Worth Repeating: McCain Embraced by the Bush Family
Now that the Little Bush has officially joined Big Bush and Jeb Bush in endorsing John "Endless Recession and Endless War" McCain (before it was more implied than official), I will repeat my post on the Bush family's love for the fake "maverick" McCain. This is from 2 weeks ago but bears repeating.
The Big Bush, Little Gerogie Bush, and Jeb Bush have all given John McCain their approval. Could there be a worse endorsement?

The Bush family have brought us two of the least popular Presidents in American history.
The Bush family helped arm Saddam Hussein before declaring him our enemy. They have brought us two Iraq wars, the most recent has turned into a quagmire sucking our soldiers and dollars down with no end in sight and no exit stratgy and no strategic purpose.
The Bush family helped arm al-Qaeda, then stupidly ignored warnings of an impending attack, allowing al-Qaeda to hit us hard. And they have failed to stop al-Qaeda even AFTER they attacked us.
The Bush family has brought us some of the worst economic times since the Great Depression, giving us no fewer than three rescessions with little recovery under their watch. Job growth under the Bush family has been rock bottom.
The Bush family represents nothing but failed domestic policy, failed foreign policy and deficits, deficits, deficits. About the only people who still like the Bush family are their good friends in Saudi Arabia: the Royal Saud family and their close allies, the bin Laden family.

The Bush family, Jebbie, Big George and Wee George, have all endorsed John McCain. They believe, it seems, that John McCain is the best choice to continue the failed Bush policies that have CONSISTENTLY brought us record deficits, failed foreign policy and recession after recession.
America is sick and tired of failed Bush policies. No more Bush quagmires. No more Bush recessions. Just say "No!" to John McCain, the choice of the Bush family.

The Big Bush, Little Gerogie Bush, and Jeb Bush have all given John McCain their approval. Could there be a worse endorsement?

The Bush family have brought us two of the least popular Presidents in American history.
The Bush family helped arm Saddam Hussein before declaring him our enemy. They have brought us two Iraq wars, the most recent has turned into a quagmire sucking our soldiers and dollars down with no end in sight and no exit stratgy and no strategic purpose.
The Bush family helped arm al-Qaeda, then stupidly ignored warnings of an impending attack, allowing al-Qaeda to hit us hard. And they have failed to stop al-Qaeda even AFTER they attacked us.
The Bush family has brought us some of the worst economic times since the Great Depression, giving us no fewer than three rescessions with little recovery under their watch. Job growth under the Bush family has been rock bottom.
The Bush family represents nothing but failed domestic policy, failed foreign policy and deficits, deficits, deficits. About the only people who still like the Bush family are their good friends in Saudi Arabia: the Royal Saud family and their close allies, the bin Laden family.

The Bush family, Jebbie, Big George and Wee George, have all endorsed John McCain. They believe, it seems, that John McCain is the best choice to continue the failed Bush policies that have CONSISTENTLY brought us record deficits, failed foreign policy and recession after recession.
America is sick and tired of failed Bush policies. No more Bush quagmires. No more Bush recessions. Just say "No!" to John McCain, the choice of the Bush family.


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