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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, July 01, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 80: NYC FOCUS

    I will be pushing this continually because THIS is a major deal for NYC.

    Here in NYC we have a Congressional race to win. Democrat Steve Harrison is running to replace Bush-supporting Republican Vito Fossella representing New York’s 13th Congressional District. I have already been able to raise $500 for Harrison through my Sweep NY State page. But here are other ways to help defeat Fossella. Contact his campaign if you can help even just for an hour: (718) 836-0760 or tomr@harrison06.com

    Here is a message from Steve Harrison to you:

    On the Fourth of July, I’m running a different race, the Pepper Martin 5K. The Pepper Martin starts at 9:00. The race goes by our campaign office, where we’re manning a water station. Please come help us with that, or run the race with me and get a free T shirt. (Registration for runners begins at 7:00am).

    After the race, at noon, we’re walking in the Travis Parade, raising awareness of the race and introducing Steve to voters. We’re meeting at the review stand, in front of P.S.26, which is at 4108 Victory Blvd. Because of the parade, cars won’t be able to go past the corner of Travis Ave. and Victory Blvd. To get to the meeting place, park at the corner of Travis and Victory and walk about five minutes down Victory.

    Finally, in the evening, we’re meeting voters before the St. George Fireworks display. We’ll meet at the 9/11 memorial at 8:00 and work the crowd until the fireworks start.

    If you can join us for any of these events, please call us at 718-836-0760

    Once the holiday weekend is over, we’re settling in to do phone banking from the Staten Island office. This is critical work that will run all the way through election day. We don’t have Vito’s two million dollar campaign chest, and won’t be able to rely on slick media and television ads, which makes personal contacts with voters even more important to us. How important? Each volunteer who phones for three hours a week from now until Election Day will bring in around 100 votes!

    Please make a commitment to help us with this. No matter how much time you can spare—once a week, once a month, whatever your schedule allows—talking to voters is one of the most important things you can do to help us win this district. You can make phone calls from our office or from home, during the day, evenings, or on weekends. We’re committed to making this as convenient for our volunteers as possible—give us a call and we can find a way that works for you.

    If you can help us talk to voters, please give us a call at 718-836-0760

    Please do what you can to help win this Congressional seat. But we also have some State Senate Seats to win. Democracy for NYC and ACT NOW are teaming up to phone bank to seize the State Senate:

    Wed, 07/05/2006 - 6:00pm
    ACT NOW has seats to fill as we fight to take back the State Senate!

    What will we be doing? We're going to be using landlines to do low-pressure Voter ID and/or Volunteer Recruitment calling -- not undecided voter persuasion -- to dramatically increase Democratic voter turnout in the most competitive State Senate races. This is a great way for first-time callers to get started.

    Why care about the State Senate? If you care about fair elections, education, transportation, the environment, healthcare, security, and other major issues in New York, you should care a lot about winning back the New York State Senate. Now that reformer Eliot Spitzer is likely to be New York's next governor, it's even more important to have a Democratic legislature in place.

    Go here for more info and to RSVP


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