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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, June 10, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 79: VIRGINIA FOCUS

    The Virginia Grassroots Coalition is trying to improve their outreach to groups all around the state. They need to be in touch with you, need your help and want to be of help to you. Hook up with them if you haven’t already! Here is their message:

    We’re ALMOST back on the regular schedule of 1am Friday morning. Once I get a backlog, it’s hard to dig out.

    The VGC Wish List
    The thinking behind the Wish List is driven by the idea of a regional coalition or community of progressive groups. We’d like to make resources available to group who are doing progressive outreach work in Virginia and around the region. As I watch groups produce events, it breaks my heart to see them pay several hundred to several thousand dollars to rent equipment for a rally. We currently own a very small sound system and a projection system. We are also fortunate enough to have “borrowing rights” on a larger sound system for small indoor events. As a community, however, we are unable to produce larger rallies and events. The Wish List approach is to start by augmenting the resources already available to us so we spend the least amount of money for the biggest return. Rather than spending lots of money for a single event, progressive groups could contribute $100-200 to help expand and maintain the system. We actually just did our first ‘rental’ a couple weeks ago and put $100 into the fund. We have $225 in actual funds and pledges. Since the first targeted purchase is the EON 15 speakers, we have a ways to go. Happily, they can be bought singly so, with each purchase, the community has a better resource. Please email me if you have questions or would like to fund the purchase of something. You can contribute $5 or $500 and we’ll guarantee the money will go toward making more outreach affordable for progressive groups in the region. eric@vagrassroots.org

    2 15’-25’ long grounded (3 prong) extension cords ($15)
    1 straight microphone stand, w/gooseneck ($60)
    2 hyper-cardioid microphones ($100 each)
    2 50’ microphone cables
    2 JBL EON 15 powered speakers ($700 each)
    2 JBL speaker stands ($300)

    The list above gets us to the point that we could do a daytime, outdoor event for 600 people or an indoor event for 1000. THAT kind of reach is important and making that reach available to progressives across the region IS a big deal.
    - - - - - - -
    A reminder of the VGC tools available to all –

    The Yahoo! Group. Aside from Spammers, this is an open, un-moderated forum.

    VGC on Meetup.com


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