ARIZONA FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events
Arizona has become the number one state next to New York where I have readers. So I will try to put more effort into the Arizona page. First I offer a list of local candidates for office in Arizona. Following that are some groups and events that might interest my readers.
Here are some candidates for office in Arizona I would like to introduce you to (all are endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Corey Woods
Candidate for Tempe City Council - At Large (Challenger)

Corey Woods is running for the non-partisan Tempe City Council. Corey ran unsuccessfully for this position in 2005 and has since become more involved in the community by serving on the City of Tempe's Transportation Commission, the Boards of Directors for the Boys and Girls Clubs, Communities in Schools, Kiwanis Club of Tempe, and Tempe Community Action Agency. This spring's election will include three city council seats and the mayor's seat, with two incumbents on the council running for reelection. Two of Corey's opponents are insurance agents who would represent the insurance lobby on the council. Corey, if elected, will be the first African American to serve on the council of Tempe.
Click here to support and learn more about Corey.
Don Jorgensen
Candidate for Arizona State Assembly - District 26 (Open Seat)
Northern Tuscon and Oro Valley

Don Jorgensen, Ph.D., is running for an open seat in the Arizona House of Representatives Legislative District 26. He is a small business owner who serves on the Board of the Compass Healthcare Foundation and the Tucson/Pima County Commission on Addiction, Prevention, and Treatment. He has also served on the Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, the YMCA of Metropolitan Tucson and is the former President of Great Tucson Leadership. In 2006, farm team member Lena Saradnik picked up this seat for the Democrats when an ultraconservative Republican emerged from the primary. Three Republicans have filed to run at this time; two are far right-wingers and one is positioning himself as a moderate.
Click here to support and learn more about Don.
Marquisha Griffin
Candidate for Maricopa City Council - At Large (Challenger)

Marquisha Griffin is a 32-year-old candidate seeking a seat on the nonpartisan Maricopa City Council. If elected, she will be the only female and the only person of color on the city council. Three seats are open on the council - two incumbents are seeking re-election and six additional candidates have filed. Marquisha is currently serving her third term on the City of Maricopa Planning and Zoning Commission. She volunteers at local charity events and city sponsored activities and is currently employed by the City of Mesa as a City Council Assistant to its council. The incumbent, Kelly Haddad, may be removed from the ballot for soliciting nominating petition signatures from city employees at city hall.
Click here to support and learn more about Marquisha.
Here are some Groups and Events in Arizona:
Phoenix Indian Center Annual Fundraising Gala - Celebrating 60 years of Service
SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 2008; 5:30 PM Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction; 7:00 PM - Dinner & Entertainment
WHERE: PHOENIX CONVENTION CENTER; 100 North 3rd Street; Phoenix, AZ 85004
Our mission is to serve as the primary resource for Native Americans in the Valley of the Sun and to promote and foster Native American culture and contribution to our society as a whole. Programs offered by the Center include Native Workforce Services, Educational Services and Social Services. These vital programs serve individuals from more than 80 different tribes across the country.
The dollars raised through sponsorships, donations and the silent art auction are a crucial part of the Centers annual budget. This years event will once again feature amazing entertainment as well as some of the most beautiful and original Native American art available today. Auction items include a premium selection of one-of-a-kind paintings, sculpture, jewelry and both traditional and contemporary forms of art.
For additional information, or to RSVP to this event, please call Andrea Tyler Evans at 602-448-5959 or e-mail:
You can view more about the event at
Creating Spaces for Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life, Arizona
29th Annual American Indian Language Development Institute
June 4 - July 2, 2008
University of Arizona
The University of Arizona and Department of Language, Reading & Culture invite you to the 29th American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI). AILDI 2008 will have a special focus on Native teachers in the classroom and language. Special topics will include NCLB & Native students, language immersion methods in the classroom, Native children's literature & writing and schooling in Native American communities. Our theme, /Creating Spaces for Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life /reflects this emphasis and will be highlighted with guest speakers, presentations, activities, projects, and fieldtrips.
AILDI provides a unique educational experience for teachers of Native children. The AILDI format offers Native and non-Native teachers the opportunity to become researchers, practitioners, bilingual/bicultural curriculum specialists, and especially effective language teachers. The common concern of language loss, revitalization and maintenance brings educators, parents, tribal leaders and community members to this university setting to study methods for teaching Native languages and cultures and to develop materials.
AILDI offers six graduate credits or undergraduate credit hours during four weeks of intensive study. Courses can be applied toward regular degree programs and teacher endorsements.
Please visit our website at
12th Native American Youth Entrepreneur Camp
July 20-25, 2008
University of Arizona campus
Tucson, Arizona
Join us at the 12th Native American Youth Entrepreneur Camp July 20-25, 2008, on the campus of The University of Arizona in Tucson.
Learn to build private-sector enterprises in Indian Country. Visit Native-owned businesses. Enjoy extracurricular activities on and off the UA campus.
Like the real world, the camp is intensive and challenging, but rewarding and fun!
During the six-day camp, students will reside on campus, eat in the Student Memorial Union, and attend classes on the UA campus.
Register by July 1.
For more information, contact Monica Agar at or call (520) 626-0664.
DFA of Phoenix Monthly Meeting
Democracy for America meets the first Monday of the month at IHOP at the corner of 44th St. and Thomas Rd at 7PM
Contact: Toby Stohl at 602.955-9050 for more information
The Phoenix Alternative Energy Meetup Group
All Alternative Energy Meetups are scheduled to meet at 1:30pm on the second Saturday of each month. We are searching for a permanent location. Event fee: $1.00 per person
Please join us for discussions and activities on various subjects related to energy use and alternatives to our current carbon-based system.
For more info, sign up here.
Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil - Every Fri. Protest the occupations in Iraq and Palestine, and the use of war, violence, and terrorism everywhere. Everyone welcome, please wear black & maintain a peaceful presence. 5 - 6 pm. Corner of Euclid and Speedway, Tucson. Free. (407-1432)
Monthly Meeting - District 17 Democrats - Pyle Center
When: second Tuesday of every month, 6:30 PM
Where: 655 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ
Northeast Phoenix Women in Blue
Monthly at 6:30 PM on the second Monday of each month at The Market Place, 777 Thunderbird, Phoenix
District 20 Democrats Meeting
Monthly at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month at the Ahwatukee Fire House
For more info go here:
Distroct 10 Democrats Meeting
Monthly at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday of each month at the Denny's at I17 & Dunlap
Meet nearby Activists working together towards the goal of the Impeach Bush (and Cheney)! Come to an Impeach Meetup to join their appeal to Congress to impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. For more info, sign up here.
And for those who are interested in combining social events and politics, here are the Drinking Liberaly events in Arizona:
Flagstaff, Arizona
* Second Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
* Bigfoot Bar-B-Q, 120 N Leroux St (basement of Old Town Shops)
* Hosted by Andy Stevenson and George Castleberry, flagstaff (at)
* Every other Thursday, 5:30-9:00 pm
* Rosie McCaffrey's Irish Pub, 906 E Camelback Rd (9th St & Cameback on the North Side)
* Hosted by Stuart Dollar, phoenix (at)
* First Saturday of each month, 5:30 to 8:30
* Epicurean Wine Bar, 7101 E Thunderbird Rd (Southwest corner of Scottsdale Rd & T'bird)
* On T'bird at the west end of the retail area. It's tucked away and not hugely visible from the road.
* Starting in February, we will be meeting the first Saturday of each month.
* Please join us for a quick drink or the entire evening as we unite in promoting democracy one pint at a time! Cheers!!!
* Hosted by Vicki Billing, Susan Fletcher and Maureen Young, scottsdale (at)
Tucson, Arizona
* Every Thursday, 6:00 pm onward
* The Shanty, 401 E 9th St (Fourth Ave. at the underpass)
* Please visit our chapter's web site for schedules, book club info, and more:
* Hosted by Michael Bryan, Tasha Nelson and Shasta McManus, tucson (at)
Here are some candidates for office in Arizona I would like to introduce you to (all are endorsed by Progressive Majority):
Corey Woods
Candidate for Tempe City Council - At Large (Challenger)

Corey Woods is running for the non-partisan Tempe City Council. Corey ran unsuccessfully for this position in 2005 and has since become more involved in the community by serving on the City of Tempe's Transportation Commission, the Boards of Directors for the Boys and Girls Clubs, Communities in Schools, Kiwanis Club of Tempe, and Tempe Community Action Agency. This spring's election will include three city council seats and the mayor's seat, with two incumbents on the council running for reelection. Two of Corey's opponents are insurance agents who would represent the insurance lobby on the council. Corey, if elected, will be the first African American to serve on the council of Tempe.
Click here to support and learn more about Corey.
Don Jorgensen
Candidate for Arizona State Assembly - District 26 (Open Seat)
Northern Tuscon and Oro Valley

Don Jorgensen, Ph.D., is running for an open seat in the Arizona House of Representatives Legislative District 26. He is a small business owner who serves on the Board of the Compass Healthcare Foundation and the Tucson/Pima County Commission on Addiction, Prevention, and Treatment. He has also served on the Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, the YMCA of Metropolitan Tucson and is the former President of Great Tucson Leadership. In 2006, farm team member Lena Saradnik picked up this seat for the Democrats when an ultraconservative Republican emerged from the primary. Three Republicans have filed to run at this time; two are far right-wingers and one is positioning himself as a moderate.
Click here to support and learn more about Don.
Marquisha Griffin
Candidate for Maricopa City Council - At Large (Challenger)

Marquisha Griffin is a 32-year-old candidate seeking a seat on the nonpartisan Maricopa City Council. If elected, she will be the only female and the only person of color on the city council. Three seats are open on the council - two incumbents are seeking re-election and six additional candidates have filed. Marquisha is currently serving her third term on the City of Maricopa Planning and Zoning Commission. She volunteers at local charity events and city sponsored activities and is currently employed by the City of Mesa as a City Council Assistant to its council. The incumbent, Kelly Haddad, may be removed from the ballot for soliciting nominating petition signatures from city employees at city hall.
Click here to support and learn more about Marquisha.
Here are some Groups and Events in Arizona:
Phoenix Indian Center Annual Fundraising Gala - Celebrating 60 years of Service
SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 2008; 5:30 PM Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction; 7:00 PM - Dinner & Entertainment
WHERE: PHOENIX CONVENTION CENTER; 100 North 3rd Street; Phoenix, AZ 85004
Our mission is to serve as the primary resource for Native Americans in the Valley of the Sun and to promote and foster Native American culture and contribution to our society as a whole. Programs offered by the Center include Native Workforce Services, Educational Services and Social Services. These vital programs serve individuals from more than 80 different tribes across the country.
The dollars raised through sponsorships, donations and the silent art auction are a crucial part of the Centers annual budget. This years event will once again feature amazing entertainment as well as some of the most beautiful and original Native American art available today. Auction items include a premium selection of one-of-a-kind paintings, sculpture, jewelry and both traditional and contemporary forms of art.
For additional information, or to RSVP to this event, please call Andrea Tyler Evans at 602-448-5959 or e-mail:
You can view more about the event at
Creating Spaces for Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life, Arizona
29th Annual American Indian Language Development Institute
June 4 - July 2, 2008
University of Arizona
The University of Arizona and Department of Language, Reading & Culture invite you to the 29th American Indian Language Development Institute (AILDI). AILDI 2008 will have a special focus on Native teachers in the classroom and language. Special topics will include NCLB & Native students, language immersion methods in the classroom, Native children's literature & writing and schooling in Native American communities. Our theme, /Creating Spaces for Indigenous Languages in Everyday Life /reflects this emphasis and will be highlighted with guest speakers, presentations, activities, projects, and fieldtrips.
AILDI provides a unique educational experience for teachers of Native children. The AILDI format offers Native and non-Native teachers the opportunity to become researchers, practitioners, bilingual/bicultural curriculum specialists, and especially effective language teachers. The common concern of language loss, revitalization and maintenance brings educators, parents, tribal leaders and community members to this university setting to study methods for teaching Native languages and cultures and to develop materials.
AILDI offers six graduate credits or undergraduate credit hours during four weeks of intensive study. Courses can be applied toward regular degree programs and teacher endorsements.
Please visit our website at
12th Native American Youth Entrepreneur Camp
July 20-25, 2008
University of Arizona campus
Tucson, Arizona
Join us at the 12th Native American Youth Entrepreneur Camp July 20-25, 2008, on the campus of The University of Arizona in Tucson.
Learn to build private-sector enterprises in Indian Country. Visit Native-owned businesses. Enjoy extracurricular activities on and off the UA campus.
Like the real world, the camp is intensive and challenging, but rewarding and fun!
During the six-day camp, students will reside on campus, eat in the Student Memorial Union, and attend classes on the UA campus.
Register by July 1.
For more information, contact Monica Agar at or call (520) 626-0664.
DFA of Phoenix Monthly Meeting
Democracy for America meets the first Monday of the month at IHOP at the corner of 44th St. and Thomas Rd at 7PM
Contact: Toby Stohl at 602.955-9050 for more information
The Phoenix Alternative Energy Meetup Group
All Alternative Energy Meetups are scheduled to meet at 1:30pm on the second Saturday of each month. We are searching for a permanent location. Event fee: $1.00 per person
Please join us for discussions and activities on various subjects related to energy use and alternatives to our current carbon-based system.
For more info, sign up here.
Weekly Women in Black Peace Vigil - Every Fri. Protest the occupations in Iraq and Palestine, and the use of war, violence, and terrorism everywhere. Everyone welcome, please wear black & maintain a peaceful presence. 5 - 6 pm. Corner of Euclid and Speedway, Tucson. Free. (407-1432)
Monthly Meeting - District 17 Democrats - Pyle Center
When: second Tuesday of every month, 6:30 PM
Where: 655 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ
Northeast Phoenix Women in Blue
Monthly at 6:30 PM on the second Monday of each month at The Market Place, 777 Thunderbird, Phoenix
District 20 Democrats Meeting
Monthly at 7:00 PM on the second Monday of each month at the Ahwatukee Fire House
For more info go here:
Distroct 10 Democrats Meeting
Monthly at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday of each month at the Denny's at I17 & Dunlap
Meet nearby Activists working together towards the goal of the Impeach Bush (and Cheney)! Come to an Impeach Meetup to join their appeal to Congress to impeach George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. For more info, sign up here.
And for those who are interested in combining social events and politics, here are the Drinking Liberaly events in Arizona:
Flagstaff, Arizona
* Second Thursday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
* Bigfoot Bar-B-Q, 120 N Leroux St (basement of Old Town Shops)
* Hosted by Andy Stevenson and George Castleberry, flagstaff (at)
* Every other Thursday, 5:30-9:00 pm
* Rosie McCaffrey's Irish Pub, 906 E Camelback Rd (9th St & Cameback on the North Side)
* Hosted by Stuart Dollar, phoenix (at)
* First Saturday of each month, 5:30 to 8:30
* Epicurean Wine Bar, 7101 E Thunderbird Rd (Southwest corner of Scottsdale Rd & T'bird)
* On T'bird at the west end of the retail area. It's tucked away and not hugely visible from the road.
* Starting in February, we will be meeting the first Saturday of each month.
* Please join us for a quick drink or the entire evening as we unite in promoting democracy one pint at a time! Cheers!!!
* Hosted by Vicki Billing, Susan Fletcher and Maureen Young, scottsdale (at)
Tucson, Arizona
* Every Thursday, 6:00 pm onward
* The Shanty, 401 E 9th St (Fourth Ave. at the underpass)
* Please visit our chapter's web site for schedules, book club info, and more:
* Hosted by Michael Bryan, Tasha Nelson and Shasta McManus, tucson (at)
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