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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, January 26, 2008

    ILLINOIS FOCUS: Groups, Events, Canvassing and Phonebanking

    Here are some progressive candidates and campaigns who could use your help and some interesting local events:

    Education Town Hall Meeting
    Sun Jan 27 14:00 – Sun Jan 27 15:30
    Devonshire Cultural Center, 4400 Greenwood Avenue, Skokie

    Please join a very informal Town Hall meeting for community leaders, teachers, school administrators, parents, and concerned citizens to discuss education and school policy.

    Childcare available, RSVP's requested, 847-492-0961 or info@danielbiss.com.

    Northside DFA Canvassing for Mark Pera (Chicago)
    Start: 01/27/2008 - 12:00pm
    Group: Northside DFA
    Cost: free
    Address: Pier One Parking Lot, 5306 N. Broadway, Chicago

    NDFA Event: Go Door to Door for Congressional Candidate Mark Pera

    Mark Pera is running against anti-choice, pro-war machine "Democrat" Dan Lipinski in the February 5th primary election. We will meet at the Pier 1 Parking Lot at 5304 N. Broadway and carpool to our assigned precincts. This is the ground work that gets progressive candidates elected! First timer? We will start with a brief training and the pair you up with an experienced person.

    RSVP and get details at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=26405

    Women Who Work For Change Luncheon
    January 27th, 2008 12:00 pm
    Campaign Fundraiser in Glencoe
    For more information, please email mweil_at_dansealsforcongress.com

    Saloon Democrats of Chicago
    Start: 01/30/2008 - 6:30pm
    End: 01/30/2008 - 9:00pm
    Cost: free
    Group: IllinoisDemNet
    Address: Frankie Z's, 435 N Clark, Chicago

    **Serving Democratic Spirits on a Weekly Basis**

    Join us as we settle the problems of the world from a democratic perspective -- over a friendly drink or two! Every Wednesday (6:30pm-9pm) at Frankie Z's (435 N. Clark).


    Elk Grove Township Democrats - Open House with Candidates
    Wednesday January 30th 2008, 07:00pm
    Elk Grove Township Hall
    2400 South Arlington Heights Road
    Arlington Heights
    Contact: Kent Kirkwood
    kirkwoodkent@aol.com 847-392-5652
    Elk Grove Township Democrats invite you to join them for coffee and conversation. This Open House with the candidates is hosted by Committeeman Brian J. McPartlin.

    This is your opportunity to pick up yard signs and literature. Remember to vote in the primary on Tuesday, February 5!

    Pre-Primary Bash for Dan Seals (Chicago)
    Start: 01/31/2008 - 6:00pm
    End: 01/31/2008 - 8:00pm
    Group: Dan Seals for Congress
    Cost: Friend $250/Sponsor $500/Contributors $2,300
    Address: Clifford Law Offices, 120 N LaSalle St, Chicago

    Host - write/raise $2,300
    Sponsor - write/raise $500
    Friend - $250

    If you are interested in co-hosting the event, or for more information, please contact Michelle Weil at (847) 207-0416 or

    10th District "Kick Off" Brunch for Dan Seals
    Sunday February 3rd 2008, 12:00pm
    Home of Laurel Tyler and Pete Mitchell
    1119 Forest Avenue
    Contact: Michelle Weil
    mweil@dansealsforcongress.com 847-207-0416
    Join John Angley, Libby Bankoff, Tom Nathan, Dr. Stephen Ondra, George Pearce and Laurel Tyler at brunch for Dan Seals.

    Host - write/raise $1,000, Sponsor - write/raise $500, Individual ticket $100

    Northside DFA Canvassing for Mark Pera (Chicago)
    Start: 02/02/2008 - 10:00am
    Group: Northside DFA
    Cost: free
    Address: Pier One Parking Lot, 5306 N. Broadway, Chicago

    NDFA Event: Go Door to Door for Congressional Candidate Mark Pera

    Mark Pera is running against anti-choice, pro-war machine "Democrat" Dan Lipinski in the February 5th primary election. We will meet at the Pier 1 Parking Lot at 5304 N. Broadway and carpool to our assigned precincts. This is the ground work that gets progressive candidates elected! First timer? We will start with a brief training and the pair you up with an experienced person.

    RSVP and get details at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=26977

    Northside DFA Canvassing for Mark Pera (Chicago)
    Start: 02/03/2008 - 12:00pm
    Group: Northside DFA
    Cost: free
    Address: Pier One Parking Lot, 5306 N. Broadway, Chicago

    NDFA Event: Go Door to Door for Congressional Candidate Mark Pera

    Mark Pera is running against anti-choice, pro-war machine "Democrat" Dan Lipinski in the February 5th primary election. We will meet at the Pier 1 Parking Lot at 5304 N. Broadway and carpool to our assigned precincts. This is the ground work that gets progressive candidates elected! First timer? We will start with a brief training and the pair you up with an experienced person.

    RSVP and get details at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=26978

    Northside DFA Election Day Volunteering for Mark Pera (Chicago)
    Start: 02/05/2008 - 4:30am
    Group: Northside DFA
    Cost: free
    Address: Pier One Parking Lot, 5306 N. Broadway, Chicago

    - Tuesday, February 5th from 4:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
    - We need maximum coverage on election day at our precincts. We need to have nice friendly faces with Mark Pera buttons and palm cards at every polling place -- so we need you! Even if you can only do part of the day, sign up now so we can get you in the schedule.
    - RSVP at: http://www.dfalink.com/event.php?id=24781


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