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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, June 03, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 78: NY STATE FOCUS

    On 9/11/2001 the consequences of ignoring the threat of al-Qaeda was driven home dramatically. America, NYC in particular, had the lesson slammed home on that day. President Clinton had warned us, Bush included, that al-Qaeda was the threat to watch. His warnings were ignored. We paid the price on 9/11.

    But has the lesson been learned? Did the Bush administration realize that its agenda had to focus on defeating al-Qaeda? At first it seemed that they had. The invasion of Afghanistan and the toppling of the al-Qaeda-allied Taliban was clearly the right first step. I was heartened when Bush took that first step.

    But then came Tora Bora. Bush abandoned the War Against Terrorism, pulled out a large chunk of our troops and let Osama bin Laden get away. Why? To invade Iraq, a nation that had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. Bush let his attention wander from the war against those who attacked NYC and America. Bush dropped the ball.

    As I have written recently, and perhaps at too great a length, that decision by Bush to abandon the real war in favor of his directionless war on Iraq has allowed al-Qaeda and the Taliban not only to regroup, but to expand. They are stronger than ever by our own admission. Bush dropped the ball and the enemy that attacked NYC and America is stronger than ever. Bush is losing the War Against Terrorism, just as he is losing his directionless war against Iraq, "Mission Accomplished" not withstanding. In fact, the Iraqis are taking Bush up on his offer and are "Bringing it on." And now we have even given al-Qaeda its long-desired foothold in Iraq.

    Why is Bush losing? Why is he refusing to learn the clear and simple lesson of 9/11: al-Qaeda is the enemy and we must defend ourselves against them. Everyone in America understands that except apparently the Republican Party. From NYC to Davenport, Iowa, to Helena, Montana: Americans understand who the enemy is. But the Republican Party does not.

    While Bush continues to bog us down in Iraq and wants to put 6000 National Guardsmen on the Mexican border to defend against poor migrant workers, NYC is unprotected. NYC is a target and Bush refuses to help. He has NEVER even tried setting up a system of inspecting the cargo that comes into our port. He has privatized and outsourced our security and in the process has completely ignored some of the biggest threats to our city. Our port is unprotected and al-Qaeda knows it. Is Bush DARING them to attack NYC again?

    But it gets even worse. The Department of Homeland Security, which already is failing to protect NYC, has basically given us a further slap in the face by cutting our security funding by $83 Million. NYC will be even less protected in the future. And
    New York State is also taking a cut of almost $115 million, despite promises from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff earlier this year that his department would be distributing money based on risk. NYC and NY State are being slapped in the face and abandoned.

    Mr. Bush: Why don't you just hang a giant "Bomb Me" sign on NYC and wait for the terrorists to attack?

    I never bought into the conspiracy theories that Bush WANTED 9/11 to happen so he could have an excuse to do whatever he wants. I think he was insanely stupid and incompetent and ignored the warnings then was surprised when it bit him in the ass. Of course nearly 3000 Americans died because of that mistake. But I do not think Bush wanted it to happen. Gross negligence, not conspiracy. That has always been my view on 9/11.

    But what about now? Every American citizen learned the lesson of 9/11: terrorists will get us unless we defend ourselves. But Bush is not defending us! Bush is practically inviting terrorists in while failing to fight them abroad. The terrorists have regrouped and Bush is letting our guard down further. It seems like Bush is hanging NYC and NY State out as bait and telling al-Qaeda to "bring it on."

    Does Bush want us to be attacked again? Is that what is going on? He is doing everything he can to facilitate another attack. It becomes harder to believe it is just gross incompetence and conspiracy theories are starting to sound more plausible. Bush is abandoning the defense of America! He cares more about oil fields in Iraq than in the homes, ports and infrastructure of regular Americans. He cares about protecting no-bid contracts for Lockheed, Bechtel and Halliburton, but not about the safety of American families. Why?

    Does Bush want us to be attacked again? He clearly was willing to sacrifice New Orleans and a big chunk of Mississippi and Louisiana, letting it wash away while he vacationed. Does he also want to sacrifice New York?

    My advice is participate in a backlash. Help Sweep Republicans out of NYC.


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