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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, December 15, 2007

    Progressive Democrat Issue 146

    Some news items I don't have time to discuss but which are worth attention:

    Indiana's most progressive Congressional Rep, Julia Carson, has died.

    Ohio's Secretary of State (elected in 2006 to clean up Ohio's voting mess) has issued a report on Ohio's voting mess...with excellent recommendations.

    America has been shamed by pretty much the rest of the world into withdrawing it's obstructionism to the Bali conference on global warming...so, in essence, the US has agreed to keep talking about maybe doing something about global warming.

    Here is this week's newsletter:


    US MERCENARIES: Raping in the name of Freedom?

    OHIO AND VIRGINIA SPECIAL ELECTIONS: Not as good as I had hoped


    NYC FOCUS: Anti-Semitism on the Subway

    ATLANTA, GEORGIA FOCUS: Veterans for Peace

    VIRGINIA FOCUS: Groups, Events and Impeachment

    NEW JERSEY FOCUS: Groups and Events

    PENNSYLVANIA FOCUS: Groups and Events

    CALIFORNIA FOCUS: Groups and Events

    TEXAS FOCUS: Groups, Events and Rick Noriega for Senate

    US Contractors in Iraq: Raping in the Name of Freedom

    Just when you thought you'd heard just about every disgusting act possible committed by the mercenaries America hires to terrorize Iraq, something worse comes to the surface. Now it seems Halliburton condones rape and protects the rapists even to the point of illegally imprisoning the victim of the rape. This comes from MoveOn.org:

    Jamie Leigh Jones was a 20-year-old woman working in Iraq for a subsidiary of Halliburton when she was drugged and brutally gang-raped by several co-workers.

    The next day, Halliburton told her that if she left Iraq to get medical treatment, she could lose her job.1

    Jamie's story gets even more horrific: For the last two years, she's been asking the US government to hold the perpetrators accountable. But the men who raped her may never be brought to justice because Halliburton and other contractors in Iraq aren't subject to US or Iraqi laws. They can't be tried for a crime in any court.2

    This is one of the most disturbing stories we have come across in a while. We're calling on Congress to investigate Jamie's case, hold those involved accountable, and bring US contractors under the jurisdiction of US law so this can't happen again. If hundreds of thousands of us speak out against this outrageous story, we can force Congress to take action.

    Can you sign the petition? The text is in the blue box at the right. Clicking below will add your name.


    After you sign, please forward this email to friends, family and colleagues—we all need to speak out together.

    When you get an email from us, it doesn't usually include a graphic description of a brutal attack. But when we heard this story, we knew we had to do something about it.

    Here's how Jamie described what happened after the attack:

    I awoke the next morning in the barracks to find my naked body battered and bruised. I was still groggy from whatever had been put in my drink. I was bleeding... After getting to the clinic and having a rape kit performed...I was locked in a container with no food, no way to call my parents, and was placed under armed guard by Halliburton.3

    Jamie's attackers aren't the only ones exploiting a legal loophole to get away with their violent crimes. Another female employee of Halliburton says she was raped by her co-workers in Iraq.4 Employees of Blackwater, another private contracting firm in Iraq, were accused of killing innocent Iraqi civilians, and that incident turned into an international scandal. Worst of all, they may never be punished.5

    Private contractors in Iraq are making massive amounts of money, operating above the law and are accountable to no one. This has to stop.

    Congress needs to act now to bring these contractors under the rule of law. If they don't, nothing will prevent a case like Jamie's from happening again. No man or woman working in Iraq should have to fear that they can be attacked without consequences.

    Please sign on to the petition: "Congress must investigate the rape of Jamie Leigh Jones and others, hold those involved accountable, and bring US contractors under the jurisdiction of US law." Clicking below adds your name:


    Thanks for all you do,

    –Nita, Wes, Karin, Marika, and the MoveOn.org Political Action Team
    Friday, December 14th, 2007


    1. "Halliburton hit in rape lawsuit," New York Daily News, December 11, 2007

    2. "Victim: Gang-Rape Cover-Up by U.S., Halliburton/KBR," ABC News, December 10, 2007

    3. Jamie's Journal, The Jamie Leigh Foundation

    4. "Female ex-employees sue KBR, Halliburton—report," Reuters, June 29, 2007

    5."Blackwater Probe Narrows Focus to Guards," Associated Press, December 8, 2007

    Better than just clicking on the MoveOn action, please write or call your Congressional Rep and, most importantly, write your local media expressing your opinion on Halliburton and its actions.

    Last Week's Special Elections: OH-5 and VA-1

    I have been pushing two special elections, one in Ohio and one in Virginia. Both were in traditionally DEEP red districts. The very fact that we seemed to have a shot at EITHER of them was a big surprise.

    What happened in the end was the Republicans held their own. They performed pretty much as expected in both districts easily winning both. But what did happen was the strength of the Democratic challenge forced them to fight harder than they ever had to for these two districts. They had to fight harder than ever just to stay where they were.

    In and of itself this would be meaningless. But as part of a broader strategy (an extension of Howard Dean's "contest every district" philosophy) the Democrats did something pretty smart. The DCCC has far more money these days than the NRCC. This is unusual. Generally the NRCC does far better at fundraising. But people are so fed up with Bush that the Republicans are having a really hard time fundraising while the Dems are doing great.

    So the DCCC, somewhat uncharacteristically, decided to take a lesson from Howard Dean. So they used some of their surplus funds to make a try for deep red districts. They lost but in the process they made the Republicans spend money they just don't have.

    As of last filing the NRCC had $2.6 million in the bank and $3.6 million in debt. Yep they had MORE DEBT than cash. Since then we forced them to spend nearly 20% of the cash they had on hand to hold onto two districts that they never really had to defend before. This plunges them deeper into debt.

    I had hoped we would narrow the gap in both districts. We didn't. But it was still a smart move and continues the Dean revolution within the Democratic Party. We are showing the Republicans thatt hey can't take ANY districts for granted anymore.

    Anti-Defamation League: Too Much Religion on Politics

    America was founded explicitly as a secular nation. This was most definitively articulater in the Treaty of Tripoli, written by US diplomat Joel Barlow in 1796, unanimously approved by the US Senate in 1797 and signed by President John Adams, one of the instigators of the American Revolution and founders of our nation. Here is what the Treaty of Tripoli has to say:

    Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

    And yet the Republican Presidential candidates are doing all they can to prove themselves holier-and-more-intolerant-than-thou in their attempts to woo the religious bigot vote. They make claims that America is a Christian nation (contrary to what the founding fathers themselves believed) and openly advocate for discrimination against Muslim-Americans. Personally I think this behavior is disgusting and un-American. This goes against everything our founding fathers stood for.

    The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has a very good opinion piece on the topic. From the ADL website:

    Religion in the Presidential Race: A Troubling New Precedent
    By Abraham H. Foxman

    National Director of the Anti-Defamation League
    This article originally appeared in Jewish Telegraphic Agency on December 10, 2007

    Republican candidate Mitt Romney's speech to the American people about his Mormonism and faith in America was an important contribution to our ongoing national dialogue regarding the appropriate role of religion in politics.

    We agree there is no place in our society for bigotry and that one's religion should never be a test for political office. We also realize that Governor Romney is fighting an unacceptable prejudice against him because of his faith and understand his need to proclaim himself a Christian.

    Yet the speech was also a reminder that it has become part of our political culture for candidates to be forced into asserting their religiosity. The creeping emphasis on religion in our political culture, with some candidates openly professing their beliefs on the campaign trail -- at times even hawking them -- is something that should deeply concern all Americans.

    Forty-seven years have passed since then-presidential hopeful John F. Kennedy found it necessary to openly declare he was "not the Catholic candidate for president" but "the Democratic Party's candidate who happens also to be a Catholic."

    Who would have thought the same nagging questions raised about Kennedy's fitness for office would surface again in the 2007 presidential campaign, especially after the 2000 campaign when Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut proved that an observant Jew could run for the office of vice president without his religious faith being a factor in determining the outcome.

    Fast forward to the 2007 campaign, and there are more ominous signs that we haven't quite reached the point when one's religious beliefs are less important than his or her qualifications. It is disturbing that any candidate should feel compelled or even pressured to explain his religious views to voters. It is outrageous that a candidate should face religious bigotry and questions about his fitness for office because of his faith. And it is disconcerting that some candidates are now engaged in a dangerous game of political one-upmanship in an effort to win over the "religious vote."

    In his address, Governor Romney made four points that should resonate with every candidate and with all Americans. First, our nation has a "grand tradition" of religious tolerance and liberty.

    Second, we separate church and state affairs in this country, and for good reason -- "no religion should dictate the state, nor should the state interfere with the free practice of religion."

    Third, "a person should not be elected because of his faith, nor should he be rejected because of his faith." And finally, no president should put the doctrine of any church above "the sovereign authority of the law."

    We welcome these four points, but there was a subtext to the speech that provided some cause for concern. The speech was not truly a reaffirmation of the importance of the separation of church and state. Rather it reflected an effort we have seen in the current campaign -- indeed on the part of many of the candidates -- to appeal to religious voters on the basis of shared religiosity.

    Unlike candidate Kennedy's appeal to voters, candidates this year are not seeking to convince the American people that one's religious beliefs should not be a test for office. Rather they are emphasizing that their strongly held religious beliefs are yet another reason to vote for them.

    The Anti-Defamation League has previously called on Americans to judge candidates on the basis of their views on issues and their qualifications, and not the nature or depth of their religious commitment. Appealing to voters along religious lines can be divisive, contrary to the American ideal of including all in the political process, and can open the door to promises that violate the separation of government and religion.

    As we said during the 2000 campaign with regard to Senator Lieberman, candidates should feel comfortable explaining their religious convictions to voters. At the same time, however, we believe there is a point at which an emphasis on religion in a political campaign becomes inappropriate and even unsettling in a religiously diverse society such as ours.

    Anyone who legitimately aspires to the presidency of the United States must be prepared to set an example and be a leader for all Americans, of all faiths and of no faith.

    NYC FOCUS: Anti-Semitism in New York

    According to the FBI, hate crimes are on the rise again, up nearly 8% in 2006. This month a particularly nasty group of bigots in New York City attacked four Jews on the subway because those Jews had the unmittigated NERVE to say "Happy Hanukkah."

    From Haaretz:

    On [December 7th], Four Jewish subway riders who wished other people Happy Hanukkah were pelted with anti-Semitic remarks before being beaten, New York police and prosecutors said.

    The incident was being investigated as a possible hate crime.

    The four were on a train in Manhattan on Friday night, during the eight-day Jewish Festival of Lights, when they were approached by a group of 10 people who offered holiday greetings. The victims responded, Happy Hanukkah and were assaulted by the larger group, police said Tuesday.

    Police caught up with the train in Brooklyn and arrested eight men and two women, aged 19 and 20. They were arraigned Saturday on charges of assault, menacing, riot, harassment and disorderly conduct, the Brooklyn district attorney's office said.

    The case was being handled by the office's civil rights bureau, and charges could be upgraded to hate crimes, prosecutors said. The two men and two women who were attacked had bruises and welts on their faces and heads but were not hospitalized, police said.

    One of the men charged, Joseph Jirovec, pleaded guilty last year to attempted robbery as a hate crime and was awaiting sentencing, prosecutors said. Jirovec, who is white, was part of a group that yelled racial epithets and assaulted two black teenagers in Brooklyn, prosecutors said.

    Not sure why, but one aspect of this disgusting event that has been under reported is that a Muslim New Yorker jumped to the defense of the Jews being attacked by the bigots. From International CNN (which is MUCH better than American CNN!):

    Muslim man jumped to the aid of three Jewish subway riders after they were attacked by a group of young people who objected to one of the Jews saying "Happy Hanukkah," a spokeswoman for the three said Wednesday.

    [The] altercation on the Q train began when somebody yelled out "Merry Christmas," to which rider Walter Adler responded, "Happy Hanukkah," said Toba Hellerstein...

    One member of the group allegedly yelled, "Oh, Hanukkah. That's the day that the Jews killed Jesus," she said.

    [EDITOR'S NOTE: This shows the stupidity of these bigots who clearly have NO IDEA what Hanukkah really is. Hanukkah celebrates the defeat of Syrian Greeks by the Jews, an event that occurred well before Jesus was even born. Way to go bigot! Show the world how dumb you are!]

    When Adler tried to intercede, a male member of the group punched him, she said.

    Another passenger, Hassan Askari -- a Muslim student from Bangladesh -- came to Adler's aid, and the group began physically and verbally assaulting him, Hellerstein said.

    "A Muslim-American saved us when our own people were on the train and didn't do anything," Adler said.

    ATLANTA FOCUS: Veterans for Peace

    Republicans love to talk about supporting the troops and our Veterans...but they seldom actually do so...or even listen to them. Cutting combat pay and Veterans benefits while sending out troops into a war based on lies, Republicans refuse to listen to the increasing number of soldiers and veterans who oppose the Iraq quagmire.

    I try to make it a point to highlight those very voices that Republicans try to ignore. In that spirit, and noticing that Atlanta, Gerogia has become one of the cities I have lots of readers in, I would like to highlight the Atlanta, Georgia chapter of Veterans for Peace.

    From the Veterans for Peace Atlanta Chapter website:

    Since the build-up to the Iraq war, scattered members of VFP in the Atlanta area started finding one another and working together to oppose the war - sometimes by accident, sometimes by design.

    According to longtime VFP members in the Atlanta area, previous efforts to form an Atlanta chapter have been made over the years, however, an official chapter was not chartered by VFP National until August 2005, following concerted efforts by Debbie Clark of Marietta in instituting regular monthly meetings and rounding up members in the Atlanta area (and beyond) to sign a petition for chapter status. The chapter was approved by the VFP National Board at the VFP National Convention in Dallas, Texas in August 2005. Thus was the first VFP chapter in the state of Georgia born.

    As soldiers who served in Iraq started trickling back into the American mainstream, the Atlanta VFP has been attempting to provide support to them. Now being formed by Adam Reuter, Patrick Bray, and Erick Garcia is an Atlanta chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War.

    Veterans for Peace have several vigils and rallies around Atlanta. Here is their weekly schedule. I urge you to join them if you can to show your support:


    12:45-1 pm

    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at Emory University , in front of Woodruff Library. For more information e-mail: thee.smith@emory. edu.



    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at CNN, Marietta and Centennial Olympic Park. For more information e-mail John.Zientowski@ turner.com


    12:00-1:00 pm

    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at Colony Square , corner of Peachtree and 14th Street . For more information, e-mail bobbiepaul@rp.cbeyond.com

    12:00-1:00 pm

    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at Marietta Square ( Cobb Court House). For more information e-mail cobbpeace@comcast.net



    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at Dekalb Farmers Market At 3000 Ponce de Leon Avenue , Decatur For more information, Fro more information e-mail John.Zientowski@ turner.com


    12:15-1:00 pm

    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at the corner of MLK Drive and Washington Street (across from the state capitol). For more information, e-mail elogan@gsu.edu or peggyhendrix2000@yahoo.com.

    12:00-12:30 pm

    Weekly "Stand for Peace" vigil at 910 Ponce De Leon Ave NE ,Open Door Community. For more information contact Lauren Cogswell at lauren_cogswell@yahoo.com, 404-874-9652

    VIRGINIA FOCUS: Impeachment, Groups and Events

    Virginia is still one of the states where I have the most readers. So perhaps it is time to remind people of the local opportunities you have to be involved with your local community. My wife and I have made many friends and met many elected officials (and told them our opinions!) through joining local groups and attending local meetings like this. It is probably the most effective way you have available to you to change things.

    First, how about a weekly impeachment related events:

    Honk to Impeach Bush and Cheney to End the War Every Friday at noon in front of Rep. Bobby Scott's office building at the corner of E. Clay Street and N. 2nd Street-
    501 N. 2nd Street
    Richmond, VA 23219-1321
    Come by and HONK LOUDLY!!!

    Now some other groups and events:

    Democracy for Virginia:
    Here are the local Democracy for America chapters in Virginia. Click on the link for more info:

    * Arlington for Democracy (may be dormant...you can go here to contact the organizers and get more up to date info)

    * Roanoke DFA

    * Tidewater for Democracy

    * Virginia Grassroots Coalition (may be dormant...you can contact them here for more info: info@vagrassroots.org)

    Drinking Liberally:
    For the more social and fun-oriented (and booze oriented), there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the Virginia Drinking Liberally Chapters:

    Alexandria/Springfield, Virginia
    * Second Thursday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
    * King Street Blues, 5810 Kingstowne Center Drive, Alexandria (Corner of Kingstowne Blvd and Van Dorn Street)
    * Hosted by Brian Murray and Mike Sizemore, alexandria (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Arlington, Virginia
    * Every Thursday, 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
    * Capitol City Brewing Company, 2700 S Quincy St
    * We're usually in the back room at Cap City; check with the host station if you don't see us there!
    * "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world" - Margaret Mead
    * Hosted by David Swim, Quinn Jones, Michelle Elliott and Bev Wright, arlington (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Charlottesville, Virginia
    * Every Thursday, 6:00 pm onward
    * South Street Brewery, 106 W South St
    * Hosted by Chris Dumler and Clare Wuerker, charlottesville (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Lorton, Virginia
    * First and third Friday of each month, 6pm to 8 or 9
    * Glory Days Grill, 9459 Lorton Market St
    * First hour of the gathering is part of happy hour
    * Hosted by Alan Salisbury and Chris Ambrose, lorton (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Norfolk, Virginia
    * Third Thursday of each month, 5:00-7:00 pm
    * The New Belmont, 2117 Colonial Ave (upstairs at the bar)
    * Hosted by Tom Mitchell and Vivian Paige, norfolk (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Richmond, Virginia
    * Every other Wednesday, 7:00 pm onward
    * Chiocca's Downstairs, 425 N Belmont Ave (Museum District - corner of Kensington & Belmont)
    * Come join us for brews & news!
    * Hosted by Morgan Bailey and John Manall, richmond (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Virginia Beach, Virginia
    * First Friday of each month, 7:00 PM
    * Studio For The Healing Arts, 1611 Colley Ave # D, Norfolk, VA, Norfolk (One block from the Naro theater)
    * Zeitgeist the Movie, DVD Door Prize
    * http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Virginia9-11Truth/ http://vbdems.org
    * One block from the Naro theater in Ghent
    * Hosted by Chris Jaramillo and Eileen Levandoski, vabeach (at) drinkingliberally.org

    NEW JERSEY FOCUS: Events and Groups

    New Jersey remains one of the places outside NYC where I have the most readers. So perhaps it is time to remind people of the local opportunities you have to be involved with your local community. My wife and I have made many friends and met many elected officials (and told them our opinions!) through joining local groups and attending local meetings like this. It is probably the most effective way you have available to you to change things.

    Every Saturday Morning: Blue Jersey Radio
    Saturdays 10:30 - 11:00

    Listen Live every Saturday morning from 10:30a-11:00a - or download the podcast anytime to listen to the latest hot topics, gossip and opinion on New Jersey politics with hosts Jeff Gardner and Jay Lassiter.

    Click here to listen!

    December 19, 2007 Lower Twp. Dem Club Christmas Dinner
    Breakwater Rd.
    Cape May, NJ 08204
    DECEMBER 19,2007 5:30PM



    PLEASE REMEMBER TO RSVP: BY DECEMBER 17,2007 OR SOONER - JOHN MORRISON AT jpmvillas@yahoo.com or phone 886-1544

    Thursday, December 20 Greater Ocean Township Democats Holiday Potluck Dinner
    West Park Ave. Recreation Center
    Asbury Park, NJ 07712
    Thursday December 20th
    6:30pm to 9pm

    At the West Park Ave Recreation Center
    Oakhurst NJ

    RSVP by December 17th 732-493-3417

    Democrats 2000 Annual Holiday Party
    Please Join Us For The Democrats 2000 Annual Holiday Reception and Toy Drive on Thursday, December 20, at 6:30. This event will be held at Doll's Place, 101 Paterson Street, New Brunswick.

    This is a free event!

    Please bring a new, unwrapped gift which will be distributed to needy children in the New Brunswick area by our friends at Grace Worship Center.

    RSVP by visiting our website at www.democrats2000.com/contact.php

    New Jersey for Democracy:

    Here are the local Democracy for America groups in New Jersey:

    North Jersey -

    Bergen County
    Ethical Culture Society
    687 Larch Ave
    Teaneck, NJ 07666
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/bergen

    Essex County
    Cryan's Beef & Ale House
    24 First Street
    South Orange, NJ 07079
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/essex

    Hudson County
    The Hard Grove Cafe
    319 Grove St.
    Jersey City, NJ 07302
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/hudson
    (First Wednesday of the Month, 7:30pm)

    Morris County
    Morris County Democratic Headquarters
    11 Washington St
    Morristown, NJ 07960
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/morris

    Passaic County
    Puzo's Restaurant (Upstairs)
    4 Garfield Ave.
    Hawthorne, NJ 07506
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/passaic
    (First Thursday of the Month)

    Union County
    Rockin Joe Cafe
    20 Prospect Street
    Westfield, NJ 07090
    RSVP at Union Meetup

    Warren County
    MS Health Software Corp
    605 Grand Ave.
    Hackettstown, NJ
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/nwnj

    Central Jersey -

    Hunterdon County
    Friendly Grounds Coffee
    36 Mine St.
    Flemington, NJ
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/hunterdon

    Mercer County
    Carl A Fields Center
    86 Olden Street
    (Corner of Olden St and Prospect Ave on Princeton Univ campus)
    Princeton, NJ
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/mercercounty
    (please check DFA-Link for schedule)

    Middlesex County
    Panera Bread
    1551 Route 1 South
    Edison, NJ 08837
    (732) 516-1611
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/middlesexNJ

    Monmouth County
    Racioppi's Kitchen
    107 Oakland St. (at the train station at Bridge Ave.)
    Red Bank, NJ
    (917) 863-2408
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/monmouth

    Somerset County
    Somerset County Complex
    40 North Bridge St. (off of High)
    Somerville, NJ
    RSVP at Somerset Meetup
    (Second or Third Tuesday of the Month)

    South Jersey -

    Camden County
    Haddon Township Library
    15 MacArthur Blvd
    Westmont, NJ 08108
    RSVP at Progressive Democracy South Jersey
    4th Tues. of month

    Gloucester County
    RSVP at Democracy for Gloucester County
    (Please check DFA-Link for date & location)

    Ocean County
    Joshua Huddy Brew Pub and Grill
    1250 Hooper Ave.
    Toms River
    RSVP at www.dfalink.com/oceancounty
    (First Tuesday of the Month)

    Drinking Liberally:

    For the more social and fun-oriented (and booze oriented), there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the New Jersey Drinking Liberally Chapters:

    Hillsborough, New Jersey
    * Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
    * Petrock's Bar and Grill, 419 Amwell Rd (at Amwell and 206)
    * Hosted by Matthew Dawson, hillsborough (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Montclair, New Jersey
    * Second Thursday of each month, 7:30 pm onward
    * Just Jake's, 30 Park Street (b/t Bloomfield & Claremont)
    * We meet in the REAR DINING ROOM. Turn left after entering, go past the juke box, bar and W.C.
    * Ample parking in municipal lot next to Just Jake's (free after 7 pm)
    * ** Mtclair DL ON THE ROAD, TUES, NOV 13, from 8PM at PAUL'S BAR & BOWLING, 377 CROOKS AVE, PATERSON, NJ (973) 278-1982 http://local.yahoo.com/details?id=10780514 **THIS IS AN ADDITIONAL MEETING, WE STILL HAVE OUR USUAL 2nd THURSDAY
    * Hosted by Kevin Kelly and Dan Evans Farkas, montclair (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Third Thursday of each month, 8:00 pm onwards
    * Hennessey's Tavern, 140 Morris St (Corner of Elm & Morris, next to the train station)
    * There's plenty of public parking behind train station or on Elm Street.
    * Come on by & raise a pint with other fun loving local progressive's! Hope to see you there...
    * Hosted by Jim Long, Chip Robinson, David Cochran and Linda Humphries, morristown (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * First Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The Hop, 14 N Morris St
    * Hosted by Jim Long, Chip Robinson, Dave Cochran and Linda Humphries, dovernj (at) drinkingliberally.org

    New Brunswick, New Jersey
    * Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Doll's Place, 101 Paterson St (corner of Paterson & Joyce Kilmer)
    * Hosted by Bob Scardapane and Chris Swasey, newbrunswick (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Pennsauken, New Jersey
    * First and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Kings Row Sports Bar and Billiards, 6030 S Crescent Blvd (Route 130 N)
    * Hosted by Art Williams and Denise Williams, pennsauken (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Toms River, New Jersey
    * First Tuesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
    * Joshua Huddy Brew Pub, 1250 Hooper Ave (across from Ocean County Mall)
    * Hosted by Robin Kinlin and Ian Valentine, tomsriver (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Cape May County Federation of Democratic Women Meeting
    Sam DiVico Senior Center
    Cape May Court House, NJ 08210
    Join the Cape May County Federation of Democratic Women to discuss important local, state and federal issues. All are encouraged to join!

    2nd Thursday of every month.
    Sam DiVico Senior Center
    Romney Place
    Cape May Court House, NJ 08210

    For more information, please contact:

    Virginia Hesel

    PENNSYLVANIA FOCUS: Groups and Events

    Here are some important progressive events in Pennsylvania:

    First there are some important phone banking events that can really help some good Democrats win:

    Phone bank for Bensalem & County candidates
    Organized by: Diane Marseglia and Steve Santarsiero for County Commissioner
    Event Date: Monday, December 17th and 24th 2007
    Event Time: 5:30 PM
    Venue Name: Phone banking for Bensalem & County candidates
    City: Trevose
    State: PA
    Zip Code: 19053
    Phone Number: 267-255-5030
    e-mail: cbs58@earthlink.net

    Peace Vigil Every Saturday, 10:30 AM

    Intersection of Lincoln Hgwy & Oxford Valley Roads
    Business Route 1 & Oxford Valley Road at the Closed Transmission Station
    Langhorne, PA

    Organized by Lower Bucks for Democracy

    Next, here are some Drinking Liberally chapters in Pennsylvania:

    Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
    * Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The Orchards Restaurant, 1580 Orchard Dr
    * Ask for the Drinking Liberally group and you'll find us.
    * Hosted by Alice Elia, chambersburg (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
    * Second Thursday of each month (next meeting December 13), 6:00 pm onward
    * O'Rorke's Eatery & Spirits, 44 Steinwehr Avenue (second floor)
    * New Location
    * additional parking in National Park Service Visitor Center lot behind restaurant
    * Hosted by Eileen H. Potemra, gettysburg (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Lancaster, Pennsylvania
    * Every Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
    * Lancaster Brewing Company, 302 N Plum St (corner of Walnut and Plum)
    * Hosted by Jeff Fulmer, Monz Wenner and Cher Rineer, lancaster (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Center City
    * Every Tuesday, 6:00-9:00 pm
    * Tangier, 1801 Lombard St (at 18th St)
    * Hosted by Brendan Skwire, philadelphia (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Mount Airy
    * Every Thursday, 6:30-9:00 pm
    * Mermaid Inn, 7673 Germantown Ave
    * Hosted by Adam Zion, mtairy (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Reading, Pennsylvania
    * Second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6pm onward
    * Canal Street Restaurant & Pub, 535 Canal St (a few blocks past RACC along the riverfront)
    * NEW LOCATION!!! Great local beer from Legacy Brewing Co. & a large selection of wines by the glass.
    * NO Thanksgiving meeting, obviously. Enjoy your holiday and all those awkward political conversations with ornery family members!
    * Hosted by Kim Stahler and Dan Sauder, reading (at) drinkingliberally.org

    State College, Pennsylvania
    * First and third Tuesday of each month, 5:30 pm onward
    * Hi-Way Pizza, 428 Westerly Pky
    * Hosted by Nancy Crane, statecollege (at) drinkingliberally.org

    West Chester, Pennsylvania
    * First Thursday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
    * Ryan's Pub, 124 W Gay St (On Gay St. between Church & Darlington)
    * We are still on the once a month format and we have changed the venue to Ryan's. We'll be meeting up on the 2nd floor near the bar.
    * Remember, no need to feed the meters in town after 5pm- save that cash for drinks!
    * Hosted by Jonathan Long, Daniel Tyman and Jamie Manos, westchester (at) drinkingliberally.org

    York, Pennsylvania
    * Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The First Capital Dispensing Company, 57 N Pershing Ave (We usually secure a large table or two in the back room.)
    * Hosted by Phyllis Wise, Roland Rode and Craig Thomas, york (at) drinkingliberally.org

    CALIFORNIA FOCUS: Groups and Events

    California is another state where I have lots of readers. So I want to remind people of the resources they have for getting involved and affecting their community.

    Here are organizations for Californians:

    California for Democracy:
    Here are some local Democracy for America groups (click on the link for more info)

    DFA Marin

    Dean Democratic Club of Silicon Valley

    Democratic Club of Coarsegold

    DFA - Central Coast

    DFA-CFD of Fresno & Madera Counties

    DFA-CFD of Mariposa and Tuolumne Counties

    Democracy for Monterey County

    DFA-Orange County

    East Bay for Democracy

    Sacramento for Democracy

    San Diego for Democracy

    (San Fernando) Valley Grassroots for Democracy

    San Francisco for Democracy

    San Mateo County Democracy for America

    Santa Barbara Progressive Coalition

    Sonoma County DFA

    Democratic Club of LA HABRA: Since La Habra is one of my current top spots for readership, here is a Democratic Club I tracked down just for you:

    Democrats of North Orange County
    Bill Daly, President
    Bruce Sandercock, Vice-President
    P. O. Box 6597
    Fullerton, CA 92834
    Monthly meeting: First Thursday, Sizzler Restaurant,
    1401 N. Harbor, Fullerton; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. meeting

    And Since San Jose was one of my top readershop spots for a few weeks, here is info on a local San Jose Democratic Club:

    Santa Clara County (San Jose) Democratic Party November Meetup

    We meet at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month at the Dem Party Office, 2102 Almaden Road, Suite 114, San Jose, 95125. Feel free to bring snacks to share.

    Brought to you by the Santa Clara County Democratic Party (http://www.sccdp.org).... Please join us to learn ways to help elect Democrats in Santa Clara County and beyond.

    ~~Together, America Can Do Better!~~

    On Almaden ROAD (not Expwy), between Curtner and Canoas Garden. It's OK to park in the big lot, despite posted warnings.

    Internet directions usually suggest taking Almaden Expressway, which is sometimes backed up. A lower stress route is to take Bird Avenue west from 280 and follow it all the way until it dead-ends at Malone. Left on Malone, Right on Almaden Road and 2102 is on the first corner on your left.

    We meet in Suite 114, first door on your left as you enter the glass doors marked Main Entrance.

    Drinking Liberally:

    For those who like a more social, and beer focused, environment, there's Drinking Liberally. Here are the Drinking Liberally groups in California:

    Let me highlight San Jose...because for some reason San Jose is where most of my California readership is located!

    San Jose
    * Second Thursday of each month, 6:30 and on
    * Trials Pub in downtown San Jose, 265 N 1st St (main cross streets: W St James and W Julian)
    * September is our first meeting with our new host! I'm looking for a co-host, so let me know if you are interested
    * Hosted by Mia White, sanjose (at) drinkingliberally.org

    And here are the other California groups:

    Downtown Los Angeles
    * Third Wednesday of each month, 6:00-8:00 pm
    * The Edison, 108 West 2nd St
    * We'll be in the area past the bar, known as the "Generator Lounge" (the entrance to the bar is through the alley off of 2nd street)
    * Hosted by Vincent Jones, Cecilia Cabello, Becca Doten, Roxi Reeves and Jim Kennedy, downtownla (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 PM
    * Molly Malone's Irish Pub, 575 South Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles 90036 (near corner of 6th avenue)
    * http://www.mollymalonesla.com/
    * Hosted by Vincent Jones, Jim Kennedy and Mary Jack, la (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Every Tuesday, 7:30-10:00 pm
    * Madeleine's Wine Bistro, 1030 E Green St (between Wilson and Catalina)
    * We'll start out in the wine bar, then move out to the front patio.
    * Hosted by Asa Hopkins, pasadena (at) drinkingliberally.org

    San Fernando Valley
    * First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The White Harte Pub, 22456 Ventura Blvd, Woodland Hills (Two blocks west of Shoup Ave.)
    * Hosted by Andy Beaton and Jon Hytowitz, sfv (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Fourth Wednesday of each month, 7:00-9:00 pm
    * Cock and Bull Pub, 2947 Lincoln Blvd, Santa Monica
    * Hosted by Vincent Jones, Mary Jack, Robert Coyner, Gisele Perez, Jeremy Bloom, Tami Reiss, Marc Saltzberg and Jim Kennedy, westsidela (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Monterey, California
    * First Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward
    * Ol' Factory Cafe, 1725 Contra Costa St (In Sand City, off of Del Monte Blvd)
    * http://www.olfactorycafe.com/
    * Please note that The Ol' Factory Cafe currently only takes cash and local checks.
    * Hosted by Annie Ho, monterey (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Santa Ana
    * Every Thursday, 8:30 pm onward
    * Memphis Bar, 201 N Broadway (Artists Village)
    * Hosted by Mike Lawson, orangecounty (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Rancho Santa Margarita
    * Every Thursday, 7:00 pm onward
    * Canyon Fireside Grille, 22312 El Paseo
    * Hosted by Gary Kephart, rsm (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Huntington Beach
    * First and third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Oggi's Pizza & Brewing Co. - Out Back On The Patio, 19461 Main St
    * Next Meeting will be on Thursday November 15th
    * Hosted by Scott McKown and Louise Stewardson, huntingtonbeach (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Sacramento, California
    * Second Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * BJs Restaurant and Brewery, 3531 N Freeway Blvd (Natomas)
    * Come check out our new venue and meet some new people!
    * Hosted by Leslie Simmons, sacramento (at) drinkingliberally.org

    San Diego, California
    * Every other Tuesday, 7:30 pm onward
    * Nunu's Cocktail Lounge, 3537 5th Ave (Between Brookes and Ivy Ln)
    * We will also be meeting periodically at Firehouse in Pacific Beach for special editions of Drinking Liberally. 722 Grand Avenue Pacific Beach, CA 92109
    * Hosted by Jesse Rubin and Jason Miller, sandiego (at) drinkingliberally.org

    San Francisco
    * Every Monday, 7:00-9:00 pm
    * Nickie's, 466 Haight Street (between Fillmore & Webster) (Look for our red, white and blue striped bottle!)
    * Hosted by Susan Harrison, sf (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
    * Luka's Taproom & Lounge, 2221 Broadway
    * Join us for the Eating Liberally Oakland Brunch at Luka's
    * Hosted by Cyril Allen and Philip Combs, oakland (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * First and third Monday of each month, 5:00-6:30 pm
    * Compadre's, 505 Lincoln Ave
    * Hosted by Mick Winter and Lauren Coodley, napa (at) drinkingliberally.org

    San Luis Obispo, California
    * First and third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The Graduate, 990 Industrial Way
    * Hosted by Lorrie Toles and Sergio Monge, slo (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Santa Barbara, California
    * Every Wednesday, 8 pm - 10 pm
    * Elsie's Bar, 117 W de la Guerra St (behind Paseo Nuveo Mall)
    * Elsie's is 21+ and cash only
    * Hosted by Daryl Chrisman and Bart Woolery, santabarbara (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Santa Clarita, California
    * Second Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Mulligans, 25848 Tournament Rd (Near Cal Arts)
    * Hosted by Michael Cruz, Bill Bailey and Minerva Williams, santaclarita (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Santa Cruz, California
    * First Tuesday of each month, 8:00 pm onward
    * Cafe Pergolesi, 418 Cedar St (In the orange room to the right and back)
    * Hosted by Brandon Smith and Natalie Rojas, santacruz (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Stockton, California
    * Third Friday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Stockton Grand Hotel, 2323 Grand Canal Blvd (Front of Bar)
    * Grand Hotel tel. 209-957-9090
    * Joel's Cell: 209-351-3397
    * Hosted by Joel Carignan, stockton (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Ventura, California
    * Second and fourth Wednesday of each month, 8:00 pm
    * JJ Brewsky's, now and forever, 2344 Ventura Blvd, Camarillo (in the heart of Old Town Camarillo)
    * Join us every second and fourth Wednesdays at 8:00 PM for a pint and some politics!
    * Heather, Marie, Mark and Brian
    * Hosted by Heather Schmidt, Marie Davis, Mark Eggertsen and Brian Mack, ventura (at) drinkingliberally.org

    TEXAS FOCUS: Groups, Events and Rick Noriega

    Readership in Texas seems to be growing, and there is an important Senate race in Texas in 2008. So, here are some resources for Texas activists and some chances to meet Rick Noriega, candidate for Senate from Texas.

    From Rick Noriega's website:

    Here are some chances to hear and/or meet Rick Noriega:

    Rick Noriega speaking to East End Chamber of Commerce
    Houston | 12/19/2007 | 11:30am

    What: Rick Noriega speaking to East End Chamber of Commerce
    Date: December 19th, 2007
    Time: 11:30am
    Where: Brady's Landing, 8505 Cypress, Houston, TX

    Irving Democratic Club Christmas Party with Rick Noriega! (Social)
    Tuesday, December 18 at 7:00 PM

    The Community Building (Irving, TX)
    135 S. Jefferson
    Irving, TX 75060

    The building is located between Irving Boulevard and 2nd St. Easiest driving is west on Irving Boulevard from Dallas. From 183, exit O’Connor Rd south and turn left on 2nd. Head east until you reach S. Jefferson.

    Here are the Texas Drinking Liberally groups for those who like to socialize with fellow Liberals:

    Austin, Texas
    * Every Tuesday, 6:30 pm onward
    * The Dog and Duck Pub, 406 W 17th St (at Guadalupe)
    * Hosted by Ben Andrews, austin (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Corpus Christi, Texas
    * Third Thursday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * Cassidy's Irish Pub, 601 N Water St
    * Hosted by Teresa Klein and Jim Klein, corpuschristi (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Second Friday of each month, 6:00 pm onward
    * The Stoneleigh P, 2926 Maple Ave (at Wolf across from the historic Stoneleigh Hotel)
    * Check out our blog for announcements of Eating Liberally, Screening Liberally, Drinking Coffee Liberally and other nonsmoker-friendly gatherings. Also, please "friend" us at MySpace.com/DallasDrinkingLiberally.
    * Hosted by Melissa Morgan, dallas (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * Third Thursday of each month, 6pm until 8pm
    * The Quarter, 15201 Addison Rd (next to Sambuca)
    * http://www.myspace.com/addisondl
    * There is road construction! However, Addison Rd is now re-opened in both directions for the time being.
    * Hosted by John McClelland and Erica Stockbridge, addison (at) drinkingliberally.org

    * First and third Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm onward
    * Esparza's Tequila Factory and Grill, 3314 Harwood Rd, Bedford
    * Hosted by Kathleen Thompson and Todd Hill, midcities (at) drinkingliberally.org

    El Paso, Texas
    * Third Tuesday of each month, 6:00 pm to 8:00pm
    * Hemmingways, 214 Cincinnati Ave
    * Hosted by Michael Apodaca and Lily Ruiz, elpaso (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Houston, Texas
    * First Thursday of each month, 7 PM onward
    * Dog House Tavern, 2517 Bagby St
    * Visit or post on the Houston forum: http://drinkingliberally.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=6
    * Hosted by David Robertson, houston (at) drinkingliberally.org

    New Braunfels, Texas

    * Third Wednesday of each month, 7:00 pm onward
    * The Black Whale, On the Plaza in Downtown New Braunfels
    * Hosted by Steve Woolbert and Greg Woodall, newbraunfels (at) drinkingliberally.org

    San Antonio, Texas
    * Second and fourth Thursday of each month, 6:00 pm onward
    * The Cove, 606 W Cypress St (The Cove is located just west of San Pedro, where Cypress runs into Fredericksburg.)
    * Hosted by Bill Livermore, Livi Bogrand and Ned Allen, sanantonio (at) drinkingliberally.org

    Waxahachie, Texas
    * Every Thursday, 6:30 pm
    * Library Lounge, downstairs in the Rogers Hotel, 100 E Main St (Take the elevator or stairs from lobby)
    * Location changes from time to time. Be on the email for updates!
    * Food available; no smoking. Conversation-friendly environment!
    * Hosted by Nathalie Guyol, waxahachie (at) drinkingliberally.org