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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, January 09, 2010

    Coweta County, GA Focus


    The Coweta County, Georgia Democratic Party's regular monthly meeting is the first Saturday of every month at 10:00 am (come at 9:30 for breakfast) at the Westside Restaurant on Temple Avenue in downtown Newnan.

    Find upcoming events from the Coweta County Democratic Party Calendar

    You can also visit the facebook page for the Coweta COunty Democrats.

    Here's a letter to the editor published Thursday, November 19, 2009 in the Newnan Times-Herald that does a great job describing what the Democratic Party is all about:

    Democratic revolution in Georgia

    My fellow Georgians, you are in the midst of a revolution. But let me be clear: We ain't socialists. We're Democrats. If my conservative brothers in Coweta County are having a hard time raising your blades against the grass along Highway 34, then I think you'll find it more challenging to cut down the progressive movement in the country as a whole.

    We don't condemn gays.

    We don't mind folks of any religious persuasion, so long as they commit to non-violence.

    We speak some Spanish and want our brothers from the deep, deep South to hop aboard our bandwagon.

    We love black people and white people, and we're willing to tolerate greens.

    We rely on Keynesian economics, not trickle-down.

    We don't judge folks who've had pre-maritals.

    We will not legislate against drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco or marijuana.

    We don't mix religion with affairs of state.

    We prefer to leave trees intact, as both the environmentalists and sportsmen in our ranks rely on the preservation of the great outdoors.

    We believe a federal health care plan, while in competition with private plans as well, is nothing to be feared.

    We believe it's time for America to wind down her wars.

    But above all else we still believe in democracy and that the great experiment of our federal union must be preserved.

    It's time to man up to the plate and join the winning team. We don't discriminate, and we need the help of the Georgia's Ty Cobbs as much as her Hank Aarons. Remember that the Democrats were in charge for the state's entire history until Sonny's governorship, except during reconstruction. There's no reason why it can't be in the hands of Democrats again.

    Buck Alford


    Solar Energy in Coweta County:

    You can search for a solar installer in your area of Coweta County by clicking here.

    All graphs I see for locations in Coweta County indicate that Coweta County is suitable for solar energy based on the amount of sunshine received during the year. For example, for Sharpsburg, GA here is the graph of sunshine received on a month-by-month basis compared with the national average:

    This information can be useful to help determine if Sharpsburg will do well with solar photovoltaic panels (for solar electricity generation), solar water heating systems, solar pv, solar heat, solar pool heating, etc. The closer the dark green line is to the light blue line (or the higher it is above it), the better. Sharpsburg matches the light blue line pretty well, going above (better) some months, and below (worse) some months. The rest of Coweta County, GA shows a pattern similar to that of Sharpsburg. To be sure your property is suitable, click on the link above, find your town and then zip code, then fill in the form to get a detailed analysis and quote. On average for the nation, you break even on your investment in solar energy within 3-5 years and after that you get many years of essentially free energy (warranties on solar panels range from 20-25 years...so that is 15-20 years of nearly free energy from your solar panels).


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