Progressive Democrat Issue 110: DEMOCRATIC PROFILE: The Future Governor of Florida?
I have found that in 2005 and 2006 I have finally developed an eye for good, community oriented candidates. Some win, some don't. Some I agree with whole heartedly and some I have some differences with. But these are candidates who seem competant and dedicated to their community, so I am willing to support them despite some differences of opinion.
Sometime during the 2006 campaign I came across the name of Alex Sink, then candidate for the post of Florida Chief Financial Officer. Endorsed by many Florida newspapers as well as Democracy for America's Tampa Bay affiliate, she was clearly an excellent candidate. Ms. Sink won the race and is now Florida's CFO.
Since I supported her candidacy, I wound up on her mailing list for updates on what she is doing for Florida. And I have been impressed. She seems very consumer-oriented and has focused a great deal on disaster preparedness, something that will concern homeowners and insurance companies alike. I have posted what I considered helpful information from her newsletter, for example here, here and here.
Now often when I write things for blogs like Culture Kitchen and Daily Gotham, I get a fair amount of disagreement from both left and right. Well, that is part of this business of blogging. When I posted stuff about Alex Sink, I was surprised at the almost overwhelingly positive response I got about her...from people who normally don't agree with me much.
And, many of those people started referring to her as "the future Governor of Florida." Even on Daily Kos I have heard her referred to in this way. Makes me wonder if I have stumbled on someone with quite a bright future. Future governor of Florida. And then...who knows. Governors do well running for President and here is a woman who appeals across a wide spectrum of people, left and right in a way that people like Hillary Clinton does not. Who knows?
Others have mentioned her in the context of a future Florida Senate candidates. Other diaries on Alex Sink on Daily Kos can be found here and here.
Now, personally I find Alex Sink a bit too corporate for my tastes, but we are talking Florida and when I look at the issues she covers in her newsletter, she is far more consumer oriented than most corporate types are. I am, simply put, impressed with her. And increasingly convinced that she is the kind of Democrat who can turn Florida bluer than ever. The endorsement of a local DFA affiliate also reassures me.
So, keep your eye on Florida's CFO. She seems a rising star with a wide appeal. We may be hearing a lot more about her in the future. And, for now, since I get her newsletter, when I see something of interest, I will pass it along.
Sometime during the 2006 campaign I came across the name of Alex Sink, then candidate for the post of Florida Chief Financial Officer. Endorsed by many Florida newspapers as well as Democracy for America's Tampa Bay affiliate, she was clearly an excellent candidate. Ms. Sink won the race and is now Florida's CFO.
Since I supported her candidacy, I wound up on her mailing list for updates on what she is doing for Florida. And I have been impressed. She seems very consumer-oriented and has focused a great deal on disaster preparedness, something that will concern homeowners and insurance companies alike. I have posted what I considered helpful information from her newsletter, for example here, here and here.
Now often when I write things for blogs like Culture Kitchen and Daily Gotham, I get a fair amount of disagreement from both left and right. Well, that is part of this business of blogging. When I posted stuff about Alex Sink, I was surprised at the almost overwhelingly positive response I got about her...from people who normally don't agree with me much.
And, many of those people started referring to her as "the future Governor of Florida." Even on Daily Kos I have heard her referred to in this way. Makes me wonder if I have stumbled on someone with quite a bright future. Future governor of Florida. And then...who knows. Governors do well running for President and here is a woman who appeals across a wide spectrum of people, left and right in a way that people like Hillary Clinton does not. Who knows?
Others have mentioned her in the context of a future Florida Senate candidates. Other diaries on Alex Sink on Daily Kos can be found here and here.
Now, personally I find Alex Sink a bit too corporate for my tastes, but we are talking Florida and when I look at the issues she covers in her newsletter, she is far more consumer oriented than most corporate types are. I am, simply put, impressed with her. And increasingly convinced that she is the kind of Democrat who can turn Florida bluer than ever. The endorsement of a local DFA affiliate also reassures me.
So, keep your eye on Florida's CFO. She seems a rising star with a wide appeal. We may be hearing a lot more about her in the future. And, for now, since I get her newsletter, when I see something of interest, I will pass it along.
Alex Sink is a definite up and comer in Florida Politics. She is also the wife of Bill McBride, the unsucessful Dem Governor candidate in 2002. People said after that race that they believed she was the better politician in the family.
She is also the former Floria CEO for Bank of America in Florida, which gives her the cred necessary for the CFO job, parts of which are highly technical finance matters.
However, the CFO in Florida has a lot of consumer protection functions and is also a memeber of the State Cabinet. Sink is obviously aware that most of her contact with her constituents is going to come through her consumer protection efforts.
Smart lady. The sky really is the limit for her in Florida.
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