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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, December 30, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 102: BLOGGING THE MIDWEST

    Grassroots is all about making connections, discussing issues and making plans with like-minded activists. Here I want to suggest some resources for Midwest readers to connect, discuss and plan.

    Here are discussion groups/blogs you can join to get connected locally: (with a blurb taken from each site describing itself)

    Democracy for Wisconsin discussion group: We are a group committed to developing a grassroots network throughout the State of Wisconsin aligned with Democracy for America, the national organization founded by former presidential candidate Howard Dean. Our goal is to develop strong, sustained grassroots participation in American democracy. We work to increase citizen engagement with the political process through voting, communicating with elected officials, reforming and strengthening the Democratic Party, and promoting candidates who support progressive values of peace, social justice and economic opportunities for all Americans. We are also committed to working with Democracy for America to fight against the influence and agenda of the two pillars of Republican political control in America: the far right wing and their radical, divisive policies, and the corporate special interests that dominate and fund our political system.

    Iowa Progress: We are a group of politically active young people who just can’t stop reading and writing about news, and we’re always growing. We aim to be the premier destination for an intelligent audience interested in the goings-on in one of the most politically important states in the country.

    Iowa Voters: This site will report on Iowa voting. We will seek open and transparent elections by reporting and editorializing.

    Open elections occur when roadblocks to voting are removed and when all candidates have equal opportunity to reach the voters.

    Transparent elections occur when there is no doubt that the results reflect the will of the electorate, and when the losers agree that they have lost an honest election, fairly conducted and openly administered in a way that a high school graduate can comprehend.

    MI-Dems: "Working together to build one Michigan" [My comment: looks intimidating to navagate at first, but it seems to be excellent in terms of information and content!]

    Rayne Today: [have to plug this one...I believe I have crossed virtual paths with this person in several contexts]

    Michigan Liberal: he four basic precepts of Michiganliberal.com, as defined by Matt:

    1) The Democratic Party is the liberal political party of America.

    2) The Republican Party of Michigan and the United States is currently controlled by a sinister coalition of amoral wealthy business interests and religious extremists.

    3) If we are to have any chance at all at stopping the tide of neocon/theocon thuggery, we must take pride in and embrace our great liberal heritage.

    4) A strong, bold, and united Democratic party is the only viable means to restoring human decency and honor to our state and national government. Further fragmentation of the left will only aid the radical right.


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