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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, February 09, 2008

    ALASKA MEETS NYC: Diane Benson Meet and Greet

    I don't get info on Alaska much. No contacts there. But one candidate in Alaska, Diane Benson running for Congress, has come to my attention a few times, and now New Yorkers have a chance to meet her! If I can, I will try to attend.

    This year is one of the few years when Democrats have a real shot at winning the Alaska Congressional seat. Dissatisfaction with the Republicans and some Republican scandals are making Alaskans consider a Democrat for Congress. On Feb. 11th New Yorkers have a chance to meet the person who might just be that Democrat who wins the Alaska House seat.

    This comes from Democracy for NYC:

    We are now in a favorable position to elect more Progressive Democrats than ever before. In the long-prized effort to turn Congress a deeper blue, it is my privilege to introduce a singularly unique candidate, Diane Benson, running in 2008 for the only Congressional seat in the State of Alaska - a very big prize, indeed.

    An exceptional person, Diane is a member of the Tlingit Native American People, a matrilineal culture. Diane's mother suffered from tuberculosis, and Diane was often homeless as a child and teenager, growing up in foster homes and logging camps with her Norwegian father. Despite this, she volunteered with senior citizens and in hospitals from the age of twelve. The hardships of life have influenced her thinking to this day.

    Diane is the mother of one son who served in the Iraq war until he was severely wounded, losing both his legs from a roadside bomb. The time she spent watching her son’s recovery and visiting with other injured veterans played a large part in her decision to run for Congressional office, and has shaped many of her ideas surrounding the Iraq war, terrorism, homeland security, and Veterans' benefits.

    A woman of many "firsts," Benson can turn this red state blue. Read more about Diane at her website here - http://bensonforcongress.com/about and on the wiki here - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diane_Benson.

    Diane was among the first women truck drivers on the Alaska pipeline, and the youngest person on the Fairbanks Native Association Executive Board. The first to debate long-time incumbent Republican Congressman Don Young on live tv, Diane called for an end to the Iraq War, and criticized Young for his relationship with Jack Abramoff.

    Diane has the enthusiastic endorsement of the National Women's Political Caucus, of former Senator Mike Gravel, and Governor Bill Richardson.

    Please join me, Miriam, and host Lewis Cohen on Monday, Feb. 11th, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, for a FREE Meet and Greet with Diane Benson here in New York. Our evening will take place at Red Sky Bar & Lounge, located at 47 E. 29th St., between Park and Madison Aves. Good food, drink specials and beverages are available in ample supply.

    Please RSVP to me, Miriam, at mimmimac@aol.com, or to Ruth Benedict at Ruth_Benedict@comcast.net.

    The evening is being sponsored by Democracy for NYC (the local coalition of Democracy for America) and Lewis Cohen.


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