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Mole's Progressive Democrat

The Progressive Democrat Newsletter grew out of the frustration of the 2004 election. Originally intended for New York City progressives, its readership is now national. For anyone who wants to be alerted by email whenever this newsletter is updated (usually weekly), please send your email address and let me know what state you live in (so I can keep track of my readership).

Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States

I am a research biologist in NYC. Married with two kids living in Brooklyn.

  • Help end world hunger
  • Saturday, September 16, 2006

    Progressive Democrat Issue 87: NEW YORK FOCUS

    I will continue to highlight the efforts to win Congressional and State Senate seats locally. Please help out. It could make a HUGE difference in November.

    If you can't volunteer for any of the above, please at least donate to help our candidates. I am hoping to get my NJ, NY and VA readers competing in how much they donate...though NY is starting way ahead already.

    Here are the actions you can take to help win in November:

    Seize the State Senate Landline Phone Banking
    Every Monday and Wednesday Evening

    Monday, September 18th: RSVP at this Link
    Wednesday, September 20th: RSVP at this Link

    6:15 - 8:45 PM
    420 Lexington Ave (at 43rd St), Suite 360
    Bring photo ID to sign in at front desk.

    What will we be doing? We're going to be using landlines to do low-pressure calls to dramatically increase Democratic voter turnout in the most competitive State Senate races. This is a great way for first-time callers to get started.

    Why care about the State Senate? If you care about fair elections, education, transportation, the environment, healthcare, security, and other major issues in New York, you should care a lot about winning back the New York State Senate. Now that reformer Eliot Spitzer is likely to be New York's next governor, it's even more important to have a Democratic legislature in place.

    Can we win? Yes, we can. We’re just four seats from Democratic control for the first time since the mid 1960s. No, that’s not a typo: the 60’s. We need to take full advantage of popular outcry this year and overwhelm them with volunteer turnout.

    Take Back Congress! Landline Phone Banking
    Every Tuesday Evening

    Tuesday, September 19th: RSVP at this Link
    Tuesday, September 26th: RSVP at this Link

    6:15 - 8:45 PM 80 Eighth Ave (at 14th St)
    Suite 1802. Bring photo ID to sign in at front desk.

    Join us as we begin regular Tuesday evening landline phone banking using traditional phones. No predictive dialing, no computer skills needed. If your cell phone plan includes unlimited minutes (or you just have lots of extra minutes) you can make calls using your cell and keep a landline free for another volunteer.

    We're making low-pressure calls to targeted voters in Pennsylvania's 6th District, where a hotly-contested House race is underway. We'll help great Democratic candidate Lois Murphy dislodge Bush Rubberstamp House incumbent Jim Gerlach. And remember, the voters we help turn out for Lois are likely to support the entire Democratic ticket, so bye-bye, Rick Santorum!

    Take Back Congress: Canvassing Trip to PA, Sept. 17
    Sun, 09/17/2006 - 10:00am


    ACT Now NY is organizing a trip to Pennsylvania to help DFA-endorsed candidate Lois Murphy take back Congress. Volunteers will talk to voters about the issues and principles in the midterm elections.

    Note: In a recent DFNYC email, we incorrectly reported that this trip is on Sept. 27. It is not; it's on Sept. 17th.

    More info and RSVP at: www.actnowny.org (scroll down)

    Democrat Lois Murphy is running against incumbent Republican Jim Gerlach, another rubber-stamp in Congress for the Bush administration. The New York Times has called this race a "toss up," which means that grassroots outreach can make the difference.

    For more about Lois Murphy, visit http://www.loismurphy.org/


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