd District, in the highest priority race for progressives in Los Angeles County. Mark is running against a formidable candidate, former chief of police and current Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks. Although elected by a majority African American district, Parks has a conservative voting record when it comes to investing in communities. If Parks wins, Los Angeles County will be controlled by a conservative majority at a time when county hospitals and emergency services in communities of color are facing closure. Mark has been a staunch supporter of progressive issues such as the establishment of school health centers, consumer protection, community reinvestment, jobs and workforce development.
Click here to support and learn more about Mark.
Bob Blumenfield
Candidate for State Assembly - District 40 (Open Seat)
Los Angeles, Northridge, Van Nuys

Bob is running for the California Assembly, 40th District. For the past seven years Bob has been the District Director to Congressman Howard Berman. Bob is Chair of the Valley Anti-Defamation League, Vice Chair of the California Trust for Public Schools and a former board member of the Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters. Bob is a strong proponent of progressive issues in such key areas as education, healthcare, the environment and economic justice. Bob has two formidable primary opponents who are conservative Democrats: Stuart Waldman is the former Chief of Staff to the current Assembly member, and Laurette Healey is a former Deputy State Controller. Bob has received the endorsement of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressmembers Howard Berman and Henry Waxman, California State Speaker Fabian Nunez, County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Click here to support and learn more about Bob.
Richard Barrera
Candidate for San Diego Board of Education - Subdistrict D (Challenger)

Richard Barrera is a candidate for the San Diego School District in Nominating Subdistrict D. Richard is Latino and a union organizer with SEIU Local 399. Richard faces a difficult race in the general election against conservative incumbent Luis Acle, a former Reagan administration official who has openly expressed interest in higher office. A Barrera victory would create both a working progressive majority and a Democratic supermajority.
Click here to support and learn more about Richard.
Sherri Lightner
Candidate for San Diego City Council - District 1 (Open Seat)

Sherri Lightner is running for the 1st City Council District in San Diego. A community volunteer and leader, Sherri has served as president of both the La Jolla Town Council and the La Jolla Shores Association. An engineer by training, she is a recognized expert on land development law. Because of term limits, the 1st will be an open seat. Sherri represents an opportunity to elect a progressive woman to a historically moderate to conservative seat, allowing for a potential progressive majority.
Click here to support and learn more about Sherri.
Stephen Whitburn
Candidate for San Diego City Council - District 3 (Open Seat)

Stephen Whitburn is an openly gay candidate running for the open 3rd City Council District in San Diego. This seat is safely Democratic, but Stephen's election could mean the difference between a Democratic majority and a true progressive majority. In particular, he will fight for progressive values on housing issues, especially for renter's rights and against development that is forcing longtime residents (many elderly and people of color) out of what had been affordable housing. As a community activist, he has worked very closely with labor, walking picket lines and working to pass a living wage ordinance. Stephen is also a former union member with the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.
Click here to support and learn more about Stephen.
John Lee Evans
Candidate for San Diego Board of Education - Subdistrict A (Challenger)

John Lee Evans is a clinical psychologist and long-time progressive activist on education and social justice issues. He is running against an incumbent Republican, Mitz Lee. If elected, John will provide a strong progressive voice on the school board for local control and improved opportunity for children in low-income and immigrant communities. A win would create a progressive majority and a Democratic super majority.
Click here to support and learn more about John.
BLOGGING CALIFORNIA: Here are some blogs covering California Politics
Calitics is an open source news organization for California.
The California Progress Report is published by Frank D. Russo, a longtime observer of and participant in California politics.
The Liberal OC covers politics in Orange County.
Some articles of note:
Don't Be Fooled by Bogus Renewable Energy Measures--Props 7 and 10 Would Harm Clean Energy, Slow Fight Against Global Warming
Green efforts boost economy. I've been saying this for YEARS. And boy our economy could use some boosting!
We Need To Get Debra Bowen's Back - Again. Seriously, we really have to fight back hard against voter suppression and election fraud. Now and ALWAYS
Global Warming Reducing California's Water Supply
California’s Senators and Members of Congress Lead Nation in Perfect Scores in 2008 Environmental Scorecard from the League of Conservation Voters. Yes, there really IS a difference between Democrats and Republicans!
CA-04: Tom McClintock was endorsed by KKK in 2003
CA Prop 8: Sacramento Bee Newspaper Endorses No on Prop 8...also California Psychological Association Encourages Members to Vote No on 8....also, The Desert Sun Newspaper Endorses No on 8
Meet the New Dirty Trick, Prop 11.
CA Proposition 1A: High-Speed Rail...also SF Chronicle: Yes on 1A
CA Proposition 4: Parental Notification for Minors' Abortions
Better Know the Ballot: CA Prop. 5 (Rehab for Nonviolent Drug Offenders). This strikes me as similar to a very successful program the Brooklyn District Attorney has set up in Brooklyn.
California Already Spends More Than 4 Times More Per Prisoner Than Per Public School Student—Prop 9 Would Make That Worse
Alternative Energy in California:
Here are some Biodiesel Cooperatives in California. If you have a diesel truck or car, joining one of these co-ops can help you drive more green.
The Berkeley Biodiesel Collecctive
Berkeley, CA
email: Or check out their website.
The Biofuels Research Cooperative
Sebastopol, CA
Here are other alternative energy resources for Califorina:
Alternative Energy Resources in California: a short summary of alternative energy resources for California. For more information on each technology, visit the State Energy Alternatives Technology Options page.
San Francisco Community Power pilots innovative programs that improve our neighborhoods' environmental and economic conditions. We help small businesses and low-income families lower their expenses and reduce their ecological footprint. Our work provides policy makers with demonstrative ways to solve complex resource allocation issues.
Here are some local political meetings in California:
Desert Stonewall Democrats Monthly Meeting
Palm Springs' Desert Stonewall Democrats Democratic Club Monthly Meeting
Pride in Our Country
- Pride in Our Family
- - Pride in Our Party
The second SATURDAY of each month, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Desert Pride Center
611 South Palm Canyon
Palm Springs
San Ramon Valley Democrats Meetings
We are a group of dedicated Democrats living in the San Ramon Valley who have come together to support and promote the progressive social and political principles that always have been fundamental to the Democratic Party. The San Ramon Valley is comprised of Alamo, Blackhawk, Diablo, Danville, San Ramon, and southern Walnut Creek, and members of our club come from each of those communities. We meet once a month for an educational program at Mudd's Restaurant in San Ramon, alternating between lunch on the second Tuesday, and appetizers (no-host bar) on the evening of the fourth Thursday (6:30 PM). We register people to vote, walk precincts to arouse voters, raise money for candidates, and enjoy the opportunity to socialize with people of common interests. Go here for more info.
Our meetings are lively and our programs are focused on issues of concern to Democrats, locally, statewide, and nationally. Our speakers are chosen for their astute insight into the problems before us as citizens and as voters. We socialize before and after the formal meetings, and enter into animated discussions about the topic of the day. In the process we become fast friends.
Mudds Restaurant
$22 per person (meal included)
Democrats of North Orange County
Bill Daly, President
Bruce Sandercock, Vice-President
P. O. Box 6597
Fullerton, CA 92834
Monthly meeting: First Thursday, Sizzler Restaurant,
1401 N. Harbor, Fullerton; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting
Santa Clara County (San Jose) Democratic Party Meetup
We meet at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Dem Party Office, 2102 Almaden Road, Suite 114, San Jose, 95125. Feel free to bring snacks to share.
Brought to you by the Santa Clara County Democratic Party ( Please join us to learn ways to help elect Democrats in Santa Clara County and beyond.
~~Together, America Can Do Better!~~
On Almaden ROAD (not Expwy), between Curtner and Canoas Garden. It's OK to park in the big lot, despite posted warnings.
Internet directions usually suggest taking Almaden Expressway, which is sometimes backed up. A lower stress route is to take Bird Avenue west from 280 and follow it all the way until it dead-ends at Malone. Left on Malone, Right on Almaden Road and 2102 is on the first corner on your left.
We meet in Suite 114, first door on your left as you enter the glass doors marked Main Entrance.
Peace Vigils in Tri-Valley Area:
(Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton)
Grandparents for Peace Weekly Vigil - Fridays from 3:30 to 4:30 in front of Rite-Aid Corner of Tice Valley Blvd and Rossmoor Parkway on the way to Rossmoor.
Weekly Vigil at Oakland Federal Building Tuesdays at Noon, 1301 Clay Street (2 blocks west of 12th St. BART station). This vigil began in the Spring of 1998, when Madeline Albright tried to gain support for a war against Iraq. The focus has changed over time, and is now calling for an end to the Iraq War and the occupation.
Martinez Peace Vigil - Sundays from 5:00 to 5:30 PM in front of Martinez City Hall. For iinfo: Barbara (925) 372-4152
MONTHLY DEMONSTRATION: Seniors Against War Seal Beach
Last Saturday of every month from 10 to Noon
Contact: email: to2runners @
Details: Senior Patriots Against the War in Seal Beach
End the war-Bring the troops back home-Take care of them when they do come home.
Senior Patriots Against the War is tightly focused on the above agenda only. We ask that other demonstrators joining us not bring signs regarding other causes which may dilute our message.
Protest at Seal Beach Blvd
At the entrance to Leisure World right next to Boeing plant and not too far from the Naval Weapons Stations, Seal Beach exit off the 405. Parking is at the Seal Beach Market. People need to bring their own signs.
For more info: Tom Pontac at:
or Jackie Bunnell at
It's hard for most people to imagine a world at peace. We are a very small group of people who believe that this is indeed possible and that peace will happen once enough people believe that it can. So we stand at the pier every Sunday night with a sign that says: "Visualize World Peace. It's up to you". We also believe in non-violence both physically and in our thoughts. We will discuss peace and non-violence with anyone who is rational and smile quietly at those who aren't. We hold this vigil in a spirit of dignity and respect for all as we try to build bridges with those who don't share our philosophy.
Please bring a candle or just help us hold up our banner (no signs please; we have our banner!)
California for Democracy:
Here are some local Democracy for America groups (click on the link for more info)
DFA Marin
Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley
Democratic Club of Coarsegold
DFA - Central Coast
DFA-CFD of Fresno & Madera Counties
DFA-CFD of Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties
Democracy for Monterey County
DFA-Orange County
East Bay for Democracy
Sacramento for Democracy
San Diego for Democracy
(San Fernando) Valley Grassroots for Democracy
San Francisco for Democracy
San Mateo County Democracy for America
Santa Barbara Progressive Coalition
Sonoma County DFA
Drinking Liberally:
For those who like a more social, and beer focused, environment, there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the Drinking Liberally groups in California:
San Jose
* Second Thursday of each month, 6:30 and on
* Trials Pub in downtown San Jose, 265 N 1st St (main cross streets: W St James and W Julian)
* September is our first meeting with our new host! I'm looking for a co-host, so let me know if you are interested
* Hosted by Mia White, sanjose (at)
Downtown Los Angeles
* Third Wednesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
* The Edison, 108 West 2nd St
* We'll be in the area past the bar, known as the "Generator Lounge" (the entrance to the bar is through the alley off of 2nd street)
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Cecilia Cabello, Becca Doten, Roxi Reeves and Jim Kennedy, downtownla (at)
* Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 PM
* Molly Malone's Irish Pub, 575 South Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles 90036 (near corner of 6th avenue)
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Jim Kennedy and Mary Jack, la (at)
* Every Tuesday, 7:30-10:00 pm
* Madeleine's Wine Bistro, 1030 E Green St (between Wilson and Catalina)
* We'll start out in the wine bar, then move out to the front patio.
* Hosted by Asa Hopkins, pasadena (at)
San Fernando Valley
* First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The White Harte Pub, 22456 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills (Two blocks west of Shoup Ave.)
* Hosted by Andy Beaton and Jon Hytowitz, sfv (at)
* Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
* Cock and Bull Pub, 2947 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica
* Hosted by Vincent Jones, Mary Jack, Robert Coyner, Gisele Perez, Jeremy Bloom, Tami Reiss, Marc Saltzberg and Jim Kennedy, westsidela (at)
Monterey, California
* First Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward
* Ol' Factory Cafe, 1725 Contra Costa St (In Sand City, off of Del Monte Blvd)
* Please note that The Ol' Factory Cafe currently only takes cash and local checks.
* Hosted by Annie Ho, monterey (at)
Santa Ana
* Every Thursday, 8:30 pm onward
* Memphis Bar, 201 N Broadway (Artists Village)
* Hosted by Mike Lawson, orangecounty (at)
Rancho Santa Margarita
* Every Thursday, 7:00 pm onward
* Canyon Fireside Grille, 22312 El Paseo
* Hosted by Gary Kephart, rsm (at)
Huntington Beach
* First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Oggi's Pizza & Brewing Co. - Out Back On The Patio, 19461 Main St
* Next Meeting will be on Thursday November 15th
* Hosted by Scott McKown and Louise Stewardson, huntingtonbeach (at)
Sacramento, California
* Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* BJs Restaurant and Brewery, 3531 N Freeway Blvd (Natomas)
* Come check out our new venue and meet some new people!
* Hosted by Leslie Simmons, sacramento (at)
San Diego, California
* Every other Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
* Nunu's Cocktail Lounge, 3537 5th Ave (Between Brookes and Ivy Ln)
* We will also be meeting periodically at Firehouse in Pacific Beach for special editions of Drinking Liberally. 722 Grand Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109
* Hosted by Jesse Rubin and Jason Miller, sandiego (at)
San Francisco
* Every Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm
* Nickie's, 466 Haight Street (between Fillmore & Webster) (Look for our red, white and blue striped bottle!)
* Hosted by Susan Harrison, sf (at)
* Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
* Luka's Taproom & Lounge, 2221 Broadway
* Join us for the Eating Liberally Oakland Brunch at Luka's
* Hosted by Cyril Allen and Philip Combs, oakland (at)
* First and third Monday of each month, 5:00-6:30 pm
* Compadre's, 505 Lincoln Ave
* Hosted by Mick Winter and Lauren Coodley, napa (at)
San Luis Obispo, California
* First and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* The Graduate, 990 Industrial Way
* Hosted by Lorrie Toles and Sergio Monge, slo (at)
Santa Barbara, California
* Every Wednesday, 8 pm - 10 pm
* Elsie's Bar, 117 W de la Guerra St (behind Paseo Nuveo Mall)
* Elsie's is 21+ and cash only
* Hosted by Daryl Chrisman and Bart Woolery, santabarbara (at)
Santa Clarita, California
* Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Mulligans, 25848 Tournament Rd (Near Cal Arts)
* Hosted by Michael Cruz, Bill Bailey and Minerva Williams, santaclarita (at)
Santa Cruz, California
* First Tuesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
* Cafe Pergolesi, 418 Cedar St (In the orange room to the right and back)
* Hosted by Brandon Smith and Natalie Rojas, santacruz (at)
Stockton, California
* Third Friday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
* Stockton Grand Hotel, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd (Front of Bar)
* Grand Hotel tel. 209-957-9090
* Joel's Cell: 209-351-3397
* Hosted by Joel Carignan, stockton (at)
Ventura, California
* Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:00 pm
* JJ Brewsky's, now and forever, 2344 Ventura Blvd, Camarillo (in the heart of Old Town Camarillo)
* Join us every second and fourth Wednesdays at 8:00 PM for a pint and some politics!
* Heather, Marie, Mark and Brian
* Hosted by Heather Schmidt, Marie Davis, Mark Eggertsen and Brian Mack, ventura (at)
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