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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Friday, May 16, 2008

    Progressive Democrat Issue 167

    One of the highlights of this week was a slapdown of a Texas Republican by a Wisconsin Democrat in the House during a debate over funding the Iraq Quagmire. Check out the video. It is wonderful to watch.

    Another wonderful video is Chris Matthews, not someone I generally like, slamming a Republican for making references to Neville Chamberlain without having a clue of the real history. Parroting lame talking points is no longer working for the Republicans. Their gross ignorance is showing and even conservative talk show hosts are getting irritated by it.

    This week also may mark a definitive step towards McCain's defeat. Two Republicans are so disgusted with him that they are running on third party tickets against McCain. Bob Barr, a pretty nuts Republican who does have some reasonable stands against the Patriot Act, is running as a Libertarian this year. Then Alan Keyes, perennial Republican loser, is considering his own third party run. The Republicans are in chaos.

    This chaos was also represented by yet another special election loss for Republicans. Since 2005 the majority of special elections for Congressional seats have been won by Democrats. This last week a race for MS-01 Congressional seat was no exception. In this overwhelmingly Republican district the Democratic candidate won by 8 points. This was such a huge defeat for the Republicans that even they couldn't spin it well. Admittedly the Democrat is anti-choice, but he sides with the Democrats on most other issues. One interesting aspect to this race was that the Republicans heavily targeted the Democrat by trying to link him to Obama. This link was false, but basically they were trying to use Obama to defeat a Democrat in the heart of Mississippi. And it didn't work. Obama was not a negative factor in the race at all.

    As long as the Democrats don't seriously fumble, it looks like this country will be a whole lot better off come 1-20-09.

    Here is this week's newsletter:



    CORRUPTION IN COLORADO: Corrupt Republican Bob Schaffer

    WINNING LOCALLY: FOUR Women in Wisconsin

    ALASKA FOCUS: Diane Benson, Veterans for Peace, Groups and Events

    WISCONSIN FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events

    NEW YORK STATE FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Peace Vigils, Groups and Events

    CALIFORIA FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    NEW JERSEY FOCUS: Blue Jersey Radio, Impeachment, Groups and Events

    FLORIDA FOCUS: Christine Jennings, Joe Garcia, Groups and Events

    VIRGINIA FOCUS: Tom Perriello, Impeachment, Groups and Events

    GEORGIA FOCUS: Veterans for Peace, Groups and Events

    NORTH CAROLINA FOCUS: Larry Kissell, Veterans for Peace, Groups and Events

    MICHIGAN FOCUS: Mark Schauer, Groups and Events

    TEXAS FOCUS: Rick Noriega, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    ILLINOIS FOCUS: Peace Vigils, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    PENNSYLVANIA FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events

    ARIZONA FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events

    IOWA FOCUS: Sustainable Agriculture, Alternative Energy, Groups and Events

    OREGON FOCUS: Neighborhood Leaders, Groups and Events

    OHIO FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events


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