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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 01, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 80: WINNING IN 2006

    More and more races are becoming competitive. Both the Senate and House are within our reach…BARELY. To get them, we have got to work for it because the Republicans are really desperate to hold onto the single-party control of our lives they have engineered.

    I believe that if we work extremely hard, we will win big. I also believe that if we are complacent, we will lose. Naturally, I am pushing hard for the first scenario.

    That has led me to work on developing the “Sweep out the Republicans” meme. It is time to believe we are winners and that we WILL win. I started this meme in my effort to help Democrats Sweep NY State's Congressional seats. The goals are two-fold: to scare the pants off Republicans and to genuinely see if we can get up enough momentum to make Eliot Spitzer's long coat tails sweep in a solidly Democratic Congressional contingent from NY State. Click on the above link to join in that effort. Already I have raised $650 for Congressional races in New York State.

    My second territory I want to generate Sweeping momentum within, as I have written before, is the Frontier...cowboy land...the West. I have pushed this before, and I plan on starting a Sweep the Heartland next. But with two major Senate races and several major house races, I really want to push the Sweep the West meme one more time.

    Remember in 2004 the wonderful and unexpected win in Montana on a state level. This was a sign that the Democrats COULD deliver a message that would work in the Western States. The key here is something that Democrats used to know instinctively, but seem to have forgotten: be populist, young man! The populist Democrat movement that took Montana can spread to at least five Western states if we give a big push. Analyzing who is targeting what, where corruption is rife and where there are some really promising Democratic candidates, I want to introduce you to my Western efforts. I had some more of these Act Blue sites put together, but I notice that as primary elections happen, some of what I set up gets lost. But I will try to fill in.

    Let me begin with an Act Blue site I have already introduced and which has already collected $245: my Blue Nevada site. I think Nevada is our key state this year because it has EVERYTHING: Governorship, Senate (Jimmy Carter's son) AND House seats. Nevada is considered one of the Purple States, very finely balanced between red and blue. I think this year is the year to turn it solid blue. First off, we have Jack Carter, son of Nobel Laureate and former President Jimmy Carter. Jack Carter is a great candidate with integrity and a real populist message that is going to work in the West. If we want to retake the Senate, I think this race is a must win. There are also two House races in Nevada and here is where I think we have a shot, albeit a long shot, at Sweeping Nevada. One of these House races, NV-3, is a genuinely close race, one of the 10 House seats the Republicans most fear losing. If we can win BOTH the Nevada Senate AND NV-3, we will have gone a long way to turning Nevada solid blue. But there is one more race worth considering: NV-2. This is not seen as a close race, BUT...it is an open seat this year and we all know that open seats are opportunities NOT TO BE MISSED. A concerted web-based effort to help out NV-Sen, NV-2 and NV-3 could just push the whole state into our camp. Hence, my Blue Nevada site. Please help take Nevada.

    Next comes a blogsphere favorite, and for good reason. Come to my Blue Montana site, which gives us an opportunity not only to follow up on the wonderful victories in Montana in 2004, but to actually Sweep Montana. First off there is the Montana Senate race. This is one of the most important Senate races in 2006 because the seat is currently held by one of the most corrupt Republicans in the Senate. For this reason, Montana is listed by BBC news as one of the states to watch this year. Tester, one of the blogsphere's favorites, is our Senate candidate. Not only is the Republican, Conrad Burns, a corrupt, callous bastard, but our candidate, Tester, rocks! I mean this guy really kicks ass and the ass he is aiming for is Conrad Burns.’ We can win this seat and, like the NV Senate race, this is a must-win if we want to recapture the Senate. But there is also a House race to be won in Montana. This is more of a long shot than the Senate race, but BOTH are state-wide races and so will be determined by the same voters. A competitive Senate race can make this House race competitive...and if we can help the Democrat in the House race, it will also help our candidate beat Conrad Burns. Please donate to my Blue Montana site and help complete the victory that we started in Montana in 2004. Montana and Nevada are two of the most important states for us to focus on if we want the Senate!

    Next there's Colorado, another very rich state for pickups. Not only do we have a good shot at picking up the Governorship, but there are TWO of the most critical House races PLUS one of the Katrina 11 Republicans to target. This Act Blue site has yet to receive contributions, so let me introduce my Colorado Blue site. Winning these Colorado seats will be a big victory and is critical if we want to win back the House!

    Then there is Arizona. Here there is a long-shot Senate race, two very hot House races and yet another one of the Katrina 11 Republicans to target. Yet another rich pick up chance. So please help out with Blue Arizona. As with Colorado, Arizona is critical for winning back the House.

    I also had a detailed Sweep New Mexico Page, but its contents got largely lost in the primary. Which is fine, though, because the existing New Mexico Page still has three extremely good way to help win in the west and is still worth your time to check out.

    On all of these sites I have included the State Democratic Party because not only will they help win the key seats I list but also will help with many state and local races that are important for developing our future national candidates. I also include Frontier PAC, one of the best organizations delivering a populist and progressive Democratic message THROUGHOUT the west. Finally, I include one more excellent group. With all of the talk of "natives" vs. "immigrants" in American politics today, I want to urge support for empowering the TRUE Native Americans through the Indigenous Democratic Network (INDN), which I also include on each of the above sites.

    So come on folks! How badly do you want to win? Do you want to finally start beating the bastards who are ruining our country? Then help Sweep NY State and Sweep the West. Coming up soon...sweeping the Heartland. Even $10 here and there will help.


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