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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, January 13, 2007

    Progressive Democrat Issue 104: JUMPSTARTING THE MIDWEST

    I am repeating this one because I think we really need to get a start and I think the Midwest may be one of our main must-win zones for Congress AND the Presidency.

    We saw a huge shift in 2006, with Democrats throughtout the nation doing far better than expected. But we can't assume that we will hold this poistion of power. Republicans will be working like hell to win back what they lost. I want to focus on what we can and should do to not only hold on to the gains we made, but build on them by highlighting groups and campaigns that we need to nurture and build NOW so that they will be strong when it comes to the next fight.

    I am calling this my Jumpstart Program and I am first focusing on the Midwest. What I am doing is in no way intended to be comprehensive. But I am trying to build on what we did in 2006 while also eyeing what we need to do in 2008 and balance the two. Each group or campaign I list could use your time (if you live nearby) or your money (even just $5-10). Pick one and help out a little bit now so our progressive infrastructure will be powerful by 2008.

    1. Jumpstart Indiana:
    In 2006 Democrats did amazingly well in Indiana, a state once considered solid red and the home state of Republican Dan Quayle, one of the few Republicans that make Bush look smart. I propose we push to continue the trend to return Indiana to its traditional progressive roots. My Progressive Indiana Act Blue Page highlights groups that promote traditional progressive American values in Indiana. On it you will find:

    a. The Democratic Women’s Caucus: aiming to inspire, recruit, train, support, and fund progressive women to increase the numbers of women in the electoral process and in elected and appointed positions in Indiana.

    b. Indiana Progressives PAC: Inspired by Howard Dean, Indiana Progressives believe to win nationally we must first win locally. Our message is positive, practical and progressive! Be a part of Indiana Progressives by registering with them or donating to them today.

    c. Other groups like Indiana Young Democrats and a more local DFA affiliate.

    2. Jumpstart Michigan:
    Henry Sheinkopf, a political strategist who helped engineer Bill Clinton’s re-election campaignin 1996, has highlighted Michigan as one of four MUST WIN states for the Democrats in 2008 and, pretty much, in any year. Michigan IS working-class America and is the constituency that the Democrats should be most dedicated to.

    This Act Blue page aims to build the working class grassroots in Michigan to help the Democrats, help Michigan and help America. My Progressive Michigan Act Blue Page highlights groups that promote traditional progressive American values in Michigan. On it you will find:

    a. Mid-Michigan DFA PAC: A local Democracy for America affiliate continuing the work of Howard Dean to empower the average American, Mid-Michigan DFA PAC focuses on the Lansing, MI area. If you live in the area, JOIN THEM! And I urge everyone to support them financially if you can. Bring traditional progressive values back to America!

    b. Michigan State Democratic Committee - Federal Account: Working to elect Democrats throughout Michigan and the key to Michigan in 2008.

    c. Michigan Senator Carl Levin's 2008 re-election campaign.

    3. Jumpstart Iowa:
    Iowa is considered a microcosm of America. And it is very much a purple state. Traditional progressive values dominate the Iowa political scene, and as long as Democrats fight for these traditional progressive values, we will win. This webpage is dedicated to taking and holding the heart of America’s heartland: Iowa. My Progressive Iowa Act Blue Page highlights groups and candidates that promote traditional progressive American values in Iowa. On it you will find:

    a. The Iowa State Democratic Party, Iowa House Truman Fund and Iowa Senate Majority Fund, all fighting AT THE STATE LEVEL to elect Democrats and support Iowa's farmers, alternative energy industry and push Democratic values throughout Iowa.

    b. Senator Tom Harkin, who has been targeted by Republicans every chance they get and who will be up for re-election in 2008. As one of our best Senators, I suggest a small donation well in advance to head off Republican attacks.

    4. Jumpstart Wisconsin: Wisconsin mixes college towns and farming in a mix that is very open to traditional progressive, American values. My Progressive Wisonsin Act Blue Page highlights groups and candidates that promote traditional progressive American values in Wisconsin. On it you will find:

    a. Democratic Party of Milwaukee

    b. Waupaca Waushara United Democratic Party (WI): Working to elect Democrats in rural Wisconsin

    c. Wisconsin State Democratic Committee - Federal Account: Helping to elect Democrats throughout Wisconsin.

    Help get things started in the Midwest. Starting now will make us unbeatable in 2008. If we wait too long they will get the jump on us.

    Click here to go back to THOUGHTS section and Table of Contents for this issue.


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