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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, June 10, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 79: NEW JERSEY FOCUS

    From Democrats 2000:

    With the primary season officially behind us, the real work to elect Democrats across the state, at the local, county, and federal level can begin.

    Once again, Democrats 2000 looks forward to making sure that the voices of young professional Democrats are heard in races all throughout New Jersey, and that come November the candidates that best understand, and are willing to fight for, the issues that are important to us are victorious.

    Together, we will spread the message of Senator Bob Menendez and make sure that he is sent back to Washington to represent us for a full six years. Senator Menendez is a proven reformer and exactly the kind of fighter New Jersey needs in Washington during this critical time in our nation's history. Bob Menendez' commitment to public service began when at just 19 years old he launched a successful petition drive to reform his local school board. He has served as Mayor of Union City, was a member of the New Jersey Legislature, and since 1992 represented the residents of the 13th District in Congress. Appointed to the Senate earlier this year, Senator Menendez has proven that he will continue to be a forceful voice for change and stand up for New Jersey against the misguided policies of the Bush White House.

    We are also fully committed to not only returning all 6 of our Democratic House Members, but also to increasing the size of our Party's delegation and helping win back a Democratic majority. Candidates Paul Arohnson in the 5th Congressional District and Assemblywoman Linda Stender in 7th Congressional District have been mentioned by national pundits as serious challengers and will be a major focus of our efforts this year. Following the 50 state strategy employed by the Democratic National Committee, we also look forward to lending support to the other Democratic candidates seeking election to Congress across the state.

    Of course, in keeping true to our mission of building an even better Party for our generation, Democrats 2000 will once again lead the way in electing young candidates to office at every level. Using the same successful model which allowed us to raise more than $70,000 and support over 50 young candidates in 2005, we are committed to contributing to the races of long time Democrats 2000 members such as Dan Reiman in Carteret, Dana Wefer in Morris County and Joe Chila in Gloucester County.

    We appreciate everything you have done to help us achieve our record of success and hope that you will once again lend your support to our efforts to make 2006 even better. We hope that you will consider joining the Host Committee for our fall fundraiser with special guest Senator Menendez, contributing directly to Democrats 2000, or helping us increase our membership by directing your friends and colleagues to Democrats 2000.

    Thank you once again for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you on the campaign trail.

    Time to rev up for November. Starting now helps guarantee success.


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