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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, February 17, 2007

    Progressive Democrat Issue 109: McCAIN AND THE SEVEN DWARFS

    Back in 1988, the Democrats fielded a lackluster bunch of candidates that were referred to by the press as "Gary Hart and the Seven Dwarfs." Truth is some of those political "Dwarfs" were actually extremely good people who would have made excellent presidents...my favorite was bow-tie wearing Senator Paul Simon. But none of them had broad appeal and the field definitely struck the media and the voters the media influenced as political dwarfs with little national stature. The entry of Joe Biden, one of the LEAST interesting of the 1988 "dwarfs," into the 2008 field of candidates practically forces a comparison with the 1988 situation.

    And the comparison is heartening to any good Democrat. In 1988, the Republicans were riding high on Ronald Reagan's popularity. Whatever I might say regarding some disastrous things Reagan did, he certainly knew how to work a crowd and his popularity remains undiminished to this day despite the fact that some of the consequences of his bad policies haunt us to this day. In 1988, the Republican Party was in the ascendancy with its far right wing fringe suddenly in the forefront, with an amiable and genuinely nice man, Ronald Reagan, at its lead. Had it not been for Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Sr, would never have been more than a political dwarf himself in presidential politics, though his accomplishments elsewhere were respectable.

    In 1988, the Democratic candidates that were fielded pretty much consisted of one sexy superstar, Gary Hart, and a bunch of unelectable candidates collectively referred to as "dwarfs." Even Jesse Jackson failed to inspire a broad swath of voters and was never really taken seriously. The danger of having a single sexy superstar who peaks early was illustrated by Gary Hart. He was the clear favorite and that made him the clear target. He was on the rise and just might have won the presidency, but after challenging the media to dog him, he was caught on film having an affair. A quiet affair might have been forgiven by a public who could forgive Reagan's knocking up Nancy before being married, JFK's many affairs, etc. But the blatant stupidity of being caught after telling challenging the press was political suicide. Hart was publicly disgraced and the dwarfs were left. Joe Biden was perhaps the least memorable of the dwarfs...and probably will be the least memorable candidate this year as well. Michael Dukakis was the final candidate, which ended in disaster.

    This year is different. This year we have at least three, possibly more, stars on the Democratic side, so the downfall of one leaves others. Hillary, Obama, Edwards, at a bare minimum, generate real enthusiasm among many. Hillary and Obama are peaking…perhaps too early and may be setting themselves up for an early fall. But overall the field is a good one. I think it is the first time in history a woman, a black and a Hispanic are all seriously in the running. Simply put, the Democratic field is EXCITING and headline generating. Having a good overall field will help get the voters thinking “Dem” whoever the ultimate winner is. We’re looking good overall. Brand Democrat may have some dings here and there, but overall it’s looking both fresh AND clean (heh, heh). I am sure we will get some explosions and implosions and scandals in the process, but I think the brand overall will remain attractive.

    Republicans have one of the least popular presidents EVER leading them. They are desperately trying to DISTANCE themselves from their party to the degree that registered Republican candidates are dropping the word “Republican” and claiming “Independence.” Brand Republican is not hot this year. That could change by 2008, I suppose, but I don’t see how. And no matter how you slice it, you don’t have Brand Republican having the Ronald Reagan smile. Instead it is marred by the Chimp Smirk, a marketing gimmick that never worked.

    Add to that the terrible field of Republican candidates. They aren’t all political “dwarfs” of the 1988 Democratic variety. But they are not much better. There is the anti-choice “iconoclast,” McCain, who has pretty much kissed Bush’s butt ever since Bush nearly ruined his political political career with nasty smears and who is the originator of this surge stupidity. You have Giuliani who basically will be unacceptable to most Republicans, particularly after dressing in drag, and who has more skeletons in his closet than most of America yet realizes. And who else do you have? Yeah…exactly. A bunch of political dwarfs.

    I believe one should NEVER underestimate the Republican Party’s ability to lie, steal and cheat their way to “winning” an election. And I believe one should NEVER underestimate the Democratic Party’s ability to Balkanize into factions that barely talk to each other and hence lose elections. But, from this point it is looking to me like an inverse of 1988, with the Republicans fielding the political dwarfs and Democrats being ready to win big.

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