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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, May 21, 2009

    Boots on the Ground, People!

    This comes from Daily Kos last week:

    We were out there this past Fall: An Army of Progressives writing letters, calling and knocking on doors, and we won.

    Okay. Fine.

    But that was only one battle, Troop!

    What, you thought you'd get a 4 year vacation? Leave it to "General" Obama to win the rest of the battles while his army goes on furlough?

    Nasty trick, that. Imagine Aragorn marching up to the Black Gate to confront the Mouth of Sauron, and then turning to find his Army pulling up lawn chairs to be spectators at the Last Battle.

    I read lots of griping about how the President and/or Congress are caving to the interest groups, but not much about what that our "Army" is doing.
    Have you let Obama and OUR representives know you're still behind them; that you can be relied upon to write letters/contact the media? Have you been regularly Contacting your Senators and Congressman on the issues so they know they are covered when they take a risk? or have you just watched Rachael and Keith and Jon and Steven?

    The "Revolution" will not be televised....and even if it is, it won't be won that way.

    Today I emailed my Senators (Webb and Warner) on a couple of issues.

    Senator Warner, I have been a supporter of yours since your first run against John Warner. I was one of a handful of Democrats to meet with you in front of the County Courthouse back then, and I have voted for you at every opportunity since. Last fall, as I canvassed 200+ households for you and President Obama, the thing that kept me going was the hope that you would represent the interests of those of us who do NOT have the big bucks. You have disappointed me. Your vote against capping interest rates for Credit Cards looks like a betrayal.

    Prove it is not, and make a motion to reconsider.

    Also, I DO support the "Public Option" in the Health Care bill now pending. PLEASE Do not disappoint me again. I can't hire a lobbyist. I depend on YOU to defend my interests, and while I do not have the free time to contact you on every issue that comes up, rest assure that I am watching. I would LIKE to support you in 6 years with the same level of enthusiasm I had last Fall. Whether or not I do so is entirely up to you.

    Dear Senator Webb,
    First let me thank you for supporting the Credit Card Consumers with your vote to cap interest rates! Bravo, it will not be forgotten. I have written Sen. Warner to chide him for not representing my interests on that matter, and I suggest your intervention asking him to sponsor a motion to reconsider.

    On the current Health Care legislation, I wish to Strongly urge you to support either a "single Payer" or a "public option" in this bill. Otherwise it will be just a PR gimmick and a Cave to Big Insurance/Pharma. Don't worry about the $ the industry lobbists bring to the table. Vote for US,the consumers here, as you have done against Big Banking, and I WILL knock on doors for you at re-election time. Last fall I contacted, face to face 200 + households in support of Warner and Obama. I am very willing to do the same for you, but only if I KNOW you are working for me.

    I'm going to continue to write, not just here on dkos, but also to my local newspaper, to MSNBC and CNN, CBS ABC & etc. I'm going to let them know that THIS soldier is still in the field.

    Boots on the Ground.

    This way to the battlefields:












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