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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, October 13, 2007

    Pro-Choice, Pro-Stem Cell Research, Pro-Withdrawal

    Disappointed with the Democrats these days? Well, I am as well. But what I always keep in mind is that the vast majority of Democrats vote the way I want them to about 90% of the time.

    Some tell me that's not good enough. And, perhaps they are right.

    The vast majority of Democrats in Congress vote the right way, but in combination with the Republicans, there are still enough Democrats who vote pro-Bush too often to give Bush what he wants.

    There are two solutions. Defeat more Republicans, hopefully bringing in more Democrats who really do vote like Democrats and target some Bush-leaning Democrats with primary challenges. And defeat Democrats who vote too often with the Republicans.

    I don't often venture into other people's districts to discuss primaries. Honestly, that isn't what this newsletter is all about. But occasionally it is impossible to ignore primaries. Today I want to introduce you to Mark Pera, a grassroots Democrat endorsed by Democracy for America and NARAL. Mark is challenging Dan Lipinski (IL-3), a "Democrat" who is anti-choice, opposed to life-saving stem cell research, and who has voted in favor of Bush's Iraq Quagmire at every chance.

    Mark Pera would represent a welcome change in IL-3, bringing in a Democrat that is more in tune with mainstream America and more willing to stand up to Bush's extremist agenda. Lipinski is too entrenched in the era of politics where Democrats were too scared of Bush to do anything but quiver in fear. We need a Democrat with more spine.

    Again, I don't often discuss primaries in other states. I have enough to focus on in my own NYC area. But this is one of those cases where the choice is clear: collaboration with Bush (Lipinski) or fighting for mainstream American and Democratic values against Bush's extremism (Mark Pera).

    With endorsements from DFA and NARAL, Pera has a shot at this, but only with some real netroots and grassroots support. This comes from Jim Dean of Democracy for America:

    With Democrats like Congressman Dan Lipinski, the Republicans don't even need to run a candidate.

    There are some Democrats - Bush Democrats - who claim to represent us, but vote with Republicans on too many issues that matter.

    Send a message to Congress: You're on notice. Regardless of political party, when Congress won't represent the will of the American people, then DFA members will fight to replace them with someone who will.

    This is one bright blue Democratic district where we can make a change; Mark Pera is the progressive in the primary. Support Mark with a contribution of $15 right now:


    Congressman Lipinski is out of touch with his district. He can't stop himself from voting with the Bush party line to prevent life-saving stem cell research or give oil companies even higher profits. He's even voted five times to keep funding Bush's war and supports keeping troops in Iraq beyond 2010.

    But this election isn't just about bad votes; it's about leadership and community. Hand-picked by the party machine to take his father's seat in Congress, Dan Lipinski is a poster child for the culture of incumbency.

    Mark Pera represents the culture of activism. He worked his way up from the local school board to the State's Attorney's office by taking action and engaging members of the district. Pera has built a relationship with the community and has proven his ability to lead.

    Local DFA members are already on the ground supporting Mark by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and recruiting volunteers for their People-Powered Campaign. Please back up their hard work with your hard support by contributing $15 today:


    Time and again, Bush Democrats have let America down. Now, we'll show them why primaries matter.

    Thank you taking action today,

    Jim Dean

    The last time I asked you to help me support one Democrat over another was the Mississippi Insurance Commissioner race, pitting a pro-Insurance Company incumbent against a progressive challenger. The progressive challenger won. We won. Missippi won against the Insurance companies. We can do it again. Carefully chosen challenges to incumbents can make a difference. Join me again and maybe again we can win an upset victory for a progressive challenger.


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