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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, February 16, 2008

    Progressive Democrat Issue 154

    As my readership expands, so does my effort on publicizing local events and issues. Believe it or not, my latest contacts are in Alaska. I am also reconnecting with Progressive Majority, and organization I have plugged in the past but should plug more because they are about the best out there. I recently met with their president and was re-energized about their work. They are one of our main hopes for the future of the progressive movement.

    An interesting aspect of the meeting with the president of Progressive Majority is that I was one of 5 people who showed up. I am not sure why they chose us. I can only imagine that I was being mistaken for a potential big donor or something. I'd love to find out why I was asked to show up. But in addition to just being asked to come, I noticed that among the packet of information they handed out was an article I wrote right here in Mole's Progressive Democrat. They didn't even realize that the person they invited was also the person who wrote the article. So I must have gotten their attention in two ways. All very strange to me!

    This week Obama became the official frontrunner. Just about any way you calculate the delegates, Obama is in the lead. Hillary can still pull ahead with wins in Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania. But this is the first time Obama is officially ahead. All I can say is it is an exciting race! Among my readers are avid Hillary supporters, avid Obama supporters, disappointed Edwards and Kucinich supporters, and those, like myself, who are happy with any of them. Yes...I have endorsed Obama. But if Hillary is our nominee I am happy with that. So I am focusing mostly on winning in November!

    Here is this week's newsletter:



    PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY: Taking ownership of the political process

    WEB SEMINAR: A Target for US Carbon Emissions

    IOWA FOCUS: Groups, Events, Alternative Energy

    ILLINIOS FOCUS: CRITICAL Special Congressional Election

    CALIFORNIA FOCUS: Alternative Energy, Charlie Brown, Groups, Events

    NEW YORK STATE FOCUS: Groups and Events

    NEW JERSEY FOCUS: Blue Jersey Radio, Impeachment, Groups and Events

    TEXAS FOCUS: Alternative Energy, Rick Noriega, Groups and Events

    ARIZONA FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events

    FLORIDA FOCUS: Christine Jennings, Groups and Events

    WISCONSIN FOCUS: Progressive Candidates, Groups and Events

    NORTH CAROLINA FOCUS: Peace Rallies, Groups and Events

    VIRGINIA FOCUS: Impeachment, Groups and Events

    PENNSYLVANIA FOCUS: Groups and Events

    ALASKA FOCUS: Groups and Events


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