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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Thursday, July 10, 2008

    OHIO FOCUS: Blogs, Obama, Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events


    Progress Ohio is an excellent source of Ohio news and politics

    Buckeye State Blog is another source of Ohio news and politics

    Here are some Obama Groups in Ohio:

    Ohioans For Obama: Wooster

    Columbus for Obama: Columbus

    Northeast Ohio for Obama: Euclid

    Grandview for Obama: Columbus

    Mansfield Ohio Area for Obama: Mansfield

    Cincinnati Obama 2008: Cincinnati

    Southwest Ohio for Obama: Cincinnati, Dayton, Middletown and Hamilton

    Central Ohioans for Obama: Columbus and surrounding area

    Buckeyes for Obama (SFBO): OSU

    Northeast Ohio for Obama: Lake County and surrounding areas

    Progressive Majority Endorsed Candidates in Ohio:

    Jennifer Brady
    Candidate for State Representative - District 16 (Incumbent)
    Bay Village, Rocky River, North Olmstead, Fairview Park

    Jennifer Brady is the Representative from the 16th Ohio House District. Progressive Majority endorsed Jennifer in 2006 because of her commitment to progressive values, activism in the community, strategic mindset and strong work ethic. In 2006, Progressive Majority was one of very few organizations to support Jennifer after the House Democratic Caucus wrote off her race. Since then, we have been working closely with her on strategy, field organization and fundraising. According to the Ohio Republican Party Chairman Bob Bennett, ''The 16th District is the number-one Republican target for 2008.'' It is a must-keep if democrats are to take over the House. Traditionally, the 16th has been known as the most Republican district in Cuyahoga County, which made Jennifer's 2006 victory the pleasant surprise of the cycle for Progressives. The Republicans have recruited Nan Baker, a conservative member of the Westlake city council colloquially known as the ''Republican Jennifer Brady.'' Jennifer has been a progressive champion in the Assembly who refuses to vote against her values, thus displaying the courage and conviction that helped her win in 2006.

    Click here to support and learn more about Jennifer.

    Matt Patten
    Candidate for State Representative - District 18 (Open Seat)
    Olmsted Falls, Olmsted Township, Berea, Strongsville, and North Royalton

    Matt Patten is the Democratic candidate for the 18th Ohio State House District. Matt has a long history of activism and labor organizing and is currently a Regional Labor-Management Field Coordinator. The performance of the district is expected to improve even further as the popular Republican incumbent is jumping to the state Senate and his successor, Robert Spada, is considered far too conservative for this democratic-trending district. As a professional community organizer, Matt is a fearless champion for improving economic opportunity, education, and universal access to healthcare. He has the endorsements of local and statewide labor. This seat is a top-tier pickup in the quest for the four seats we need for a democratic majority in the Ohio House of Representatives.

    Here are some events in Ohio:

    Ohio Young Democrats Summer Meeting: Young Voter Revolution!

    When: Saturday, July 19th 2008, at 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    Where: Marriot Hotel Key Club
    127 Public Sq
    Cleveland, OH 44114
    Contact: saccany_at_ohioyd.org

    9th Annual Feast at the River
    July 19, 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    Event Location:
    1601 Locust Street
    Pt. Pleasant, Ohio 45153

    9th Annual Feast at The River: Members of the Quin-T Democratic Club in Clermont County prepare a one of a kind afternoon with the best grilled steaks in town, baked potatoes and onions, old fashioned baked beans, roasted corn on the cob, salad selections and home made desserts. Cost is $100 per person. Proceeds are used to benefit candidate's campaigns. Everyone is welcome. Call: 513-553-3661, 513-553-4766, 513-553-2446. Rain or shine. Add a history lesson to the menu: Feast location is across U.S. Rt. 52 from the Ulysses S. Grant birthplace/ National Historic Site.


    340 East Fulton St., Columbus, OH 43215 The Coalition of Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio August 13, 2008 6:30 -9PM ODP HQ In November, Central Ohio has a real opportunity to send four Democratic Representatives to Congress. With one of the most exciting election years on record, Democrats and Progressives in Franklin, Licking, Perry, Fairfield, Pickaway, Madison , Union, Fayette, Greene, Clark, and Delaware Counties have an opportunity to increase the Democratic majority by three! By keeping Zach Space in office and electing Mary Jo Kilroy, David Robinson, and Sharen Neuhardt to Congress, we can take one giant step toward turning Ohio fully BLUE in November. Join The Coalition of Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio in a unique opportunity to hear the four local candidates for Congress talk about the concerns they will address when elected, how they will work together to bring real change to central Ohioans, and which issues will have the highest priority when they arrive in Washington in January 2009! Questions from the audience will be addressed following the candidates' forum.

    Here are some Drinking Liberally Groups in Ohio:

    * Every Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
    * Odd Tuesdays: Fries Cafe, 3247 Jefferson Ave
    * Even Tuesdays: The Pub at Rookwood Mews, 2692 Madison Rd
    * Hosted by Adam Bartel and Cheryl Crowe, cincinnati (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Every Sunday, 6:00 pm
    * Sullivans Irish Pub, 13368 Madison Ave, Lakewood (Great food and lots of irish brews on tap)
    * Visit www.sullivansirishpub.net for more info on the venue
    * Hosted by Judy Novak, cleveland (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * First Thursday of each month, 6:30 pm
    * Byrnes Pub, 1248 W 3rd Ave
    * Hosted by Jocelyn Krosky and Roger Denick, columbus (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Second Wednesday of each month, 7:30 pm
    * The Oregon Express, 336 E 5th St
    * Hosted by Cari Kimmel, dayton (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Every Wednesday, 7:30 pm
    * Manhattan's, 1516 Adams St (Downtown Toledo; on Adams across the street from Adams Laundry)
    * Come and drink like a libreral at Manhattan's. We'll be talking politics, drowning our sorrows,
    * and making alchohol-fueled plans for America's future.
    * Hosted by Rebecca Golden, toledo (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Every other Wednesday, 8:00 pm
    * The Village Idiot, 309 Conant St
    * Hosted by Lori Wampler, Ken Stout and Leanne Kulzac, maumee (at) drinkingliberally.org


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